Chapter 12

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@araven'sslander just posted

a lil birdie just told me that someone got what they deserved....
Now after all the drama that's been happening these last few days, i feel like y'all need an explanation. So the former post that was recently taken down was actually false. Turns out my anonymous source wasn't very truthful....

That's why you guys probably saw me talking to the pentagon, well we solved the issue so dw y'all 🤭

Anyways moving on to the liar- @roxblazes
she's the one that sent in the false information and started all this. And y'all will never guess what happened....
the rvp taught her a lesson to say the least, sources say she was even drenched at the end of it all. I mean kind of deserved if u ask me🤷🏼‍♀️
Roxy had spent the whole following day in her room. She told the hall director that she caught a cold and wasn't feeling good so she let her be. She didn't even get out to eat, luckily Emma brought her food. Emma didn't really know how to feel after the whole revelation, but seeing the state her friend was in, she did feel bad.

It was now around 1 pm and Roxy was just staring at her ceiling, too scared to even check her phone. The door slowly opened and Lena walked through. The girl had left school for a few days because she was sick, and now she was officially back. She glanced at her roommate who was already looking at her.

"Umm..hey Rox. You feeling better?" she said hesitantly. The girl slightly smiled and said "So you've heard too huh?". Lena gently nodded, "Yea...and look, they may have not handled it the best way...but like Rox- You shouldn't have done that girl. The first thing people warn you about is to not get on the rvp's wrong side." she said while gently sitting on her neatly done bed.

The red head laughed, "Look at you defending them. You're just like everybody else, you all basically suck up to the pentagon. I had expected better from you Len, especially after you saw how they're hanging out with your ex." she said while sitting up straight, eyes still puffy from all the crying.

"Woah Roxy, i'm not sucking up to anyone. I'm just trying to reason with you because you're my friend and i only want what's best for you. I want you to understand that if you still decide to go after's a losing game. They hold so much power here, so it'll be useless..." Lena says genuinely.

Roxy scoffs at this. "You guys from the east are sure weird......I also know what i'm capable of, so don't try that bullshit on me Lena. Plus you're only saying that because you want to get in Caleb's pants, so don't try to play smart with me." she says as she's laying back in bed and facing the other side.

There's a flash of hurt in Lena's eyes. "I don't know why you would say that honestly, i'm just tryna look out for you." she says trying to reason with the girl across the room. She doesn't respond for a while. "I don't wanna hear it Lena. I've never felt that embarrassed in my life, there's no way i'm gonna let them get away with it. And if you still don't support me after hearing what they did, since i'm sure everybody at this shitty school is talking about it. Then you can just fucking leave." she finally said in a monotone voice.

Lena just stood up and walked out of the room with a disappointed look on her face. She'd try to reason with her again later tonight, she thought to herself as she headed to class.


Well Lena's plan to convince Roxy didn't work. Instead it had sparked something in Roxy. She now felt like everybody was against her. The longer she thought the more she realized that she wouldn't harm their reputations. That's until she realized that they were all part of the student council. Students that were supposed to be exemplary. So she thought 'What's better than to ruin their titles with the administration.' She was positive that they'd at least do something. After all she was the vulnerable new kid.

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