The Awakening

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5 years after Kai's spell linking Bonnie and Elena. Elena is still sleeping peacefully in the Salvatore crypt. Bonnie finished College, and got engaged. She was happy until a tragic accident happens and Bonnie and her fiancé are in a car accident, there were no survivors. Stefan and Damon left Mystic Falls to go start their lives elsewhere. Caroline finally gave into Klaus' temptations an moved to New Orleans. Last anyone heard from she was happy. But Elena hasn't changed a day. She is patiently waiting for the day she gets to rejoin society.

Dean's POV:
24 hours before Bonnie's tragic accident.

Sam and I have been up and down the U.S, things have been quiet, considering what's out there. We've recently heard of a coven of vampire witches in a small town of Mystic Falls. So we've packed up our things and are headed there now. Sam and I rented the cheapest motel in town. And it's obvious why it's so cheap.
"This place is a dump." Sam said.
"Yeah, well you can pay for the next place if you are so terribly uncomfortable your majesty." I said sarcastically.
"Ok, so I've been looking into this town and it has quite the history with vampires going back over a hundred years. About 5 years ago, an entire new breed of vampires was unleashed on this town." Sam said
"Ok, let's go talk to some folks downtown and see what we can dig up." I suggested.
Once we got into the heart of town we decided to grab a bite at the local grill. It was pretty dead inside, I guess the locals are steering clear of the vamps.
A young sheriffs deputy approached us at our table.
" I don't think I've seen you guys around here before, you should know though that there is a 10pm curfew. You don't wanna be out here in the dark." he said
"Thank you officer...?"
"Donovan. Matt Donovan."
Officer Donovan left the grill shortly after our encounter.
"I guess that answered our question as to what local law enforcement is doing around here." I said
"Yeah, he looked pretty worried." Sam said.
At around 9:45 we headed back to our motel. As we walked back to the car we heard someone scream from the alley next to the grill. I grabbed my gun and ran to the alley. A vampire had a girl pinned up against the wall.
"Where is it? The cure, I know you've heard about it." the vampire yelled at her.
"I don't know what your talking about." she sobbed.
"Don't lie to me you whore." he responded
The vampire arched his neck back and sank his teeth into the girl.
Just as he brought his head up I started unloading my clip into him. While Sam went up behind him at chopped his head clean off. I ran up to the girl.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, thank you." she said
"What was that vamp wanting from you?" Sam asked
"The cure, they all want the cure." she said
"The cure to what?" I said
"The cure to vampirism." She said
"That's impossible there is no cure. and even if there was one why do you know about it.?" I said
"Because my uncles left me in charge of making sure it was safe." she said
"What your name?" Sam asked
"Sara, Sara Salvatore." she said
The the officer from earlier came running down the alley.
"Sara are you ok?"Matt asked
"Yeah I am thanks to these two." she said
"Thank you, how'd you guys know to take off the head?" He asked.
"We're hunters it's what we do." Sam said.
"Hunters. Did Jeremy send you?" He asked.
"Jeremy? No we've been keeping tabs of this town and the recent outburst of deaths and we figured you might need a hand. I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam." I said
"Well welcome to mystic falls." he said
"Where are you guys staying?" Sara asked
"The motel down the street." Sam said
"Oh God that's horrible, you are more than welcome to stay with me. I've got more than enough room. I live at the old Salvatore boarding house." she said
"We wouldn't want to impose." I said
"Oh please you wouldn't be. Were all fighting the same things. You might as well be comfortable while doing it. Please I insist." she said
"Ok, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have help on this one." Sam said
"Great it's just down that road about 10 minutes. You can't miss it." she said
"Thanks." I said
We headed back to pack up our things. At least this way we can get some answers on this cure.
We pulled up to this massive boarding house. It was shades of red and brown. It's beautiful. We knocked on the door of the boarding house. Sara came and let us in.
"I'm glad you found it ok. I know it's a little far out there." she said
We walked into the parlor room, where we were greeted by Matt and another stranger. A man about 6'3 with sandy blonde hair. He had a large build, his arms were crossed.
"Hey guys this is Alaric Saltzman, he's our towns vampire hunter." Matt said
"Semi-retired." he said smiling
"I'm glad you guys are here, we've tried our best, but we have been struggling." Sara said.
"How about you guys walk us through everything that's happening." I said.
So they walked us through everything from Kai to the family of witches that were trapped in a prison world that was in 1903. They were very vague on the cure though.
"So tall to us about this cure." I said
"I'll show you what we're talking about tomorrow." Alaric said
"Here let me show you to your rooms." Sara said.
"Thank you." Sam said.

10hours before the accident.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I walked down stair from my room. I heard Sam laugh, wow it's been a while since I heard that. I followed the smell into the kitchen.
"Good morning Dean." Sam said
"Morning, wow I can't remember the last time I had someone cook for us." I said
"Well I figured that you boys earned it by saving me last night. Alaric and Matt should be back in a few. They had business in town this morning." she said
"So Sara, how did you get so lucky to have a place like this." I asked.
"About 3 years ago my uncles moved and asked me, Matt, and Alaric to look after the place while they were gone." she said
Alaric and Matt returned shortly after breakfast with news of the devastation caused by the vampires last night. 3 dead, all strung up in the streets.
"There getting impatient." Matt said
"We can't let them get to the cure." Alaric said.
"We promised Stefan and Damon we'd keep it safe." Matt said
"Stefan and Damon?" I asked
"My uncles, who also happen to be vampires."
"What the hell kind of rodeo are you guys running around here." I ask
"There good. Well Stefan is, Damon was good until Elena." Sara said
"Who's Elena." I asked
Everyone looked really uncomfortable.
"Elena was one of the kindest people I've ever met. She sacrificed herself for her best friend Bonnie. Damon was in love with her." Matt said
"Elena was like a daughter to me." she was my fiancé's maid of honor at our wedding until Kai showed up. Elena never woke up, and Jo died in my arms." Alaric said.
I could see the pain in his eyes.
"And who's Jeremy? You asked me yesterday night if he had sent us." Sam asked.
"He's Elena's kid brother, he's a vampire hunter. I trained him and he left to go hunt and save people." Alaric said.

5 hours until the accident
We were all sitting around the kitchen table in the boarding house eating pizza and drinking beer.
"Ok if you guys want to see this cure, were leaving now before the sun sets."
"Great" I said
We drove about 10 minutes to the town cemetery. We pulled up in front of the Salvatore Crypt. Alaric walked up to the doors and unlocked the doors with a key from his pocket. Once inside he locked the doors once again.
"What you guys see in here you can't breathe a word of it to anyone." Alaric said seriously
Sam and I nodded.
Alaric went over and unlocked another door and signaled us to come over to him.
What we saw next we couldn't believe. We assumed the cure would be a vile of some mystical element. Not that.
A coffin. A beautiful black coffin.
"I don't understand." I thought you were taking us to the cure, not some dead ancestor." I said
"That's the thing, when Kai ripped through town he put a spell on these two people, he linked there lives so the one will wake up when the other died. However the one whose sleeping had the cure to vampirism running through her veins." Alaric explained
He opened the coffin and there she was. Are very own American sleeping beauty. She had brown hair. She was stunning.
"Elena won't wake up until her best friend Bonnie dies." Matt said finally speaking up.
"Oh wow." I said
"Yeah." Matt said
"There is only one cure. And it's running through her veins. The only way to get it is to drain Elena of her blood, killing her. And I won't let that happen." Alaric said
I understand everything now. The secrets and the need to protect her, I'd do the same for Sam. We headed back to the boarding house right as the sun went down. At around 11 Alaric received a phone call. He dropped his phone.
"Oh my God." he said
"What's wrong Alaric." Matt said.
"It's Bonnie, she was in a car accident. She died. That was Caroline, she hasn't been able to get ahold of Stefan or Damon. She's on her way to Mystic Falls now with Klaus." Alaric said
"Elena." Matt said
"She's out in the cemetery all by herself, completely unprotected in the dark and in a town full of vampires who'd kill for her blood." Matt said
"I'll drive, lets go." I said
We got to the cemetery and we ran to the doors. We were ambushed by the vampires. Alaric threw me the key while the rest stayed out to fight them off.
I unlocked the key and ran to the next door. The coffin was still untouched. She hadn't woken up yet. I opened it up, and waited.
The next thing I knew she gasped for air. She said straight up and looked at me confused.
"Who the hell are you?" She said
"I'm Dean, we gotta go, I'll explain later."

Authors note:
Comments and criticisms are requested! I'll be updating soonish!

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