42 - Steve

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It had been a few months since the disastrous incident with Ben, but thankfully, Steve was able to resolve at least some of Maddison's worries. Steve successfully adopted Avery just a few weeks ago. She was now his baby girl, forever. Charlotte Avery Rogers. All that was missing from this was Maddison sharing his name as well, but he was getting to that.

All that was left to handle was the no-contact order that Ben was fighting to say Maddison violated. That one was a bit tricky. It was all about proving that Maddison didn't realize where Ben was living. So it was her word against his, and he had more money. But Steve and Tony got her better lawyers.

Steve was doing everything he could possibly think of to keep Maddison calm during this time, but she was so obviously struggling. He'd wake up at night to the sounds of her struggling to sleep. He'd wake up for his early morning run and see her pajamas in disaray like she had done nothing but toss and turn all night long. She'd wake up with deep, dark circles under her eyes and have to lie and say that she was fine. He knew the truth, but he also didn't want to force her to talk about it if she was feeling uneasy. He knew she'd come to him when she was ready, and she did. Often.

Many times over the last few months, Scott and Jackson have taken Avery for the night while Maddison simply cried in Steve's arms about this entire situation. How she felt so out of control about this entire situation and how overwhelmed she felt about it all. He never talked during those times, not until she was ready. He just held her however she needed and was there. He'd let her cry out all the energy she had, letting her get herself so worked up that she'd eventually fall asleep, and he'd have her favorite takeout waiting for her when she woke up.

Steve already knew tonight wasn't going to be any different. Maddison came home from work in a horrible mood. She didn't take it out on him or Avery. She never did. She was an absolute saint, but he could tell. She looked tense, and when he asked about her day, all he got was "fine."

Steve knew. So, when he was able to insist Maddison take a shower, he called Jackson. "Steve, what do I owe the pleasure?" He said when he answered the phone.

Steve sighed quietly before responding, smiling down at Avery while she munched on her snack. "Mads is having a tough day." He answered. He heard Jackson sigh and pull the phone away to say something to Scott before coming back on the line. "You know we've got Avery if that's what you need. Is there anything we can do to help Maddie?" He asked genuinley.

Jackson and Scott had been doing everything he could to help Maddison, as had Bucky and Emilia. But Maddison seemed to be closing off for everyone but Steve. He worried that she was scared to be vulnerable or, even worse, that she was scared that she was being a burden. But he loved that she didn't feel that way with him. He loved that she was willing to burden him with how she was feeling. It's what he wanted. He wanted her to lean on him for everything. "I've got her. She hasn't said anything yet. I can just tell." Steve answered.

Within 10 minutes, Jackson was over to pick Avery up. He'd gotten there and had left before Maddison had gotten out of the shower. Steve took the limited time he had to clean up what little mess had been made from him and Avery's day and to order takeout for Maddison to be delivered in a few hours. He wanted to give her time to get a little nap in before she ate.

Maddison came out of the bathroom after about half an hour. That was another sign for Steve that she was having a hard time. She usually took pretty quick showers, but when she was struggling, it was much longer. She came out with her skin looking slightly red and her hair piled up in a large claw clip. He immediately opened his arms for her to step into. "Come here, angel." He said calmly.

Maddison walked into his embrace, letting him pull her into his chest and hug onto her tightly. He banded his arms around her, keeping her tightly in his embrace. "Would you like to sit outside or lie down in bed for a little while?" He asked quietly. He kissed the top of her head while waiting for her to debate her answer. "Bed." She mumbled into his chest.

Steve guided Maddison into their room, pulling her into bed and against his chest. He laid on his side, keeping her firmly against his chest with one of her legs between his and the other on top of his. He knew it wouldn't take long for her to vent out her frustrations.

Maddison let out a rough sigh, tucking her face into Steve's neck. "It feels like I need to be doing more. I'm doing nothing. We're just waiting!" She says with a huff. Steve just tightened his arms around her, not saying anything until she got out everything she needed to say.

Maddison went on, venting about how frustrating this entire ordeal with Ben was while Steve held onto her. He let her cry it out, raise her voice, cuss, and anything else she could possibly need to do. "It's not fair! Why can't I get this feeling of dread out of my bones?" She asked with a huff. Steve hated seeing Maddison like this. He knew the easy solution. He knew he could pay for Ben to drop this. He could simply pay the money for voiding their no-contact order. But Maddison didn't want that. She didn't want to pay him a dime. He didn't deserve it. Not when she didn't do anything wrong.

Steve rubbed his hands along Maddison's spine, squeezing her soft flesh in his hands as he made his way to her waist. "It's a lot, I know. But you know I'm taking care of it. There's nothing you need to worry about. How about you consider this whole thing dropped? If we win, cool. If we lose, I won't tell you and you won't have to stress about this." He suggested.

Maddison picked her head up from Steve's chest, staring up at him with her tear streaked face. "I can't. I can't get it out of my head. I know we won the case about Avery, but I can't get that out of my head either. I can't get this feeling out of my head that he's going to show up with the cops one day and rip her out of my arms." She ranted.

Steve held onto the back of her head, pulling her face back into his chest. "That will never happen, Mads. I promise you. Do you know how I know? Because I'd call Buck and Stark. Those cops and that idiot would quite literally have to fight half of The Avengers before even getting within 10 feet of our little girl." He said confidently. He meant it, too. He and Tony hadn't been on the best terms, but things were getting better. They'd have casual conversations while discussing the case, and sometimes they'd even chat without having a reason to. It was a step in the right direction. Steve just hoped it was enough after all the damage that was done.

Steve kissed the top of Maddison's head, holding her head against his chest. "Get a little rest, angel. Your favorite meal will be here in two hours, I promise to wake you up." He said quietly.

Maddison moved to situate in bed, but she kept herself so close to Steve that she was practically on top of him. Not that he minded. Steve couldn't get enough of his girl. He held her in her arms, rubbing his fingers along her soft skin until she finally fell into a short nap.

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