Chapter 15

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Friday rolled around, today would be the last game of the season and the last before Christmas break. Levi had been stressing all day since there was a lot of pressure on his shoulders. The football team was heading to practice, they were allowed to skip that day's classes since this was an important game. They were more than 40 minutes into practice and Lucas was a no show. Coach was pissed and had just screamed at the players to go find him. So now you could see a bunch of football players running around campus. The rvp excluding Levi was heading to the library when they ran into Levi.

"What are you doing here dude? Aren't you supposed to be having a pep talk right now or something?" Caleb said while glancing at his watch. Levi didn't respond, eyebrows scrunched up together. He was looking around, his eyes a bit unfocused. He was clearly stressed out. Leilani walked up to him. She put her hand on his cheek and he finally got out of his trance and looked at her, leaning into her touch. "....hey guys, we're looking for that fucking prick. He's a key player and he didn't fucking show up for practice and neither is he answering his phone."  He said while checking his phone to see if there were any updates on the guy's whereabouts.

"We must have scared the shit out of him yesterday" Caleb says while chuckling and fist bumping a now smirking Levi. "Alright......ok lets split up we'll help you out. Kira come with me and the rest of you guys can go together and check." Haruna says as she and Kira start heading the other way. "Thanks guys.....let's go." Levi says as they start looking for the guy.


They had been searching for about ten minutes when some guys from the football team gave Levi a call. "Hmm...alright we're close by.....ok I'll be there in a minute." Levi said into his phone before hanging up. "Did they find him?" Caleb asked. "Yea he was smoking behind the know where the sophomores vape or something." Levi responded mockingly with a smirk. Leilani scoffed, "Gosh what a loser." She said before walking in the direction of the cafeteria, the two guys following closely behind.

When they got there, they found two guys from the football team arguing with Lucas. It seemed like Lucas wasn't budging and didn't want to go to practice. Levi walked up to the commotion and Lucas immediately stopped talking mid sentence. "What's going on?" He asked and one of the guys and was told that Lucas wasn't cooperating. "Alright thanks for finding him guys, I'll deal with it now. You guys should just go back and tell coach that we'll be there in a bit. Oh and text the other guys so that they can also head back." Levi said calmly with his hands crossed over his chest.

"Ay Cap!" One of the guys said while they both headed back. Making sure to dab both Caleb and Lei up on the way. Now that the two were gone, Lucas seemed scared. Levi laughed a bit to himself while walking up closer to the guy. "So you're gonna stop throwing a child tantrum now Kingsley or should i give you a minute or two hmm?" Levi said slightly tilting his head and putting his hands in his pockets. "Look man....i just thought you guys would be better off without me today, I'm just not in a great head space right now." Lucas said trying to sound brave. At this Leilani chuckled and both her and Caleb walked up to either side of Lucas. He was leaning against the wall so he was trapped between the three of them. "Awww he took a day off for the sake of his mental health guys! How cute..." Leilani said while dramatically pouting. This made the rvp members laugh. "Now I'm normally all for that......but just not for people like you." Leilani said while leaning against the wall on her side and looking up at the guy with a sweet smile on her face. " Get your shit together...I'm not your fucking babysitter. There are guys counting on you and you're acting like fucking piece of shit. Now let's go." Levi said in a serious tone while starting to walk away. Lei and Caleb doing the same.

That's until Lucas asked something. "What do you mean by that?" He asked while looking down at his feet. His fist clenching so hard that his knuckles were turning white. Levi turned back around, "What? Did i not make myself clear?" He said getting clearly agitated. "No, what do you mean? What do you mean by people like me?" He said walking up to a certain someone. He was now standing in front of Leilani, his eyes showing nothing but rage. She must've touched a nerve when she said 'people like you'. Now, the rvp had gotten to know in the past weeks that they had been hanging out with him, that Lucas had an inferiority complex. He used to have a lot of acne in freshman year and used to get bullied by the other kids for it. So when he suddenly had a glow up in sophomore year, he became narcissistic. He would get a bit defensive whenever he'd get teased by the rvp about how he always seemed to be staring at his own reflection.

"Is it because I'm not as good looking as these guys? Or is it because I'm not as wealthy as you huh? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Lucas raised his voice getting even closer to the girl. The guys were about to push him off, but Leilani gave them a look. She was gonna deal with it. "Lucas......I couldn't care less about your looks nor your wealth, i knew you were insecure but damn tone it down for me will you. But yea I don't care about people like you." She said looking up at the guy, not breaking eye contact. "So what. do. you. mean by people like me?" He said getting too close for comfort. This made Levi fume, he was about to move forward but Caleb stopped him and shook his head no to whatever Levi was about to do.

"By people like you I mean....rapists." She said. His whole demeanour seemed to shatter, he backed away from her as if she had just stabbed him. He shook his head no multiple times while muttering the words 'that's not true' over and over again. He was running his hand through his hair a mad man. So it took everyone by surprise when he pushed Leilani against the wall and screamed "THAT IS NOT TRUE" This time Levi was not gonna hold himself back....neither was Caleb. Both boys pulled him off of her and pushed him to the ground. Levi and Caleb took turns punching the shit out of him, they made sure not to hit his face since that would make questions arise. Leilani just watched as Lucas lay there completely defenceless. At some point she stopped the guys. "Guys enough, he still has to play tonight."

They got up leaving him on the ground. "Get the fuck up and get ready to go to practice, I'm not gonna repeat myself." A pissed Levi said. Lucas sat up and mattered under his breath. "Who told you?" They still heard him though. They looked at him in disgust, "Shameless fucker." Caleb scoffed and the trio walked away leaving him to his thoughts.


Practice had went quite fine. Coach had screamed at Lucas of course and he had avoided Levi at all costs. The game had started a while ago. They were now having a halftime break and the coach was screaming at them because the other team was in the lead. All because Lucas kept doing amateur mistakes. He simply was mentally present, he became paranoid thinking everyone knew. Even when his teammates glared at him because of his mistakes, he thought they were judging him because of what he did.

Back at the bleachers, Emma and Roxy were talking about how bad the game was. "Gosh they're doing terrible." Roxy said while taking a bite from her pretzel. "You mean Lucas is doing horrible, I don't really understand ummm anything about football but i know that Lucas is the one messing up pretty much everything. Did you see how Levi glared at him?" Emma said matter of factly. A few guys from their class nodded at her statement and even said how they'd do a much better job. Meanwhile the pentagon was calmly observing the whole thing, they felt bad that Levi was losing his game but they were glad that Lucas was having a mental breakdown. They had made eye contact with him every now and then across the field. And by the way his eyes were so unfocused, they could just tell he wasn't mentally present.

Back at the locker room, the guys were having a pep talk with coach when Levi pulled Lucas aside. He put his hand on his shoulder and said "Look man if we lose tonight, I'm gonna fucking kill you." His eyes darkened and Lucas gulped. The team started heading back to the field and Lucas couldn't shake the nerves off no matter how much he tried. And that night, the ravens.....lost.

Author's note: Hey y'all sorry for the late update, something came up....but anyways don't forget to comment your thoughts!:)

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