Chapter 10

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Levi was laying on his bed thinking about all that had went down earlier that day. He had tried following Leilani and Caleb but none of them had wanted to talk to him. He had also gotten a scolding from Kira, he knew he deserved all of it. He groaned in his pillow, how could he have been so stupid. The words Caleb had told him resonated in his head. Caleb had never been this upset at him.

He had decided to give Leilani some time, since he knew that's what she needed. But he knew he couldn't do the same with Caleb, after all they were roommates. He waited patiently for Caleb to return, he could tell that the guy had been avoiding him. When he heard the door to the room open, he sat up quickly. Caleb entered the room and first paused when he saw Levi, when they locked eyes Caleb rolled his eyes and proceeded to remove his jacket. Levi watched his best friend do his usual routine in silence. "Cal can we-" he attempted to say. "Shut up Levi." Caleb said while struggling to remove his sneakers. Levi stayed silent for a moment, "Come on Cal i-" he said but quickly stopped himself when Caleb glared at him. The room was filled with silence again for a while. Until Caleb broke the silence. "You're an idiot you know that right?" He said nonchalantly. Levi slumped his shoulders and slowly nodded.

"I know..." he defeatedly said. "I'm sorry for not believing you guys" Caleb sighed and shook his head at his best friend. He knew that Levi could be a dumbass sometimes. "I'm not saying that I completely forgive you dude, cause you definitely hurt me man." Caleb said softly. Levi nodded, completely understanding. "I don't know what got into me......i guess i got paranoid. I knew that you guys would never do that to me but someone got to me- that's not what's important. I hurt you guys because of my own insecurities and I'm sorry Cal. You're my brother for fucks sake I don't know what got into me. God." Levi said, rubbing his eyes then putting his head in his hands. He felt so bad for what he did. Caleb could see that his friend genuinely hated what he did. He looked at his friend from across the room for a bit and said "I'll forgive you on one condition..". "Anything bro..." Levi said while raising his head from his hands. "I'll forgive you if you let me drive Betty B." He said with a huge smile on his face. This made Levi laugh out loud. Betty B was the stupid name Caleb had given Levi's new Bentley. Caleb had wanted to drive it but Levi had said that Caleb couldn't be trusted around it. Because Caleb had once scratched one his cars when they went for a drive.

"Uhhhh do I have to..." Levi whined a bit. Caleb triumphantly nodded with a lazy smile. Since Levi had no choice he just gave in. Caleb's whooping echoed through the room, which made Levi laugh even harder. He was glad that he had his best friend back. When Caleb had finished celebrating, he sat up straight on his bed. "So....i may have been easy to convince, but.......what are you gonna do about Leilani." Caleb said while making a 😬 face. Levi's smile immediately faded when he remembered he still has to apologise to his girl, which was going to be very difficult. "By the look on your face i can tell you have no idea." Caleb said crossing his arms. Levi nodded while rubbing his eyes. "We'll figure something out......but anyways do you have any idea who took the pictures in the first place?" Caleb asked.

"Nope, but i can go ask the chick that posted them. I surely have a few words to say to her." Levi responded. He had read the post again when he had calmed down and had not liked the use of the 'bros before hoes' thing. Or the whole thing matter of fact, this random girl had straight up disrespected two of the most important people in his life. "Take the asshole with you then." Caleb said with gritted teeth. Levi frowned a bit and said "Huh? Why? I wanted you to come with me." Caleb rolled his eyes at his friend. "We gotta make him feel included in order to inflate his ego Lev. It's like your brain isn't working today or something." Caleb said while plopping on his bed with a loud sigh. Levi nodded since the boy did have a point. For the rest of the night, they made a plan on how to apologise to Leilani.


It had been a lunch full of tension for all Ravenwood students. None of the pentagon members were at their usual table. Since rumours had spread, everybody pretty much knew what was going on. They didn't really know how to deal with it though, since they hadn't seen such a fall out before. They didn't even know if they could call it a fall out.

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