Chapter 4

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The day everybody had excitedly been waiting for had finally arrived. The annual bonfire had everybody buzzing with excitement. While everybody was thinking about what to wear that night, the council was stressed. They had all been running up and down all morning making sure that everything was in its place and that nothing was missing. It was now 1 pm and the bonfire would officially begin at 6 pm. The student council had to wear the official navy blue tracksuit of the school. While they all protested, the teachers made it clear that they had to wear them so that the rest of the students can be able to identify them in case they need help with something. In the end they all reluctantly agreed because the tracksuit was quite cute, the only thing that was quite tacky about it was the huge school logo at the back of it.

(This is the look we're going for)Roxy had just had lunch and decided to walk around campus instead of heading back to the dorms and looking for an outfit like everybody else was

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(This is the look we're going for)
Roxy had just had lunch and decided to walk around campus instead of heading back to the dorms and looking for an outfit like everybody else was. She walked past where the big event would be happening later that night and saw Lena standing next to some boxes. She had a notebook and looked like she was  noting stuff down. Roxy decided to walk up to her friend and relieve her of some the stress that she clearly had. She walked up behind her and said : "BOO!.......HAHAHHA" Lena looked like she had heart attack right then and there. "Normal people just say hi you know" Lena said while quickly going back to the list of items noted down in her notebook. "What are you doing here anyway? The event starts in like 5 hours"  "Well i just wanted to see you before literally all of the school gets here you know." Roxy says and Lena lightly smiles at this. She was about to respond until they saw two people rapidly approaching them. They both saw none other than Leilani and Caleb bickering with each other. "So you're telling me you wrote 10 crates of soda instead of 100 by ACCIDENT? You had one job Caleb...ONE JOB!"  "First of all I realised it when it was already too i thought it'd be logical for the suppliers to interpret it as 100 since they're providing for a school which has 500+ people" "Caleb they supply what you fucking WRITE." "Well SCREAMING AT ME WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING." They could hear them saying the closer they got.

"Ok so let me get this straight ....Caleb forgot a zero and now we're fucked." Lena said and by the look on Leilani's face, she got her answer. "Calebbbb....i thought you double checked." Lena said, Leilani's stress was starting to get contagious. "I did! I guess i just missed it....i already apologised plus Lei almost killed me....I'm still recovering. Girl needs anger management classes." As soon as those last words left his mouth, Leilani snatched Lena's notebook and attempted to hit Caleb with it, he luckily dodged it right on time while laughing. Leilani composed herself before handing the notebook back to Lena. "I'm sorry...this day has just been really stressful and this dumbass isn't helping at all." Leilani said while glaring at Caleb, the same way she had done just ten minutes prior, when they had opened the supply truck and seen 10 crates instead of 100.

"It's fine Lei....I'll see if i can make any last minute calls. I'm sure we'll figure something out." Lena said and got engulfed in a hug by both pentagon members. "Ok guys...I'm chocking here." She said with a chuckle. They both let go of her and seemed to notice Roxy who had been standing there the entire time. She awkwardly waved at them with a small smile and Leilani reciprocated her actions. "Oh hi Rosanne!" Caleb said on the other hand with a bright smile. Roxy was about to correct him but decided against it, 'I'll just tell him tonight' she thought to herself.

"Anyways, you're a life saver Lennie! We gotta go though, we have to check if the kitchen has all the snacks for tonight or if someone is just like our Caleb here." Leilani said directing a sarcastic smile at Caleb. He just rolled his eyes in return and they both walked away. Caleb however slightly turned back and mouthed an 'I owe you' at Lena and even winked. This didn't go unnoticed by Roxy though. She turned to Lena and teased her "Okkkkk what was that? Are you seeing Caleb?". Lena quickly shook her head no and denied all allegations while clearly blushing. She then proceeded to excuse herself with the excuse that she still had a lot of things to do which was actually true.

Roxy was left standing there, lost in her own thoughts. She then soon headed back to the dorm and started getting ready for the big night.

*fast forward to later that evening*

Roxy had decided to go for a classy yet casual look. She decided to wear a beige cropped blazer with a brown top underneath, and some cream high waist pants. She hoped that it would keep her warm enough on that mid October night. The event was about to begin, so she texted Emma so that they could head there together.

(Roxy's outfit)As both girls approached the designated location they could see a bunch of students already seated

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(Roxy's outfit)
As both girls approached the designated location they could see a bunch of students already seated. The annual bonfire took place in the football field because it was the largest place that could accommodate all students. It was nicely decorated and divided into four sections. The seniors, the juniors, the sophomores and the freshmen. There was a fire in the middle of each section and a bunch of benches and bean bags all around it. They were even signs that said which section is which in order to avoid getting lost. "Damn they went all out this year!" Emma said while dragging Roxy to the senior section. They found Aryan and some other people already there, so they also got seated. There was however no sign of the pentagon or even Lena.

Roxy figured that they were probably still organising some stuff and didn't bother asking about their whereabouts. It was now 5:50 and that's when everybody started showing up. It was very noisy for a bit as everyone was heading to their section. After everybody was seated into the right areas with the help of some teachers, who had volunteered to work overtime, the student council finally marched in.

15 people wearing matching tracksuits filed in, at the front being none other than the student body president herself, Leilani Campbell. By her side was Levi and they both lead the way to the mini podium that was right in the middle of all sections, so everybody could see them. Leilani then proceeded to step onto the podium and was handed a microphone. "I'd like to start by thanking everybody for showing up. For those who don't know me, my name is Leilani Campbell and I'm your student body president." She paused a bit because people started cheering, "ummm.. as you all may know, this is a big event here at RavenWood. It's in our school's tradition to organise a bonfire each and every year and for some of you this may be the first one you're attending. We tried to make this one a memorable one because this is a first for our freshmen, and our very last one as seniors." The seniors all erupted in cheers as soon as she said this. "So don't hesitate to ask any of us if you need help with something and I'd also like to thank the teachers present tonight for helping us out! With that being said, let's get this thing startedddd!" She ended her speech and the crowd cheered once more.

The student council then spread themselves among all four areas. They were handing out drinks, marshmallows and other snacks. They were also socialising with the students. Roxy could tell that Levi, who was handing out drinks with a teacher in the sophomore section, was forced to smile at all the sophomores that were just gawking at him. Once they started grilling marshmallows, the conversations started getting juicy among the students. Laughter could be heard from all corners of the field and you could just tell that everybody was genuinely enjoying themselves.

About 30 minutes in, the student council was finally given the chance to sit in their respective sections. Meaning the pentagon, Lena and two other seniors had finally come to the senior's section. As soon as Roxy saw them, she smiled to herself. 'Here we got this Roxy' she thought to herself while heading their way.

Author's note: oop, cliffhanger 🤭
Question of the day; who's your fav character so far and why?

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