8 - Steve

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Steve was outside signing for the delivery of the Blackstone he had bought for Emilia's outdoor area he was building when his phone rang. He quickly picked it up, seeing it was Emilia. He wondered if something was wrong, her and Bucky had driven to her hospital for her to pick up some paperwork.

"Hey, Em." Steve answered with a voice of concern.

"Hey, sweetie. Can you do me a big big favor?" Emilia asked over the phone.

"Anything." Steve answered confidently. He meant it to, Emilia was family.

"When we get home, can you take my car and go get Avery from Scott and Jackson's house?" Emilia asked.

"Yeah, what happened? Where's Maddison?" Steve asked frantically. He knew she was struggling this week, but when he'd asked if there was anything he could do to help, she'd reassured him that she was fine. He knew he shouldn't have believed her.

Steve heard Emilia hand the phone over to Bucky, mumbling something about explaining to him what was going on. A moment later, Bucky greeted him before explaining. "I don't know what's going on, man. Em went inside while I waited in the car, I saw Maddison on the sidewalk burst into tears. So I ran across the street to see what was wrong. Poor girl fell apart in my arms, talking about how she hadn't slept in days and something about the break room being closed and missing her kid. She's taking a nap in the back of Em's car, Em says we're taking Maddison to our place for a few hours." He explained.

"Damn. Yeah, of course I'll go get Avery." Steve promised them. They did a quick goodbye before hanging up. Steve rushed inside to grab a quick shower and change his clothes, he was stepping out into the garage right as Bucky and Emilia pulled pulled in.

Bucky carefully scooped a sleeping Maddison up into his arms, making his jealousy spike. He wanted to be the one holding her, but he trusted Bucky, plus he had to go get Avery. But damn she looked beautiful. Her dark auburn hair was in a high messy bun, her freckles weren't covered in a single spec of makeup, but unfortunately that showed him the dark circles under her eyes. Her dark navy scrubs clung to her curves beautifully. He wondered how someone was so gorgeous in scrubs.

"I already called Scott, he's waiting for you sweetie. Do you remember where her house is?" Emilia asked sweetly.

Steve nodded, giving Emilia a quick hug and a thank you for taking care of Maddison. She wasn't his, they hadn't even had a proper date yet, but he still felt responsible for her. He wanted to be responsible for her, he wanted her to run to him when she was struggling. It killed him that this week was so rough and she didn't tell him, he could've helped her. He would've done anything to help her.

Steve made a pit stop on the way to Scott's, picking up the nicest carseat on the market to put Avery in, the store clerk at the baby store even offered to help install it. He knew it was so she could flirt with him, but he wasn't interested, so he told her he'd install it himself. He lied and said he already knew how, he didn't. He wrestled with that damn car seat for 10 minutes before getting it properly installed. By the time he'd gotten to Scott's, he'd been gone for an hour, he was hoping Maddison was still asleep by the time he got back.

"You know, I don't normally give my best friends baby to a total stranger." Scott said when he answered the door in what looked like designer pajamas. Steve didn't even know that was a thing. Scott was tall, almost as tall as him, but thin with perfectly styled hair. If he had been the one to greet them after he drove Maddison home, he wouldn't have assumed anything else was going on.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry man." Steve said with a shrug, unsure of what else he wanted him to say. "I'm Steve Rogers, a friend of Maddison." He introduced. He wished he could say boyfriend, but they weren't there yet.

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