Chapter 14

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It had been about 2 days since the pool incident, and both the rvp and Roxy had been laying low. Lena didn't question her when she didn't return to class and neither when she didn't come to lunch, because she quite frankly already had an idea of what had went down. Roxy didn't really want to talk about the incident either especially with Lena, since she was starting to question some things. She was relieved when she didn't hear any rumours about her going around. The pentagon hadn't said anything simply because they didn't care enough and they had been planning something much bigger for a certain someone.

Roxy walked through the cafeteria doors eager to take a bite. They were serving sushi today and that's the only thing that was on her mind. She got her food and went to sit down with her friends. She joined in  on the conversation that Lena  and Emma were having as she munched on her food. She was lost in thought that she didn't realise at first how quiet the cafeteria was becoming. She glanced around a bit to see what the commotion was about and when her eyes landed on the pentagon's table she immediately went back to eating. She rolled her eyes not the slightest bit interested in whatever those assholes were doing. She was used to them getting this type of reaction every now and then even for the smallest things so she didn't think any different now. What surprised her was that Aryan was also staring at them. Just like her, Aryan was pretty indifferent about them so seeing him also gawking at them was unusual, so she also turned to look.

Lucas had been waiting for the pentagon at their usual table which was quite unusual since they'd normally all walk in together. He didn't care about the looks he was getting as he causally scrolled through his phone. The pentagon finally made their entrance and walked directly to him. Kira had just had soccer practice so she was still in her sports clothes and for some reason she still had her soccer ball with her. Lucas grinned as soon as he saw his 'friends'. However they didn't return the smile but instead quietly sat down in their usual spots. "Kira man, you didn't have the courtesy of changing before you came to see me....shame.." he said in a joking-flirty way to Kira who was seated next to him. The girl  dropped her fork and rolled her eyes. "Why the fuck would i change when i still have practice right after lunch.....especially for you." She said getting back to her food. "Damn i was're moody today its like its that time of the month. I don't even know why you put in so much effort when you're not that great anyways." He ended with a chuckle. Normally they'd just awkwardly laugh since they were tolerating him but now that none of them was having any of his bullshit, he was met by glares and uncomfortable silence.

"I find it really bold of you to say that to someone that's actually good at their sport." Levi said from across the table, picking at his food. "What?" Lucas said getting offended. "You heard me, you've been slacking off ever since you became 'close' to the before you talk shit, work on yourself before I decide to kick you off the team." Levi said while looking up from his plate. From the corner of his eye he could see Caleb and Haruna quietly snickering. A flush of embarrassment rushed through his veins. "I was just kidding dude jeez. What's up with all of you, you're all so moody today." He said trying to easen up the mood. "Just shut up and eat your food Lucas." Leilani nonchalantly said. " Campbell is on her period. What about the rest of y'all?" Lucas said with a slight laugh.

The girl glanced at him and just scoffed. "You're not fucking funny dude." She said and this ticked him off, his ego was getting bruised. He sighed and chuckled, "Goshhhhhhh....what is with y'all? Especially you Lei, like hop off my dick for a second would you." He said and everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and stared at him. If looks could kill, you wouldn't want to be Lucas Kingsley. Everybody was glaring at him, but the comment seemed to piss Levi more than anyone else. So before anyone else could react he grabbed Kira's ball from the ground and threw it at him. It hit him straight in the face and bounced back just to land in his food which just splashed all over his uniform, missing Kira just slightly.

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