30 - Maddison

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Maddison was given a week off of school. It was the college version of "summer break," but she wasn't going to complain. She would get an entire week of extra sleep, an entire week of getting to see Avery and Steve more than usual. An entire week where she could get off work at 5PM and actually enjoy the evening. The weather had been beautiful this month anyway, she figured maybe she'd get to do something outside.

Emilia had forced Maddison to take that week off of work, paid. Claimed it was some kind of "employee of the month" reward, despite the Oncology ward literally never having an employee of the month program before. Maddison knew it was just Emilia's way to tell her to enjoy the week with her family. She had gotten somehow even more sweet and more generous since finding out that she was pregnant. It was adorable, actually. Bucky always drove her to work now. He claimed it was because drivers in New York are crazy, but he's not wrong. But he always showed up throughout the day when he wasn't working. It was adorable. He'd stop by to bring her a snack, despite being the one to pack her lunch and providing more snacks than she could need. He'd show up and ask her if she was tired and if she wanted to go home. He'd conversate with the patients if they seemed up for talking. He'd rub Emilia's feet or shoulders while she charted in her office. He was basically the brochure for the perfect husband. It was adorable.

Steve had decided to take Maddison to the boardwalk in New Jersey. Maddison had told him a few months ago that she'd never left New York before, that she was curious about the rest of the world. But with a baby, no money, a job, and school. She didn't have time or funds to travel. Steve had taken it upon himself to remedy that situation. He'd planned the whole thing, packed up the car, and surprised Maddison with the announcement when she'd woken up for the day.

So, there Maddison was. Sitting in the passenger seat of her car while Steve drove the three of them to New Jersey. The music playing was something upbeat and happy for Avery to dance to. The cooler was packed with snacks and drinks, and Steve had a firm grip on Maddison's thigh as he drove. She loved it when he did that. His hand would grip onto her thigh, his fingers wrapping around her thick thigh and his thumb rubbing along her leg sleeve. She loved that feeling. When he wasn't driving, he'd trace his fingers across the patterns of her tattoos, but he had to focus on the road. So instead, he just absent-mindedly rubbed his thumb along her leg. Maddison was the DJ of the roadtrip, playing as many hilarious kid songs as she could, laughing at Steve when he'd roll her eyes for playing "Baby Shark" far too many times in their drive. But it was Avery's favorite. She'd even do the hand motions as she'd sing along to it. By the end of the drive, Steve was singing along to it, too. She made a mental note to play it again on the way home. To record Steve singing along and send it to Bucky.

Steve unloaded the car into their hotel room while Maddison took care of Avery. She'd napped the last little bit of the drive, so now that she was awake. She needed to be changed, fed, and lathered in sunscreen for their day of activities. Steve had a plan, so he said. He told Maddison about how they'd be there for a few days. The first day, they'd walk the boardwalk and walk the beach just to see what all it had to offer. It was a light enough first day seeing as how everyone was a little cramped from having to sit in the car for hours. They'd make a pitstop at a grocery store to pick up a few things to make if they weren't feeling takeout, and they'd spend the rest of their night vegged out on the comfortable hotel beds, watching crappy TV and snacking until bed. Simple enough.

The next day was planned a little more busy. There was a carnival/waterpark that Steve thought it would be fun to take Maddison and Avery to. He'd suggested the idea to Maddison on the way there, telling her it was kid friendly and right on the water. Maddison thought it sounded perfect. The third day would be another lighter day, they'd shop around the boardwalk for souviners, maybe rent some rollerskates and skate down the boardwalk while Avery was in her running stroller, and have a day of greasy fair food before Steve drove them home. He had told her he didn't want to keep her away from home the entire week. He wanted to give her a few days to spend at home, to relax, to sleep in her own bed for as long as she wanted, and to see Jackson and Scott. He definitely wanted to plan an evening where Jackson and Scott would take Avery so he could take Maddison on a date. She'd loved that idea when he'd presented it to her. She loved the idea of the entire week. She'd get to spend the last few days of her vacation resting, ready to take on the week again on Monday morning. It sounded perfect.

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