Pink Stuff

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Aiden grunted as he moved around in his chair. He had no idea how long he had been there, a year? Probably not a year, maybe a few months? He really should start marking the days passing by in his head.

Aru told him 18 months had past, but Aiden was smart enough to know that not even have the year had passed.

The closet then smashed open by the one and only Aru who was holding a piece of cake.

"I thought you were going to give me Oreos again," Aiden replied.

Aru shook a finger at him. "Nuh-uh-uh. It's for me. You can just watch me eat and wallow up into a puddle of hunger and realize what the real world is."

Aiden sighed as he said, "Why are you like this, Shah?"

"Are you insulting me?" Aru exclaimed.


"I cannot tolerate this disrespect. Get out," Aru said as she munched on her cake.

"I'm tied to a chair. How the hell do I get out?" Aiden said.

"Poof!" Aru said.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "I told you already. I can't just go poof!"

"What a shame," Aru sneered and finished her last bite although it seemed like her first bite was just a few seconds ago.

Then Aru heard the doorbell ring and she sprang up, dropping the plate, and broke it.

"Uh-" Aiden voiced out before Aru dashed to the door, leaving him in the ropes.

A few seconds later and a few muffled conversations, Aru finally came with this thing wrapped in pretty packaging.

"What is that?" Aiden asked, very confused of why Aru had this lumpy thing in her hands. Was it that secret phone call she made? A murder weapon?

As the victim of a kidnapper, you always had to stay at the edge and beware because anyday could be your last day.

Aru just grinned. "It's better than what your thinking."

"I think it's worse."

Aru just shrugged her shoulders. "Eh." Then she picked up the fork and began stabbing the package with it. Once she made a successful hole, she began ripping it apart.

Aiden knew it was going to be bad once he saw the pink stuff with a bunch of glitter in it. He winced as Aru shoved the pink thing out of the package. 

"You like it?" Aru asked, spinning it around.

Aiden shook his head. It was a huge dress with extra frills and glitter and sequins. Worst of all, they were pink

Aiden didn't have anything against pink, that'd be color racist (if that was a thing), but he just had a bad memory with pink stuff. More specifically, pigs, raw meat, pink pom-poms, etc., etc.

"Well, good for you!" Aru said cheerfully. Then she muttered something like, "... happy and healthy, not me, if you ever cared to ask." Then she shook her head and shoved it in his face. "Your wearing it."

"Excuse me?" Aiden asked. "I can't put it on?"

"You'll be wearing it with the ropes on," Aru said. Then she took the dress and shoved it over his head to make her point. 

"There," Aru said, then she bopped his nose and then began fixing the dress.

"What the hell are you doing?" Aiden asked.

Aru just looked up and smiled and fixed a frill. "You look perfect!"

Aiden stared at her dumbfoundedly.

"Your welcome!" Aru said, smiling. Then her smile dropped suddenly and left as she closed/slammed the door.

As a few minutes passed by, Aiden was starting to overheat. As pretty as this dress was in some people's eyes, it was very heavy and it had layers of fabric. Plus the weight of excess glitter didn't really do well for him. Aiden was about to die of being overheated instead of some other murdery way.

As another few minutes passed. Aiden squiggled to get out. Then he stopped because it was making him even more warmer.

Luckily, Aru came with ice and without his consent or permission, she poured all the ice down the dress.

That cold chill was thrilling and all, but all he wished for was the dress to be cut in half.

"I thought you were going to die," Aru said, twirling the bucket before it fell on the floor and hit her foot.

As Aru cursed to herself and rubbed her foot, Aiden kicked the dress.

"Well, your not taking the dress off," Aru said. "Even if you overheat, know that I have to kill you, not a dress."

"Very reassuring," Aiden said. This girl? Killing him? He did not know how that would happen.

"I know. I'm a positive influence on people," Aru said.

"No your not," Aiden said. "You literally said that you kicked a toddler because it tapped you for directions to it's mom."

"Well, that's not my fault. I wanted to tap him back, except both my hands and arms were in casts so I used my feet," Aru said.

"How do you even injure both your arms?" Aiden asked.


Aiden sighed. "Why are you like this, Shah?"

Aru flipped her hair which hit her face and landed in her mouth. She then spit it out. "You did not see that."

Aiden just stared at her dumbfoundedly, again.

"Okay, I'll do a retake," Aru said before flipping her hair again and hitting her face, again. Aru scowled.

"You know what? I'll give you more ice," Aru said, scowling at her own failure.

"Can't you just take the dress off?" Aiden begged.

Aru smiled. "Nope! Too-do-loo!"

Then Aiden was stuck waiting in the extra wet and hot dress with an excessive amount of glitter dripping into his shoes.

Aiden sighed and then took of his shoes with his feet because he wasn't weird. Only weird people liked the feeling of wet socks in shoes.

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