Taste Testing

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Mini grinned as she watched Rudy wash his hands.

"Happy?" Rudy asked.

Mini nodded.

Previously, Rudy had tried to help Brynne cook up whatever storm she was making. Mini stayed far away from it cause she was wise like that. Then Rudy's hand got some mysterious-substance-only-Brynne-can-name because Brynne was busy trying to cook and kick Rudy.

"Hey, Mini!" Brynne shouted.

"What," she answered.

"Watch the timer for me! I'm making Aru be my guinea pig for a new recipe!" Brynne said, appearing from the corner, wiping her hands on her clothes.

"That's unhygenic!" Mini wailed as a response. "Don't do that to your clothes!'

"What is?" Rudy asked.

Brynne just smirked.

"Oh, by the way, can I go?" Mini said, she did not want to stay trapped in the room with the smoke Brynne caused while cooking/baking.

Brynne's face went slack. "I cannot trust Rudy to not burn my delicacy."

"Hey!" Rudy complained. Then he put on his sunglasses. "I know exactly what I'm doing."

Brynne sneered at him.

"How long is the timer anyways?" Mini asked.

"Fourty minutes."

"That should be plenty of time!" Mini said. "Now let's go."

Mini then shoved Brynne out of the door.

"I can't trust Rudy with the oven!" Brynne complained.

"Neither can I," Mini agreed, "But let's keep going."

Brynne aggressively spammed the doorbell and she stayed out there for a few minutes before Aru popped her head out.

"Hello!" Mini said, sticking out her elbow.

Aru bumped it back. "What are you guys doing here? Also, just press the doorbell once please. You broke my ears."

"I need honest opinions here," Brynne answered. Then she shoved some cookies in front of her. "Introducing my new recipes!"

"Is it poison?" Aru asked.

"What?" Brynne said. "Why would you put poison in cookies? That's atrocious!"

Mini then leaned toward the plate to sniff it. "Doesn't smell like cinnamon. It smells like diabetes to me."

"Don't insult my cooking!" Brynne said.

"Are you offending sugar right now?" Aru said, looking highly offended.

"Well, yeah. Sugar can-," Mini began.

"I'm not even gonna let you finish that sentence," Aru said, shoving herself out the door and closing it quickly. "Sugar is live."

"I would die without it," Brynne said. "Now for the ultimate taste test!"

"I have food allergies," Aru said, sounding more like a question.

Mini had a whole bunch of allergies in truth. That's why she always had a whole bunch of epipens. "I can save you," she said, waving them in front of her face.

Aru grumbled and ate one. Then she ate another one. And another one. And another one. Mini was really concerned. Her teeth were probably gonna rot.

"Stop it!" Brynne demanded. "Your ruining my supply of these things!"

"There's one left!" Aru said.

Mini quickly snatched before Aru could stuff some more in her mouth. "No, no, no. Chew all your food first."

Aru recluctantly obeyed while Brynne snatched the cookie out of Mini's hand.

"I made it!" Brynne said, shoving the whole thing in her mouth. "So it's mine!"

Aru frowned. "Not fair."

"I'm hungry now," Brynne said.

"Brynne," Mini said, "That was the seventh snack you ate today."

"I eat twenty a day," Brynne answered.

"Suprise, suprise!" Aru said, making jazz hands.

Brynne just rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Mini stretched. "While we're still here, let's talk! But first sanitizer."

Aru groaned.

Sure they might be complaining, but hygiene was very important. Mini squirted some sanitizer on to their hands.

"Okay, we got that covered," Mini said, squirting some into her own hands. "Now, here's the wedding invitation."

She passed a card to Aru.

"Your getting married?" Aru asked.

"What?" Mini shrieked. "No!"

"With Rudy," Brynne whispered, mainly to Aru, but Mini still heard it.

Mini flapped her hand in front of Brynne's face. "Shut up."

"Mm-hmm," Brynne said while Aru laughed.

"So whose wedding is this?" Aru asked.

"Rudy's cousin," Mini answered.

"Why am I invited?"

"Because Rudy's cousin that's getting married wants a whole lot more people on his wedding than his friend had," Mini said. Truthfully, she felt like that was a stupid thing to do, but it wasn't her wedding so she couldn't exactly do anything about it.

"Damn, who would go that far for a wedding?" Aru asked.

"People," Brynne answered. Then her stomach grumbled. "All this talking makes me hungry. I'm leaving."

"Bye, bye!" Aru said waving at both of them. Mini waved her hand back and left to follow Brynne who was muttering some recipes.

"Hey," Brynne asked her, "Do you think fourty minutes passed?"

"No," Mini said.

"Well I think he just did something stupid," Brynne said. Then she sprinted away leaving Mini walking by herself. She did even think about catching up because Brynne ran way too fast.

Mini walked into the house with the door still open. She closed it by kicking it with her feet.

"You guys took so long," Rudy complained.

Brynne walked over to her and whispered, "Make him shut up."

Mini glared at her then took out her trusty sanitizer and squirted it at his face.

"Whoops," she said.

"I'm stealing that move," Brynne said, maxing out the stove fire. "Oh look, fire!"

Rudy made a visible frown and flicked the sanitizer off his face.

"Here," Mini said, handing him a tissue.

"Thanks," Rudy said. "I don't deserve to be treated like this. Plus, it smells weird."

"It's antibacterial!" Mini said.

"It's for the hands, though!" Rudy groaned. "My face doesn't deserve this."

"Shut up, Rudy," Brynne said, then turning to her. "You just made him talk even more!"

Mini just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not responsible for someone's actions but my own."

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