31 - Steve

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Steve was fuming, but he hid it well. He wanted to hand Maddison Avery and drag this guy outside, beating him to a pulp. He spoke badly about his girlfriend, he tried to claim his daughter. He shouldn't have let that slide. He knew it was the mature decision to walk away, but he wished that he hadn't. He already vowed that if he ever saw him again, when he was alone, that guy was done for.

The three got back to the hotel, Maddison getting Avery bathed and changed into her pajamas while Steve put the few things away that they'd bought and ordered takeout for them. When Maddison came out of the bathroom with a happy and clean Avery, he reached his arms out for both of his girls. He was sitting on the edge of the spare bed, having just gotten done ordering the takeout for them. Maddison moved to sit between his legs, but he lifted her up and sat her on his leg. He wrapped his arms around her, stealing a quick kiss from her before kissing the top of Avery's head. "You okay, angel?" He asked calmly. His hand started to rub up and down Maddison's back while he waited for an answer.

Maddison sighed, relaxing into Steve's touch before looking up at him. "That was Ben, Avery's donor." She said. It made him laugh that she refused to actually agknowledge that he had any part in the beautiful little girl the two of them shared. He would've been a little upset if she had, Avery was his. This Ben guy had nothing to do with it, other than providing the sperm. He'd never even met her, he'd never seen a single ultrasound picture or even learned of her name. According to what he'd heard from Maddison, basically as soon as she got the positive pregnancy test, he ran for it. He blocked her number, he moved out of his penthouse and had all his friends refuse to answer her calls. A week later, Maddison was met by a lawyer and Ben's dad. Offering her a sum of money and pressuring her to never seek Ben out, never contact him, never tell anyone that he was Avery's dad. That the birth certificate would be blank on his side, and that she was to never go after him for child support. She was young and terrified of doing it alone, but she was pressured to sign before she'd even gotten to read the entire agreement. When she read it later with Jackson, she'd found out that if she ever did find him, contact him or try to go after him, all the money she'd been given would be required back.

Steve didn't care about the money, he knew Maddison had used that to get her house in better shape, buy everything for Avery's arrival and get her started in college. He didn't care if this idiot Ben had considered this a breech of their contract and demanded the money back, he vowed to gladly pay for it if it kept Ben from ever coming within a mile of his daughter ever again. "I know. I don't care about that, I'm her dad, that's all that matters. But he was quite rude, are you okay?" He asked again.

Maddison leaned into him more, resting her head on his shoulder. He knew she would've wrapped her arms around him if she wasn't holding onto Avery. "I'm scared. I didn't know he lived here, I didn't come here to see him. I didn't even know he was in the aisle, otherwise I would've ran for the hills. Avery was screaming for you, I promise. She didn't even know what he looked like, I promise." She rambled.

Steve shushed Maddison, he took Avery from her grasp, holding her with one arm while the other wrapped around her waist. "I know, angel. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise you. I trust you." He promised her. And he did. Maddison had never lied to him, she'd never kept anything from him intentionally, she'd never given him a single reason to ever doubt her. "I trust you, and I'll handle that guy if anything comes of this. I promise you, okay?" He said calmly. His hand rubbed along her back, comforting her worries while also letting Avery pull the heck out of his beard. She loved that beard, she loved him. She was always touching him in some way, always wanting to be close to him. "Go grab a shower and realx, the food will be here by the time you're done." He told her, wanting her to get nice and realxed for the night so they could forget this entire event with Ben.

Convincing Maddison to realx and to shower ended up being more difficult than it needed to be. She was worried that Steve didn't trust her, that she somehow convinced him to surprise her with a vacation on the same week that Ben would be there. He knew that wasn't possible. He hadn't even told her that he'd planned the trip, he'd never even told her anything about it. It was an unfortunate coincidence that they'd ended up on the same boardwalk as that asshole on the same day. Once he'd finally gotten her convinced that he wasn't in any way upset with her, she finally headed into the bathroom to get a shower.

Steve set Avery up on the spare bed to play. He was sitting there with her, so she was in no risk of falling off the bed or hurting herself. He just didn't trust laying her on the floor and didn't want to lay out one of the blankets on the hard floor for her to play on. So, he threw a couple of toys on the spare bed, put some kids shows on, and sat back and played with her for a while. She babbled on about nothing, Steve listening like she was telling him the secrets of the universe. He loved his girls.

Maddison came out of the bathroom a few minutes after she'd went in, just grabbing a quick shower so she felt comfortable sleeping in bed. Steve knew she was exhausted and most likely just wanted to hurry up so she could eat and lay down. He was more than fine with that. He spread his legs and offered her the seat between them as soon as she'd made eye contact with him. With an excited smile, she did. She sat between his open legs, keeping Avery close and watching the show on TV until they heard a knock at the door, their takeout. "I got it, angel." Steve told her, kissing her neck lightly and climbing out from behind her.

Steve had ordered Mediterranean food. He got himself and Maddison a few things to try, and got Avery some chicken thighs with roasted vegetables, safe choices. For himself and Maddison he'd ordered Halloumi and vegetable skewers with pomegranate tahini sauce, tomato salad with red onion, dill, and feta, and cucumber dill tzatziki with pita chips. And of course, far too much hummus and pita. "Damn, Steve. Who did you think was going to eat all this?" Maddison asked with a laugh.

Steve just rolled his eyes at her, setting the food up on the small dining table in the room for them. "I think we can do some damage, put the rest in the fridge. No big deal." He said with a small shrug. He didn't care if he over ordered, he liked variety. Plus, he loved seeing that little wiggle dance Maddison and Avery both did when they tried something new that they liked. He loved seeing how similar his girls were.

Steve held Avery in his lap while she ate with her hands, he kept a close eye on her, but he was confident that he ripped everything up small enough. He even checked the temperature even though he had ordered kids temperature for her food. Maddison sat next to him, checking on Avery periodically. But Steve wanted her to just be able to relax and eat her dinner. Especially after the eventuful end their day had. He hated that she had to see her ex, he hated how he spoke to her like he had any right to insult his girlfriend. And he definitley hated that this guy even attempted to claim that Avery was his child. She wasn't.

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