Sick of you

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Bruce was half listening to the news the next day while reviewing a villain case file when a news story came on.

Danny woke up and stretched. The time read seven. Danny groaned. He was used to being woken up so early that his brain was hard wired to wake up that early.

Cursing the ghosts, Danny changed and left his temporary little room.

He made his way through the manor. He passed through a room with a couch and a large TV.

"Breaking news this morning from Amity Park"

Danny froze and looked at the TV screen. Only he knew just how much Amity affected him.

" what did you have to say about your son's condition?" The new women asked two people dressed in jumpsuits.

"He's dangerous and he's unstable. You can't trust a ghost. His real name is Danny Fenton but he has an alter ego, Danny Phantom" Maddie said.

"That's right, spooks are vile and they don't eat fudge" Jack said taking out a chunk of Fenton Fudge.

"You said the government is sending an elite task force to find and capture this monster"

Maddie nodded. Her face was serious, she really meant everything she was saying.

"The GIW-"

Danny's stress faded away. The GIW couldn't do anything they were-

"Are incompetent and unsuccessful. So the government trained a new task force. This group should be known as The Elites. They are equipped with the most advanced technology and trained to use it"

Maddie stared directly into the camera.

"We will find you Danny"

Danny shivered at the thought. He couldn't believe them, why? Why would they do that?

Bruce glanced back and noticed Danny's reaction. He seemed almost frozen with fear.

Danny felt like the world was spinning out of control.

"Danny?" Bruce asked.

Danny looked at Bruce.

"They'll find me here" he said with absolute certainty.

Bruce shook his head.

"No, I won't let them find you Danny"

Danny looked Bruce blankly.

"I have a question and I need you to answer honestly-" Danny took a deep breath in while Bruce sharply nodded confirming it.

"If the government told Batman to find and arrest me, would you be able to refuse" Danny asked.

Bruce looked into his round eyes.

"Of course, I fight for justice, not for politics or detaining innocent people" Bruce said.

Danny sat down and shook his head.

"I mean I know it would be hard for them to except me, but I didn't think they would go this far" Danny said disappointed.

Bruce sat next to him.

"You can predict what a person will do, no matter what their actions are in the past"

Danny smiled slightly.

"Wisdom from Batman, you should write a book" Danny joked.

"I meant it Danny, your always safe here" Bruce gave Danny a comfortable smile.

Danny nodded.


Danny whipped his head around so fast you would've thought the GIW just busted in.

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