Screaming Plans

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Kara polished the gun with a dried up wet wipe so it looked like she was doing something. She really just wanted to avoid talking to her father, so she picked up a random tissue thing from the floor and started her acting, which was flawless, because he didn't bat an eye at her.

She started thinking of Aru, how she was still probably hiding, hair flying into her mouth because the wind was never in her favor. Kara made Aru hide for other reasons, plus, she felt like a good sister and gave her some time to think about her problems with that boy.

Kara's mind wandered to the previous incident. She really only called out the code word to see if Aru was listening, which she should, but just in case. She didn't decide on the code word, Aru did, and Kara didn't know if it was to embarass her or not, but Kara felt embarassed as she uttured those words so loudly in public.

She was supposed to be at the shooting, but the Sleeper changed his mind last minute and chose to send people hiding in alleys first and then ambush them with a bigger crowd that included Kara. Kara didn't think much of this, she just texted Aru the message.

"Hi," a person said, waving their hand as a hello. "This is my first time getting to do this. I'm so excited!"

Kara looked at this person questionably. She was a girl with long black hair tied into a slick ponytail. She was tall, but not as tall as Kara, and had huge eyes and red lips.

"Who are you? And do you even know what your talking about?" Kara whispered, keeping her voice down to a minimum.

"I choose not to tell others my name, and yes, I know what I'm talking about. The shooting, right?" the girl asked. She sounded so innocent, talking about a subject that wasn't innocent at all.

Kara looked at her, visibly confused.

"I'm assuming this isn't your first time, you don't look nervous," the girl began.

It wasn't her first time at all. That was years ago. However, she was nervous, but for a different reason.

"But you look confused for general knowledge things, here, we're supposed to like killing, right?"

Kara didn't know if she wanted to slap this girl or one by one, tear her down because of how correct she was about the killing thing.

"First of all, I've been in this killing industry for years, much more than you," Kara started.

"How long?" the girl stabbed back. "I've been here for 5 years," she said haughtily.

"Fifteen," Kara answered. "Now, if your so proud of being able to be part of this, stop interviewing me and wasting my time." Kara wanted to add the fact that she was the Sleeper's daughter, but then again, she wasn't really going to be doing something that proved her loyalty to her dad or anything. 

"Oh," the girl said. Then she stood up and walked away dejectedly. 

Kara rolled her eyes. It was just a typical chatty girl who thought she was better than everyone else. She continued dirtying her gun up, trying to look like she was cleaning it instead with that wipe thing.

Then an alarm rang. Kara knew enough to know what that was and she immediately grabbed her rifle that looked like it was found in a mudflat and left the building. She quickly shoved her mask on.

The Sleeper caught her eye and just nodded at her. Kara winced on the inside, but instead, she smiled with her eyes at him and continued to run towards their destination.

"Go!" the Sleeper said softly, but forcefully.

Kara began shooting. This gun did have bullets, but Kara did a lousy job on her aim. 

Aru, who came from hiding because Kara demanded so, was also beside her, pretending to shoot. "What do we do?"

"You know that boy, call him and tell him to get away," Kara whispered. She didn't feel like she was in the right mind, but everything was going to be okay. Her goal so far was to live to 30.

"Why?" Aru asked. Her gun slowly dropped and stared directly at her, ignoring the painful screams of people.

"Just listen!" Kara hissed. Then she grabbed Aru's arm because she suddenly changed her mind. "Get the Sleeper away instead, then warn that boy."

"Okay, okay," Aru said. Then she dashed off, dropping her gun on the floor which made Kara roll her eyes.

Before Kara actually did anything, she examined the scene around her. People were screaming, but she was used to it, it didn't bother her. She also saw a whole lot of blood which didn't bother her either because she was used to it. 

She glanced at the people beside her. One of them was looking at her strangely because her gun was on the floor. 

Kara didn't even know why, but she felt anxiety. Her vision turned a bit blurry which Kara shook away. She had a job to complete. 

She didn't see the Sleeper anywhere, so she had to take action now. 

"Everybody!" She screamed. "Stop firing!"

They ignored her.

"Who are you?" a person asked.

"I'm the Sleeper's daughter, and I order you to back down and leave!"

Half of them left, and Kara left to scream at them more. She was skilled at that.

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