Five simple steps to surviving as a teenage ghost

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Alan and Bruce stood near where Danny lay, sweating with a fever, twitching in pain.

"And we don't know anything about his sickness"

Bruce took on a Batman tone as he got straight down to business.

"No. His symptoms are close to human sicknesses but no treatments have worked to date."

Bruce handed Alan an iPad with medical information stored neatly In a digital file

"I took a small sample, what is ailing him is related to his powers" Bruce continued.

Alan scrolled through the digital chart.

"What can we do then?" Alan asked In a hollow whisper.

Bruce hardened his face. His eyes drifted to the feverish boy.

"I have a plan"

Alan looked up, face full of hope. of course he had a plan, Batman always had a plan.

Vlad strolled about his mansion, he was on his way to his underground lab. After the little mishap with Daniel he had to cook up a new scheme.

Vlad clicked his tongue, if only that kid hadn't been so difficult-


Vlad head perked up. He phased through his lab ceiling and ended up in his hall. Making sharp crisp steps he made his way to his door.

When he opened it, confusion set in.

"Good afternoon officers?" Vlad said.

One was skinny with brown hair, he looked a little young to be on the force.

The other one was, stranger...
He wore a police riot shield mask.

"Good afternoon sir, I hope we haven't come at a bad time?" The brown haired cop said.

Vlad flashed him a politicians smile.

"Not at all"

The brown haired cop started to speak when the masked cop interrupted.

"We have you on several charges tAx EvAsIoN, your goin' down!" The masked one said whipping out handcuffs.

"-Downtown, to sort it out, I'm sure it's a mistake but we have to be sure" the brown haired cop ssid quickly.

"Will there be a need for handcuffs?" Vlad asked.

"No" he said sternly, aimed at the riot mask cop.

Vlad got in the police cruiser. He noticed something strange. The way the masked cop walked was almost gay.

He seemed to strut. He had been twirling the cuffs on his finger but then had threw them in the bushes.

Something was off here.

The police cruiser drove along, through the mesh wiring and panel Vlad could here muffled arguing.

"Can't we just-"


"It won't hurt him much-"


"FiNe, such a party pooper"

The brown haired cop looked at riot mask cop like he was confused at the insult.

"Piece of shit" the mask cop added and the brown haired cop sighed.

Vlad noticed that they were going farther than they would have need to to get to a police station.

"Where are you taking me?" Vlad asked calmly.

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