Le Gasp

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Brynne sugar coated the drink with more cinnamon. And even more.

"Did you know that eating two much cinnamon, especially Cassia cinnamon can increase the risk of cancer. I recommend that you stop with the cinnamon," Mini noted.

Brynne grumbled. Then she added sugar instead.

"Too much sugar can make you too hyperactive and then will suddenly make you sluggish. A huge sugar intake everyday can lead to diabetes, higher blood pressure, and make you obese."

Brynne let out a sigh. Then she decided to put salt in because the drink usually had salt in it. However, once she put more than an ounce in, Mini began spewing with the facts again.

"If you add too much salt in your drink, it can also lead to higher blood pressure and stroke. You also increase the risk of heart disease and-"

"I give up," Brynne blurted out, spilling all the content inside of it which made Mini eye her wearily.

Brynne was always a good cook. Give her fried ketchup. She could turn it into a perfect omelette. Give her some onions, she could whip up brilliant samosas. Yum.

But, with Mini next to her talking about the side effect and symptoms of too much salt, sugar, cinnamon, etc., etc., it was way too hard to make anything decent.

Mini, seeing the look on Brynne's face which looked like a bull when it saw red, even though a bull is color-blind, was unnerving.

Silence filled the air for 5 minutes straight before Brynne reached for the whipped cream and shot it in her mouth.

"Don't!" Mini cried out. "It, like many others, can cause heart disease and it can cause body inflammation!"

"I'm growing girl!" Brynne shot back.

"Your growth spurt happened years ago," Mini said, clutching her fork which looked like a deadly weapon. It shined a bit creepily.

Brynne scowled and reached for some brussel sprouts.

"I approve," Mini said.

"I didn't ask for approval," Brynne said, stuffing more brussel sprouts into her large mouth.

"Well, it's always good to know which things are healthy!" Mini exclaimed, dropping her fork.

"I know which things are healthy," Brynne scowled.

"Really? How?"

"If it's green, then it's healthy."

Mini looked outraged. "Shamrock shakes are so unhealthy to the body and you never know which candy might be green!"

"I like green skittles," Brynne said. "So they're good for me."

Mini opened and closed her mouth. "I just can't. Like, I just can't with you."

"Uh-huh," Brynne said, reaching for the Skittles, searching for green ones that seemed to be hidden among the red ones.

Mini sighed but then the doorbell rang. It was obnoxious, strictly speaking that the person ringing the doorbell wouldn't stop pressing that doorbell.

"Get it," Brynne said.

"It's your home. Why do I have to open the door?"

"I opened the door when you came in."

Mini sighed and pulled open the door.

There, in front of her, was Rudra, or, most likely known as Rudy.

Mini immediately blushed and then went straight to the questions. "What are you doing here?"

"Geez, no need to be so harsh on me," Rudy said, putting his hands up. "Now, I want some chocolate."

"No," said Brynne.


" 'Cause they're mine. The chocolate is mine."

Mini sighed. Rudy and Brynne never got along. Especially because Rudy's tie-dye, was apparently 'blinding' Brynne which enabled her to cook. 

"Wait, why am I here?" Rudy asked, stepping through the door way and throwing his jacket on the floor like he owned the place.

"You wanted chocolate?" Mini said.

"I did want chocolate but," Rudy paused, biting his lower lip. "Huh, that's funny, I forgot."

"Yeah, because some fairy went into your mind and swiped that memory from you," Brynne snorted.

"Don't insult me! My mom is part of the board of educ-" Rudy began.

"Yes we know," Brynne snapped. "And your grandfather is part of the Senate, and your dad is part of the school board and, blah, blah, blah. Seriously, get a hold of yourself."

Rudy sneered.

Then a sudden light bulb seemed to appear above his head.

"I remember!" he exclaimed. Then he bit his bottom lip which made it turn into a grim line.

"Remember my cousin? Aiden?" Rudy started.

"I was friends before you guys knew him," Brynne snorted.

"I remember him," Mini said. "What about him?"

"Well, uh," Rudy paused, suddenly staring at the ground, fidgeting with one of those rocks in his hands.

"Spit it out, Rudy," Brynne demanded.

He opened his mouth and it stayed like that for a minute before he finally spoke.

"Aiden got kidnapped."

*Le Gasp*

Okay, so, I know that wasn't much action and all it technically was is talking. But! At least you guys got to know what Brynne and Mini are basically like in the story! Yeah, I sort of dragged out this chapter but, anyway. Thanks for reading!

    - winter_is_fun

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