The Walk

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Aiden was waiting for Aru to get rid of her phone.

It was a long time before she actually got rid of the phone. First, Aru made a phone call. Then this person in a black costume came and retrieved the phone and then the person drove away. To hell if the phone reached Ohio or not, Aiden just wanted to get out of the ropes.

Aiden slept through most of it, because now he was used to his power naps that entertained him when Aru was doing some weird stuff.

Aiden was woken abruptly with Aru throwing some beans on his head. Aiden scowled because he technically still had popcorn in his head because Aru was to lazy to grab a vacuum and vacuum his head. That was another reason why Aru was kind of dumb.

"What?" Aru asked after innocently throwing a gallon of dried beans in his hair. "Once I 'free' you, you can take them out... Am I right?"

Aiden just sighed as Aru hacked the bonds. Then Aru said, "You promise you won't escape?"

"Don't you have a billion locks round the house?" Aiden asked. 


"So you expect me to just poof outside?"

"Yeah," Aru said, sawing the last piece of rope. "Okay, your now free for an hour!"

Aiden stood up and almost fell back down again. He could never get used to do standing after so much ropes strangling him. Even if he still could use the bathroom everyday, his sleep schedule would derive him of walking.

Aru just snorted while Aiden cracked his neck. 

"I can do it better," Aru said, making a much more louder pop sound in her neck.

Aiden just stared blankly. "Seriously?"

Aru just shrugged and turned to the kitchen to make some dish with this mysterious vegetable of some sort. Though Aiden could still feel her eyes on him because she probably still believed that he could go 'poof!'

Aiden cracked his knuckles and scanned the room, looking for a future escape. There literally was locks everywhere after the encounter of the police officer who was obsessed with Oreos. Nobody could get out of this house, unless they knew the lock numbers.

"What are you doing?" Aru asked him, wiping her hands on her shirt.


"Your standing still," Aru noted. "Are you doing mind tricks to 'poof!' out of this house?"

"Huh? What? Why?" Aiden asked.

"I'll just mind my own business then," Aru said, putting her hands up in surrender, then put them down because they still had this weird pulp of the vegetable smeared on her hands.

Aiden just looked at her strangely before turning around and walking around the house for escape. 

After the laid back months of getting tied up and being kidnapped business, he hadn't really thought of an escape. Plus, he saved Aru once and that should probably be enough. Right?

Aiden was conflicted with this and scanned each room. There was almost no windows and if there were windows, they were all covered in shades and duct tape taping them to permanent place.

Aiden bit his lip and sighed as he scanned around the house for the third time. What a mistake.

"Your thinking about escaping, huh?" Aru mocked. Then Aru stuck her tongue out. "Fat chance!"

Aiden just groaned as he listened to Aru provoke him and stuff. Then Aiden flicked Aru's forehead and that pretty much stopped her, though she was still provoking him. Silently which wasn't much better, but at least his ear drums weren't banging.

As Aiden searched around the room, he was starting to lose hope of leaving. Every nook and cranny was covered and Aiden was especially afraid of touching some weird object and blowing it up. He told his mom he was alive. So he probably had to fulfill that promise by staying alive which Aru seemed to let him do just fine, even though she shoved toothpaste in his mouth and made him brush his teeth without the brush.

Aiden sighed as he looked around his little area of closet. Boring. Nothing much except for a chair and freshly new ropes waiting on stand by. Also a few guns that were locked onto the walls.

"Told you!" Aru said, creeping up behind him. "You can't escape."

"Haha," Aiden faked laughed. "Now tell me, how am I going to die?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Aru asked. "Just because I held you hostage doesn't mean I now how your going to die. Nobody told me anything so I can't really do anything."

"Okay?" Aiden said, though it sounded more like a question.

"Anyways," Aru said, swiping her hands, shaking off the imaginary dust. "Time to get tied up!" She raised her fist.

"Wait!" Aiden demanded. "Why do you have to knock me out all the time?"

"I am not letting you see who I wrap ropes around sturdy and neatly. That's top secret," Aru answered.


Aru just rubbed her hands. "Do you want Oreo fists to knock you out? Or just bare hands."

Aiden just sighed as he figured out that Aru's craziness could not be fixed in the end. "You know what. I don't care," he said as he sat on his chair.

"Yay!" Aru faked cheered. Then she punched him he could not brace himself of at the moment.

"Snoozy, snoozy," Aru said as she flicked his forehead.

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