No direction home

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*Note. I would've preferred no way home but I didn't want Marvel to sue me so...
Danny glared at Vlad before turning to walk away.

"Daniel wait! Where are you going?"

Danny looked back at Vlad with the most disappointed face he could conjure up. Vlad had never seen Daniel make such a face.

"I'm packing my stuff and going back home. I only intended to find my roots, now that I have I will move on with the rest of my life" Danny said.

"Daniel, I'm your father. Your real father-"

Danny chuckled and looked up at the sky.

"No Vlad. It doesn't matter what you think you are. Father is a title that must be earned. Your far too busy bent on reigning over all of humanity to be a father." Danny said.

He looked Vlad up and down.

"Your not father of mine. Now excuse me, I have to get back to my parents" Danny said changing into Phantom and flying away.

Vlad stood there, stunned. He had thought for sure that once Daniel found out he was his "father" he would be more open to being Vlad's son.

Seething at his plan being ruined Vlad flew away to think up another plan.

"Map, take me home" Danny commanded after gathering his bag. The map didn't respond. One quick look at the map and Danny realized he had been tricked.

"Of course he was lying. And because I'm terrible with directions I'm stuck here." Danny threw his bag back onto the bed.

He couldn't believe this. Vlad had the real infa-map while he was stuck hiding out in Gotham!

Danny was smart enough to know that Frostbite would be able to take back the map from Vlad but it still left Danny with virtually no way home.

Danny was about to lay on the bed in teenage depression when a thought suddenly occured to him.

He would just have to look for a natural opening into the ghost zone.

Despite that he still hasn't found his real father and mother. Vlad thought he was clever and sure younger Danny would've fallen for it but not mature Danny.

Danny smiled to himself as he let sleep consume him.

Vlad hovered invisibly above Gotham. Daniel had been far smarter than Vlad had anticipated. Maybe Vlad preferred it that way. After all he didn't want a stupid son.

And Danny would be his son, whether Danny knew it or not.

"What do you want?" A brooding voice asked.

Bruce had been sitting in the batcave at his large monitors and computers when a sudden call interrupted his work.

"Hello bat babe" a cheerful Deadpool replied back. Spiderman shoved Deadpool out from in front of the camera.

"We found a kid today, he looked like one of yours. Black hair, blue eyes, strange demeanor. Anyway I realized he wasn't one of yours so-"

"He knew I was dead" Deadpool cut in.

"My Spidey sense went crazy while he was around. Everything about him screamed threat."

Batman listened with a darkening expression.

"I thought we should inform you" Spiderman said.

"I've met him" Bruce said not sharing any more information.

"Really?! Then track him! We can interrogate him and it'll be over big muscly batman" Deadpool said.

"Shut up" Spiderman said flatly.

"I'm hanging up" Bruce said.

"W-wait, what about-" and just like that Bruce hung up. He sat at the desk thinking for several minutes.

Something was bothering him. Danny looked far too similar to him and some of his wards. Besides that Bruce knew he was hiding something.

From what he had observed Danny could fight, well in fact. Too be as brave as he had been to joker he would've had to have been familiar with pain.

It just didn't make sense.

Bruce sear he'd Gothams database for anyone matching Danny's name or description.

He was about to punch in something different when a picture popped up on his screen. His eyes narrowed. It was missing poster for a baby.

It couldn't be a coincidence, that boy and that baby were one in the same.

But he hadn't been seen ever since that poster had been posted. Why was he back?

Bruce swore he'd die more information.

Several Danny's popped up but only one caught his eye. It was the school picture of a young teenager. The name on it read Daniel Fenton.

Apparently this Daniel lives in Amity Park, Minnesota. That was quite a distance from Gotham, New York.

Bruce tsked.

The boy was alone in an unfamiliar place. Or at least he seemed to be alone. Bruce couldn't be so sure. After all he had yet to survey the boys actions.

"Master Bruce, coffee" Alfred offered knowing all to well that Bruce would stay up all night. Bruce took it as he punched in codes.

Danny walked the streets of Gotham holding a small device in his hand.

It was about the size of a remote. It's entire surface was a screen that looked identical to a radar monitor and there was a tiny antenna on the top.

It made a low beeping sound. Danny kept an eye on the screen as he went towards various parts of Gotham.

A black cape floated in the night as a figure moved in the shadows ready to report back his findings. So far it was just a wandering boy.

Narrowing his eyes the figure swooped away from the boy.

Despite having not found his parents, he wanted to leave Gotham. He wanted to go back home.

Danny made himself invisible as he approached a bay. His sensory device started to beep in increasingly repetitive sounds.

Danny looked at the spot that he suspected was causing the beeping.

A hole of swirling green opened in front of him.

Danny's face broke into a huge grin.

"Yes!" He declared throwing his hands up into the air. Danny stepped into the portal.

"Amity Park here I come!"

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