Chapter 89

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"Sir please let me.."


"Let me."

"I said NO!" Aly's glaring eyes stayed on Valerie and Andrew and then at Mike who was now Aiden's bodyguard.

Yes Mike, the hulk who was called back to work. Aiden didn't know how it happened, but it did, Aly who had scored the highest over her first year in her masters called for her bet that they all had forgotten.

And obviously it was bringing Mike back to work. They had an hour long argument that ended up in nothing but them having angry sex, all the while poor baby Blue got caught in between and well his ass too.

So here they are, walking in a mall, with all their bodyguards behind them, Andrew behind Blue, Valerie behind Aly and Mike behind Aiden.

All the other guards were there too but they were just a bit away not to catch too much attention, even though that was impossible.

Aly walked in front with just her phone in her hand and a pissed off face on. Behind her, both her boyfriends walked holding who knows how many bags full of what not.

Perfumes, makeup, shoes and some home essentials.

All this while, not once did Aly let any of their bodyguard help. This was Aiden and Blue's kind of punishment.

Aly walked in her tall heels, slightly limping but keeping her head high, because the second she winces, her tall boyfriend will start fucking snickering and then she'll probably lose it, same goes for Aiden's hair.

"Come on Al, this is not fair."

Aly looked back at Blue who was having a hard time holding 10 something shopping bags and walking steady. Then she looked at Aiden who was holding almost double of Blue.

She glared at Blue,
"You should be happy am not fair." She hissed and his lips thinned understanding the meaning behind it.

Blue looked at Aiden who was simply smirking with a nonchalant expression as if his arms weren't stuffed with bags full of things. But then again, the man walks with both of them over his shoulders like they weigh nothing, so what's some shopping bags gonna do right?

"Okay, let's go there." Aly suddenly said pointing towards a store making Blue groan because obviously more bags were on the way.

Blue looked at Aiden pleading him with his eyes to do something, but then Aiden looked at him and smirked before leaning towards his ear,
"I bet you won't mind the store we're going in next my love." He husked and Blue shivered as he looked at the store Aly walked inside with Valerie.

It was a lingerie store. He bit his lips as all the thoughts of seeing Aly in lingerie passed through his mind and he rushed inside the store behind Aiden who chuckled seeing his red face.

He gasped when Aiden literally took all the bags from his hand then held them himself,
"But they're heavy, let me help, it's my punishment too." Blue whispered to him but he shut up when Aiden dropped a kiss over his lips and then gave him a sexy smirk.

"I don't mean to brag baby, but even with these bags, I can still carry you over my shoulder and still not feel a thing, do you wanna see?" Aiden husked right over his lips turning Blue a blushing mess who quickly shook his head too embarrassed.

Aiden dropped another kiss over his lips and then whispered,
"Good pup." It took every amount of self control in Blue not to fucking kneel down right there and then.

Damn Aiden Cullen and his dominance.

They both looked towards Aly and licked their lips as she picked up the hottest pairs of lingeries and went inside the trial room to try them.

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