Chapter 9

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Everybody was now gathered in the living room, it was time to cut the birthday cake. This huge cake was brought in by some people who worked for the family and set in the middle where everyone could see. Everybody started cheering when Leilani and her inner circle walked to the middle. To everyone's surprise Kira was dragging Lucas by the arm to the middle. Roxy was not the only who this surprised, everybody seemed to quiet down when he joined the pentagon. The rvp had been hanging out with Lucas almost the whole night but this was was they were making it known that he's now part of them.

Roxy glanced at Lena and could see a look of hurt in the girl's eyes. The two girls made eye contact as the cake was being cut and Lena immediately stormed off.  Some people turned and saw her walk away and of course people started talking. "I guess she's not close with them anymore...." "Damn i feel bad for her." "It's the pentagon after all what did she think." Could be heard coming from some people. Roxy contemplated following her friend outside but figured she probably needed space. After all she had just been betrayed by people she thought of as friends. And to think that Roxy thought that there was something going on between Lena and Caleb....

She now looked at the small group gathered in the middle. Lucas and Caleb were high-fiving each other while laughing after they both managed to get frosting on Leilani's cheeks. Roxy now felt the obligation to take revenge for Lena as well. With that in mind she left to find Lena.

*time skip*
It had been an hour or so since the cake had been cut and the party was still very much in full motion. Leilani had stepped outside to join Caleb while he was having a smoke break. The others were still inside entertaining the crowd. "Hey Cal..." the girl softly said. She now stood right next to the blonde boy, they both leaned against the wall and just stared at the pool in silence. "I thought you couldn't even handle the smell of smoke...why are you out here?" Caleb said while turning his face to look at the girl. "You're right...but i can tolerate about anything when my friend needs me." She said, still staring at the pool. Caleb sighed and didn't say anything. Instead he removed his jacket and handed it to Leilani. "Thanks...but are you not cold?" She said while putting the jacket on.

"I'll be it's the least i can do since we'll be out here for a while." He said looking straight ahead, taking a puff from his cig. Leilani looked at the side profile of her friend. She sympathised with him. She knew that this must be hard for him. "You can tell me what's on your mind you know." Cal said. "I'm worried about you." She said without skipping a beat. Caleb gave her a weird look, not quite understanding why. "Why's that?" He asked while taking a final puff and crushing his cig on the ground. "Come on Cal....i know how much you like Lena. So i can tell that you're finding it even more difficult to stay civil with that asshole." Leilani responded matter of factly.

Caleb let out a frustrated sigh. "Of course you can tell, you always can. It's just....i feel so disgusted with myself. I have to fake smiles with that fucker and bro hug him and do all of that while knowing what he did to Lena. I hate it Lei...i hate it so fucking much." He said running a hand through his hair. "I know Cal, it's utterly disgusting.....but just think about why we're doing this in the first place. Hmm?" She said while putting a hand on his shoulder. The boy looked at her, "I know this is what she wants...but I saw her earlier. She stormed off and she looked so hurt. I know it's all an act and that its part of the plan...but I don't like seeing her like that." He said. "'ll all be worth it. Trust me ok?" She said. "Lei i trust you with my life, you're like my sister....but it'll take me some time to get rid of the nausea that comes when i see him."

"And that's completely fine dude, you don't have to stop yourself from being disgusted. But i do however want you to stop hating yourself for doing this. It's not like we're really friends with the fucker. We just have to do what we do at every family and nod." She said and earned a laugh from the guy. "Thanks Lei.....really i mean it." He said and smiled at her, with a sad look still present in his eyes. He really did like Lena. "Aww...come here." Leilani said while holding her arms out and slightly laughing. Caleb gladly engulfed her in a bear hug. He was so grateful that he had people to turn to when he was feeling low. They stayed like that for a bit, both feeling comforted by each other's presence. They finally broke apart and Caleb said: "Ok let's head back inside, I can literally feel my balls freezing. Why the fuck did you have to be born in November." He said. Leilani rolled her eyes at the guy. "I really wonder what goes through that head of yours when you say such stupid stuff." She said and they both laughed while heading inside.

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