24 - Maddison

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Valentines day was never a big deal for Maddison, she'd never had a Valentine. But it was a day where love was in the air, everyone around her was wearing pinks and reds, everyone was kissing and smiling. It was nauseating. Or, it used to be. Now it was sweet, and she couldn't wait to get off work and do the same with Steve. She had class tonight, as usual at 9pm. But her mom had insisted on taking Avery for the night, that was unusual. Usually getting her mom to babysit involved begging or baked goods. But she just...volunteered.

"Hey, Maddie, got any plans tonight?" Carlie, one of her coworkers asked sweetly. Carlie was the Nurse Practitioner of their ward, she was a beautiful woman and an excellent nurse. The two had gotten somewhat close over the years of Maddison working at the hospital, probably closer than anyone else there aside from Emilia. She just hoped one day she could become a nurse just as brilliant as Carlie was, she was truly inspirational.

"I'm not totally sure, my mom asked to have Avery for the night so I'm free until class. Haven't decided if I'm going to call Steve or get a little extra sleep." Maddison said with a small shrug. As much as she would love a spur of the moment date with her super cute boyfriend, she'd also love a nap.

Ever since Christmas, Steve had been doing as much as he possibly could for the two of them. He'd show up early in the mornings, letting himself into her house to take Avery on his morning runs at sunrise. He'd even taken over a few days a week of babysitting from Scott, he would've taken them all if Scott hadn't thrown a fit that he'd miss Avery too much. Steve would show up and cook throughout the week, he'd help her clean up her house, her gas tank was still magically always full. But, she was still exhausted. No amount of help from Steve, Jackson and Scott could replace the hours she spent between work, school, motherhood and being a girlfriend. So while a date, and some amazing sex, sounded good. A few extra hours of sleep sounded just as good.

Carlie rolled her eyes at Maddison. "Babe, you can sleep any time. Get a piece of that man." She teased. Maddison blushed at that, suddenly regretting telling Carlie about Steve being some kind of sex God despite having been a virgin until recently. But she'd left that part out, simply saying Steve had tricks that had her seeing stars and he was packing God's gift to women in his boxers. The whole office, minus Emilia, had been curious about his size. But that was a secret she was more than happy to keep to herself, almost giddy that not a single soul had seen her man's impressive cock but her.

"I hate you." Maddison groaned, laying her forehead on her desk with a laugh.

"No, you don't. You just wish you could." Carlie teased, sticking her tongue out at Maddison before taking off.

By lunch, Maddison still hadn't decided on her plans after work. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Steve, she did. She always wanted to spend time with Steve. But she was struggling more and more to keep her eyes open as her work day went on. She did the math in her head, if she sped home and got Avery ready for her mom's house as quickly as possible, she could lay down for 2 hours. That would give her 45 minutes with Steve and 15 minutes to get to school. She'd be exhausted, but it's doable.

Maddison had texted Steve the plan, if he was willing. He immediately texted back, more than willing and happy with her plan. "Sounds good, angel. I'll see you soon." His text read. Now to just get through the rest of the work day.

The rest of Maddison's work day dragged on, she loved her job and she loved her coworkers. But she was so exhausted. Unfortunately, Emilia had to break some heartbreaking news to a family. A dad of 4 kids, a husband for the last 30 years, was terminal. At only 48 years old, he had less than 6 months left. She sat with the family while they cried their hearts out, well while the wife and kids did. The dad somehow kept a straight face, only looking upset when he saw his families faces. But he never shed a tear, he just reassured his family that they'd make the most of their time together. Maddison knew it was a promise he couldn't keep, he'd get weaker and weaker the more sick he got. Their plans to travel the world as a family would fly out the window as he would shrivel away to nothing. He'd end up on oxygen, morphine and who knows what else, probably have to smoke pot just to be able to eat a meal without being sick. His strength, despite being a Navy SEAL, would dwindle down to nothing.

The entire process of death by cancer was painful to watch, even worse when the person you're forced to watch was someone you loved. Maddison watched it happen to her grandmother, a brain tumor took the only woman she'd ever loved. The only parent she really had. She felt closer to her grandmother than she did to her mom, her grandmother had given birth to her mom at 15, then her mom followed in her footsteps by giving birth to Maddison at 16. But she couldn't be bothered to raise her herself, leaving her with her own mother more days than not. But it created an unbreakable bond. Even as her grandmother, Rose, withered away from the tumor. She never forgot her love for Maddison, she'd cry out her name in her sleep. She'd sneak out of her own bed to lay beside Maddison. Losing her, losing Rose, was the hardest thing that had ever happened to her. But Rose was proud when Maddison was 17 without any surprise pregnancies, she'd made Maddison promise to wait for sex until she'd found love, not to make the mistakes of her grandmother and mother. That clearly didn't go so well.

"You coming?" Emilia said, snapping Maddison out of her thoughts of her past and of Rose. "We're all heading out a touch early."

"Huh? Yeah! Yeah." Maddison said, glancing at the clock to see it was only 4:15. But she wouldn't argue with the extra sleep. That was 45 minutes more she could rest, or 45 minutes more she could spend with Steve. She figured she'd set an alarm for 2 hours and see how she felt, if she needed it, she'd sleep the extra 45 minutes. She knew Steve would already be at her house, patiently waiting for her to wake up by then anyway.

Maddison smiled when she saw Steve standing in front of her SUV, patiently waiting for her. "Hey.." She said, confused. The plan was for him to show up at her place later and hang out. But she wouldn't object to seeing him for a few extra minutes.

Steve scooped her up in his arms the second she reached him. He'd lifted her to his height, making her let out a surprised oomph as her feet left the ground. "How was your day, angel?" He asked in a sweet voice. Damn his voice was smooth like velvet.

Maddison simply nodded, fighting back a yawn. She laid her head down onto his shoulder, both arms tightly around him. "Long." She simplified it with.

Steve did a little "hmm" and carried Maddison to the passenger seat of the SUV, depositing her in the seat before taking the drivers seat for himself.

"Where's your car?" Maddison asked.

"At your place, Buck picked me up so I could drive your car back." Steve said with a shrug.

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