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As soon as Aiden got shoved into the house, he took off his sunglasses and mask. They kind of suffocated him and when he breathed, some of that air would go to the glasses and make them foggy. Aiden didn't really complain about it but it really was bugging him.

Then Aru suddenly clapped her hands together. "Your technically no longer my hostage so you can roam around. However, phones off limits, do not open the shades, basically no contact to the outside world unless I give you permission."

Aiden nodded. He was happy that he was no longer going to get killed and also the fact that he didn't have to sit in the same spot 24/7.

"You will still have to 'live' in the closet I assigned you, but I will clean it up a bit, so you can explore in the meantime," Aru added.

Aiden just shrugged and walked around. He was secretly screaming inside with happiness but he stayed quiet because the neighbors would probably hear and that would technically count as revealing Aru's true identity somehow.

He was also going to live. To see all his friends and family. 

However, that all depended on if Aru actually found a way for him to live. Maybe he would die. Aiden decided to stick to the latter option, in fear he was going to jinx his life span.

"I'm done!" Aru said, clapping her hands together.

Aiden turned around. "Already?"

"What do you mean already?"

"Like, wasn't there cockroaches in there?" Aiden asked. 

"Weren't you okay living with them?" Aru asked. "You seemed fine in the chair."

"What?" Aiden said.

Aru rolled her eyes. "I was faking that. I just wanted to throw a knife near your head to see if my aim had improved."

"So you were aiming," Aiden paused for a second to think about it, "At my head."

Aru shook her head. "I was aiming next to that hair strand near you ear."

Aiden reached for it and pulled it to show it's full length. "This?"

Aru nodded.


"Just go visit your room," Aru said. Then she pointed to a black door. "That room's mine. Off limits."

Aiden just nodded and followed Aru to the closet.

There were pink walls on one side and some doors were white while other were black. All in all, Aru's house was kind of weird. However, once they reached this room, the colors turned into normal housing colors. 

Aru stepped into the room and walked over to a closet looking thing. She slid the doors open and made jazzy hands. "Ta-da!"

Aiden was not very impressed. There was one blanket, a book in a pillowcase, and shelves that were covered with paper and that paper was full of holes, probably from knives.

"Oh wait," Aru said, stepping on the blankets. Then she ripped the paper off. It didn't come that cleanly. Scraps of paper flew into Aru's hair which kind of looked like dandruff. 

"Um, your hair," Aiden called out to Aru.

"I know! This is why I hate cleaning!" Aru complained.

"Then don't get it messy in the first place!" Aiden said. What a simple solution.

"How is that possible?" Aru asked.

Aiden sighed and let Aru continue ripping off the paper which revealed a very empty shelf.

Aru threw the paper chunks away from the closet and did her jazz hands again. "Ta-da!"

"That's very high quality," Aiden said, looking around. "Is that book supposed to be my pillow?"

Aru shrugged. "I only have one. And we're not sharing it. That'd be weird."

Aiden agreed it would be very weird so he didn't say anything.

"Now what do we do?" Aru asked, looking at the clock.

Aiden followed her gaze and apparently, it was 11:42 PM.

"Sleep?" Aiden suggested.

"Yuck, no! At this time we binge watch movies!" Aru said excitedly. Then she ran away leaving Aiden alone.

Aiden sighed again. Aru was pretty fast, considering she had short legs.

Aru showed up again and grabbed Aiden's sleeve and forcefully pulled him onto the couch. It was kind of small, maybe for only three people, and it was hard as brick.

"Don't mind my furniture. I was on a tight budget," Aru answered when she saw Aiden akwardly sit down.

Aiden knocked on it and it made the same sound a door would make. "I can see that."

"You mean 'hear that'?" Aru corrected.

"You have a point," Aiden said.

Aru grabbed the remote and pressed a few buttons and then "Frozen" showed on the screen.

"Can I leave?" Aiden asked, slowly standing up. It wasn't entirely the movie choice that made him want to leave, but it was also because he felt his sleep schedule was going to get even more screwed than it actually was.

"No!" Aru said. Then she came over and shoved him back to the sofa. "This is a classic!"

"Really? This seems like a waste of time to me. Can I go sleep?" Aiden said.

"You heard me! No!" Aru yelled into his ear. Then she went back to the other side of the couch.

Aiden stayed seated and almost fell asleep until Aru flicked his head. "Listen!"


"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen," The movie played.

Aiden groaned and rubbed his temples.

"It's not a big deal, listen to it. It's masterpiece!" Aru said. "But I'm also kind of jealous of Elsa. How does she have the perfect braid?"

Aiden touched Aru's hair which was done in a messy version of a braid. "Maybe it's because you don't have the right type of hair."

Aru swatted Aiden's hand away. "That's not fair!"

"Well that's also life!"

"Now shut up!" Aru said and she drifted off to her side of the couch.

"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!

Aiden sighed which he was starting to do a lot more these days.

When the song ended, Aru turned it off.

"I thought you would watch the whole thing," Aiden said.

"Do you want to?"

"No!" Aiden said.

"Then why are you complaining? I only watched this to listen to the song," Aru exclaimed. Then she tossed the remote on the rock hard couch. "I give you permission to go to sleep."

"Yay," Aiden said.

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