Chapter 17

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It was now the first day after Christmas vacation. Everybody was still talking about their new year resolutions meanwhile Roxy was just grumpy about being back at this damn school. She had just flew in a few days prior and was honestly still jet lagged. It was a foggy winter morning when her and Lena were heading to their first class. They were talking about what they had done over the holidays and just updating each other about their lives in general. "Oh by the way Rox...... i have to tell you something." Lena said looking at the girl. Her nose was red from the cold and she was sniffing a bit. Roxy adjusted her scarf and nodded towards Lena in order for her to continue. "So and Caleb are official and i just wanted to let you know because i know that you don't like him that much." She said looking a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing. "Oh...ok, i mean good for you Len. As long as he treats you right. Just don't bring him over to our room or anything....don't really want him there." Roxy said trying to put on a smile. "No of course not-" Lena tried to say but got interrupted when someone abruptly hugged her from behind.

"Hey Len!" An enthusiastic Caleb said while kissing the side of her head. "Sup Cal! Why so bubbly in the morning though?" She said with a shy smile. "Cause i missed you duh, I didn't see you nor hear from you for two whole weeks." He said while putting his arm around her shoulder. He was getting all pouty. "Cal i told you i had shitty connection on my ski trip, I missed you too but there was nothing i could do about it." She tells him while putting her arm around his waist. "How was Christmas and New year anyway?" She asked her boyfriend as they continued walking. "Spent Christmas with Levi and Leilani at her place since mom and dad couldn't even bother being there." He scoffed a bit before continuing, "Anyways, we had a New Year's party at Kira's place with everyone. It was really fun though i wish you had been there. How was your ski trip besides the wi-fi problem." He asked her while looking down at her side profile.

They were so lost in their own little world that they had completely disregarded Roxy who was walking right beside them. She had been rolling her eyes the entire time, contemplating if she should just ditch them and walk on her own. She decided against it since her classroom door was right in sight meaning Caleb would soon be gone. ".....alright I'll see you later then." The boy said while placing a quick kiss on her forehead. For the first time since he walked up to them, he seemed to notice Roxy. "....later Rosanne." He said with a mocking smirk before walking away. She rolled her eyes yet again before mumbling 'fucking asshole' under her breath. Lena observed their whole interaction, "wasn't expecting to third wheel first thing in the morning but we roll i guess." Roxy said as they entered their class. "I'm sorry Rox, and I'll tell him to be nicer to you....the last thing i want is for my relationship to make you uncomfortable." Lena said as sincerely as possible. "Save it Len....just leave it." She says while they get seated. Lena sighs and only a few words are exchanged between the two during that class.


It was now dinner time, Roxy sat on Aryan and Emma's table while they all caught up with each other. They saw Lena walking in and just as Roxy's hand shot up in the air to grab her attention, they saw who accompanied her. Roxy's hand fell to her side just as fast. Lena had just walked in with Caleb and the golden couple. They looked as dashing as always. Nothing much had changed except their hair, Levi's hair was a bit shorter than usual and Leilani had new braids, this time in a honey brown colour. Lena and Leilani were talking with each other as they walked ahead of the two boys, the four of them headed to the rvp table where Runa and Kira were seated.

Roxy looked away not wanting to give them any attention, she munched angrily on her food instead. "Damn is this where the ditching starts, heard they're now official." Some guy on the table said. "I mean in her defence I'd do the same." Emma said with her thick Manchester accent. Aryan rolled his eyes and Roxy stayed silent the entire time.

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