15 - Steve

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Steve was having lunch with Emilia and Bucky when Maddison had texted him. He had a special tone just for Maddison, not like very many other people had his number. Emilia, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Wanda and Maddison. Maybe a few other team members that he wasn't sure about. But The Avengers had basically split up after his fight with Tony and the Sokovia Accords. He still wouldn't have minded keeping in touch with any of them, maybe not Tony, not yet at least. That was a friendship he didn't know could ever be repaired.

Steve's entire face softened, a bright smile when he watched the video Maddison had sent him. She, Avery and Jackson were at The Smithsonian. Little Avery was squealing and clapping to see him, calling him dad, wanting held, wanting to kiss him. His girl. Damn, he missed her. He hadn't gotten to see Avery in over a week. He went over to Maddison's as often as she'd let him, hang out, bring dinner and see his girls. But the last 2 times, Avery had already been in bed. It seems her teething had made sleeping at night difficult, but her naps were a little easier on her. He'd still sneak in her room, kiss her forehead and tell her he loved her. But she was asleep for those brief visits. He didn't think it would bother her as much as it bothered him to be apart.

"Did she just call you dad?" Bucky asked, overhearing the video Steve was playing. He looked up at his two friends, smiling and nodding. "She did. Maddison says she misses me." He proudly said.

"You've been going over there every couple of days.." Emilia mentioned. Steve knew it had to be hard on Emilia to talk about Avery, her and Bucky had been trying to have their own since they'd gotten back from Wakanda. So far, with no luck. But Emilia didn't dwell on it, not in front of him at least. He pretended not to hear her crying everytime they took a test and it was negative. It wasn't his place and if she didn't mention it to him, he wouldn't bring it up.

"Avery's been teething, she's not sleeping much at night, so Maddison is giving her longer naps during the day when she can." Steve said with a sad shrug. He missed his girls. He secretly hoped that they'd be living together before Avery is old enough to remember him not living together.

"You should get her one of those teething rings you put in the fridge." Emilia suggested. Damn, Steve loved that woman. She was the embodiment of sunshine, he felt so lucky to call her family. "I already did. The day Maddison told me she was teething, I went out and bought just about everything in the store for teething." He bragged happily.

"Such a good daddy." Bucky said. Steve rolled his eyes at his friend, but smiled proudly.

Emilia swatted Bucky for the teasing. Steve knew it didn't hurt, but he laughed when Bucky rubbed his arm like she'd somehow hurt him. "Don't tease him, he is a good daddy." She said. Steve grinned at Bucky, feeling like a kid that just watched his friend get yelled at by his mom. Bucky punched Steve in the arm. "Punk." He mumbled. Damn, he loved his two best friends.

Steve spent the rest of his morning with his two best friends, the occasional text with Maddison. But he knew she was spending time with Jackson, she'd been neglecting the two a bit. Between school, work and Avery, now throwing time with Steve in the mix. He knew she wasn't getting as much time with them as she used to. So he tried not to text too much, but he was excited to see them. It had been over a week since he'd held his little girl, and a few days since he'd seen Maddison.

As soon as Maddison texted that they were home, Steve headed out on the bike to see them. He ordered Chinese to be delivered, wanting something simple. He made sure to order plain white rice and plain grilled chicken and some sliced avocado for Avery and a variety of things for he and Maddison. He intentionally ordered too much, knowing there would be way too much left over and Maddison would for sure have food for at least a few meals.

Steve pulled up at Maddison's pretty quickly, parking next to his SUV that he'd basically given her. Before he even got the chance to knock, he heard poor Avery's cries from outside. He knocked, waiting patiently for Maddison to open up, not caring in the slightest that it took several minutes before a very exhausted looking Maddison opened the door with an even more upset Avery in her arms.

Brooklyn - Steve Rogers X OC SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now