13 - Steve

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The last few weeks seemed to drag on. Steve wasn't sure if it was because he was busy most of the time, or if it was because he hadn't heard from Maddison much. She'd text throughout the day, on break at work and always before bed. But not much in between. He understood, but it made him worry that she was overdoing it. That she was on the verge of another breakdown like she had during clinicals. If that was going to happen, he wanted to stop it.

Steve had been out Christmas shopping the last few days, hoping to make sure that Avery had a good first Christmas. Hoping the three of them would have an amazing first Christmas together. He knew he was probably coming on too strong, they'd been on one official date, they'd known each other less than two months. But he didn't care about what society deemed an acceptable timeline. He cared that he'd never been so sure about anything, and that was that Maddison and little Charlotte Avery were his.

Steve didn't push when Maddison said Thanksgiving was spent with Jackson and Scott, he wasn't surprised. Hell, he had plans. Thanksgiving was himself, Emilia and Bucky. It was almost like they'd planned in the 40s, minus Emilia's parents. He knew she was struggling with that fact, the knowledge that her family never got to meet her husband and that they'd never meet any grandchildren. But she was still in a good mood for the holiday, she'd made a gorgeous dinner with enough food to feed an army. They'd planned to spend the whole day together.

But Steve wanted to see Maddison, even if it was the next day or in the evening. He wasn't going to push for her to cancel her plans with the men who helped her when nobody else would. He wasn't even surprised when Maddison said her and Avery wouldn't be making plans to see her mom. He knew their relationship was strained, that she'd only kept her mom in her life so that Avery could know her grandma.

Maddison had texted him after she'd gotten home from Jackson and Scott's, the two insisting on taking Avery for the night. He sped right over to see her. She was still wearing her Thanksgiving outfit, a beautiful cream colored sweater and a simple pair of jeans. He loved the look of her in jeans, it always looked like that delicious ass of hers was about to bust out of the seams and that the denim was painted onto her perfect, thick thighs. He wondered if she knew just how hot she looked. She had to know, right?

Hanging out with Maddison for a few kid-free hours was amazing. They'd watched a movie in her livingroom that didn't involve cartoons or learning, not that he minded Avery's shows. Halfway through the movie, Steve got a little carried away and pulled Maddison into his lap. The squeak of surprise that she let out went straight to his cock, making him let out a low groan. Did she know the effect she had on him? If she didn't, his hard length barely contained in his jeans was about to tell her.

"Tell me how the last couple of weeks have been going." Steve insisted. Maddison was straddling him, her thick thighs on each side of his legs with her plump ass resting on his thighs. He'd had to push her to sit, she wanted to hover, but he wanted every delicious pound of her in his lap. His hands trailed along her sides, waiting patiently for her to speak.

"I'm fine. Clinicals are over, winter break at school is coming up. Everything is good." Maddison said. Steve wasn't buying it, he could already tell when she was struggling. He just wasn't sure if it was financially, mentally or if she was simply exhausted. The look he gave her, that he wasn't buying it, must have made her give up whatever control she thought she had. She let out a sigh, slumping slightly. "It's been hard. This week was rough, and it was only a 3 day week." She finally admitted.

"What's going on?" Steve asked sweetly. He needed to know, so he could figure out if he could help in any way.

Maddison sighed and closed her eyes, making Steve worry. He gently squeezed her waist, urging her to talk to him. "Avery has been teething, so she's not sleeping much at all. She just cries and cries and I can't do much to help her. Her pediatrician said I could give her ibuprofen, so I've been doing that. And Jackson bought her some cream for her gums, it's all helped. But she still isn't sleeping which means I'm not sleeping. Which means Tuesday when the same girl tried, and failed, to demonstrate hooking up a feeding tube for like an hour and I fell asleep, I got screamed at by my professor." She confessed.

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