Chapter 16

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Hey guys....I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long oh my gosh 😔. I've been really really busy......but enjoy....


Lucas was pacing around his room. Right after the ravens had lost, he had ran off the field. He didn't even wait for coach's
disappointed rant. He just couldn't bare to face his teammates, especially Levi. They had technically lost because of him, he kept making rookie mistakes and wasn't really paying attention.

Lucas sighed for what felt like the 20th time. His roommate hadn't come back to the dorm yet and he couldn't understand why......did he also know? There wasn't going to be a celebration anyways since they had he couldn't understand why he was late. It's not like he was worried or anything, its just that he needed emotional support. He couldn't shake off Levi's words from earlier.

'What the fuck am i even doing, get it together!' He thought to himself as he headed to bed. He was just gonna sleep it off. He had made sure to lock his door since he was paranoid. Plus his roommate had a key so he could get in just fine. After 30 minutes of laying in bed and constantly jumping at any noises, he finally drifted off to sleep.


Lucas' body hit a hard surface which made him jolt awake. He looked around not quite recognising his surroundings. He looked around and gulped when he saw who was in front of him. At least five guys from the football team were surrounding him, and right in the middle, stood Levi and Caleb. "Look who's awake....dreamt about me Kingsley?" One of the guys present said making everyone snicker. "What's going on? Why are we here?" Lucas asked. "We're here to teach you a lesson. Running off after making us lose an important game wasn't really nice you know." Levi said while leaning comfortably against a wall. "Go ahead boys, and have fun with it!" Levi lastly said. On cue, all guys present except the rvp boys, started beating up Lucas who was still on the ground. He was grunting in pain while the guys were cussing at him. Levi let them take out their frustrations on Lucas and him and Caleb just watched as he was getting beat up to a pump. Even lighting up a cigarette at some point.

After a while the two rvps stopped them and told them that he had learnt his lesson. After being assured that they wouldn't get in trouble, the guys left. Lucas lay there a bit limp. He was drifting in and out of consciousness the entire time. The two boys just stared at him, not even bothering to say anything. Caleb pulled his phone out of his pocket and called someone. Not even 5 minutes had passed when 3 new people joined them.

Lucas couldn't really make out the figures in front of him since he could barely keep his eyes open but when they started talking, recognition flushed through his veins. The pentagon was complete.

The boys made him sit up against the wall. One by one they all sat down on the ground facing him until they had now formed a semi circle around him. The air was filled with silence until Lucas' cries replaced it. "Please just leave me alone....I'm sorry ok? If this is about the game I'm really sorry..if this is about the other situation, I'll repent all my life ok? Just please...." He sobbed into the cold air. He had nothing but his thin pyjamas on, so he was also shivering. Kira scoffed, "You can repent in a jail cell for all i care." She said glaring at him.

Lucas stared at the people in front of him. Caleb to his right, Haruna seated next to Caleb, the golden couple right in the middle and Kira right next to them meaning she's to his left. He started laughing, partly because of how ridiculous he found the whole situation and how he used to idolise these people. The laugh started off very quiet until it gradually became louder. Now he was laughing like a mad man.

The pentagon looked at him weird. He looked like he had completely lost it. "Why are you even doing this huh? It's not like i did it to any of you. WHY DO YOU FUCKING CARE?" He said getting agitated. "We have morals, that's why we care you fucking creep." Levi said. "Which one even told you? It's not like they didn't want me or anything, i could literally tell..." at this point Lucas was mumbling to himself. But the rvp then realised he said 'which one'.

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