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Danny sent the address to Peters house to Tucker and Sam. He was grateful that they wouldn't have to all be huddled up in his makeshift safehouse.

Aunt Mays food was mouthwatering. She had fried cabbage with cheese rolled up in a buttered egg roll that she baked in the oven. She also made homemade macaroni salad.

Danny had trouble not eating everything. "Your such a good cook!" He exclaimed. Peter smiled at Danny's enthusiasm.

"Thank you Danny, I always love it when my guests have a big appetite" Aunt May said.

Danny blushed in embarrassment as he kept eating.

"So, do I know your parents?" Aunt May asked.

Danny looked up at Aunt May as he slowly set down the half eaten egg roll.

"No, they're not from here" he said cautiously.

"Oh, so your from out of town. So where do you live then?" She asked with a soft tone. Danny didn't feel threatened by her at all.

"They live in a small town called Amity Park. It's kinda a paranormal hotspot and they're BIG fanatic's" Danny said stuffing the rest of the egg roll in his mouth.

"So they're fans of ghosts huh"

Danny shrugged unable to answer with the food in his mouth.

"Do they know your here?" Aunt May finally asked.

Danny gulped. He knew this would come up eventually. It made sense actually, he was a strange kid and she had definitely seen his missing picture. All of Gotham had.

Peter was staring in deep interest. Danny rubbed the back of his neck.

"Not exactly. It's a little complicated." Danny answered vaguely.

He didn't know how to explain that he was a half ghost in this parent were crazy about making human again.

"Want some more egg rolls?" Aunt May asked. Danny lit up.

One hour later, Danny was lying on the sofa passed out and content. Aunt May had covered him with a blanket.

"Aunt May, I know this is strange, but I have a plan" Peter said.

"Strange? Peter Parker, I'm your aunt May, I have seen stranger things. But still, this is definitely up there. Why is he here hiding from his parents?"

Aunt May asked to nobody in particular worry lines starting to appear on her forehead.

"Do you really think that what hes doing?" Peter asked in a hushed tone.

"Oh yes I do. I know a runaway when I see one. Bag full of clothes and not to mention he needs a shower and LOTS of food. Kid is as skinny as a toothpick" Aunt May commented.

She turned to face Peter.

"So what's your plan?"

"I'll convince him to go to the league"

"And then what? I'm not sure about his parents, especially after seeing the kid " Aunt May said with a hand on her hip.

"I'm not sure exactly" Peter admitted.

"But worse case he gets sent to a foster home or I dunno maybe his parents aren't that bad and he goes with them."

Aunt May looked at Peter unimpressed.

"With his powers, I doubt they'll just send him back or let him out of their sight"

"What? Powers? How do you know he has powers?" Peter asked confused.

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