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Brynne was an eater. Also a cooker.

Anybody who seen her try ordering something on the menu and ripping off bucks for new things because they tasted gross would know that.

But recently, Brynne stopped with the cooking, only keeping up with the secret cookie recepie that definetely did not contain some artificial apple juice.

Mini would definetely yell at her with the artificial apple juice thing.

Still, apple juice tasted good. That was undeniable. Unless you were allergic to them which Brynne would allow them to live on those circumstances.

Brynne almost choked on apple juice when she saw the police cars driving and pulling up in front of her so called neighbors 'home'. Her neighbor, Aru, wouldn't even let them in, like she was hiding something.

Brynne wanted to be relieved because even if she did happen to be a murderer, Brynne would know Aiden was safe because Aru was the most un-murdery person she ever met.

Aru could kill, obviously, but she'd probably kill plants by stomping them and ripping them apart.

Brynne watched as Mini stormed in to watch from a window to keep safe.

The police man went in and after a few large minutes of Brynne's life, he came out with a fuming face. No handcuffs though.

This was what persuaded Brynne to stand up and go to Aru's house despite many protests from Mini because Brynne invited Rudy without telling her.

Brynne hoped the two love birds/snakes/humans would resolve any conflict and kiss already.

Even though Brynne would've paid some good bucks to watch it, she marched up to Aru's house and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Aru said, peeking her head out the door, not even opening the door fully. Just enough for a her head.

"What's in your house?" Brynne asked.

"It's not my house."

"Then why do you live in it?" Brynne asked.

Aru sniffed, then looked up showing her ultra frizzy hair that probably wasn't like that before. "It was my mom's."

Brynne wrinkled her nose. Her mom, Anila, wasn't even a motherly figure to her. When a boiling pot was about to fall, Anila didn't push her. Instead, she saved her cheap leather purse and let the water burn up Brynne.

That didn't burn her, but it only burned her rage.

Brynne rubbed the burnt spot on her arm, grimacing from the memory.

"Hello?" Aru asked. "Do you need anything? Or am I free to go."

Brynne cracked her neck. "I want answers. What was your mom like?"

Aru raised her eye. "Why would you want to know that?"

Brynne paused. It wasn't like she could suddenly say: "Oh, I just wanted to know what having a loving mom felt like", nor could she say: "I like collecting information from others", cause all of that would sound weird.

"My-" Brynne began, resting her hand on the burnt spot instead of rubbing it.

"My mom died before I could really get to know her so, there you have it," Aru interrupted. Then she slammed the door shut.

Brynne just looked at the black door before walking back.

What she saw was a shocker. Even more shell-shocking than that triple yolk egg she once opened up.

Mini. Was. Finally. DIRTY!

She was covered with filth and some possible poisonous sticks next to Rudy who seemed to be proud of himself.

"Rudy, what did you do?" Brynne threatened.

"Naw, it's okay. I wanted to go outside. I guess that's my fault," Mini butted in, slowly walking to the sink. It looked like she was holding her breath.

"How would that happen when you got outside?" Brynne asked, glaring at Rudy. At least they spent a 'moment' together.

"Some phobias," Mini grunted, washing her hands before washing anything else.

Rudy just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me. I was 5 feet away from her."

"You should've been closer," Brynne said under her breath.


"Nothing," Brynne said. "I just met up with Aru. A bit shady, but probably doesn't have Aiden."

Rudy frowned. "Why haven't the cops find him yet? He's literally the talk of the town but no one's noticing?"

"The talk of the town," Mini repeated, looking all clean. Then she whipped out a clip and fixed her bangs.

"Well no. I'm  the talk of the town, but I guess he's... fourth," Rudy said.

That just made Brynne snort.

"Who's second and third?" she asked heading toward the kitchen to avoid the colorful eyesore Rudy was wearing.

"Second is Mini and third is Malini," Rudy said.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Brynne said, looking pointedly at the blushing Mini who seemed to creep to wall slowly but thoroughly.

"Uh, the only reason why is because she doesn't have anger issues like you," Rudy said. Brynne glared at him and Mini snorted.

"And the reason why she's above Malini is because she seems to be crying everyday," Rudy concluded. "And Aiden is gone so I have no idea what he's supposed to be like now."

Mini's face saddened like she was only 2nd place because of those stupid reasons.

That made Brynne glare even more at Rudy before going back to the kitchen to dice some apples.

She liked apples.

And apple pie. Yum.

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