Walking Away

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Elena's POV:
As I walked out of my room I took a deep breath, and headed down the stairs.
I met Stefan in the parlor. He didn't say anything he just looked at me.
"What's up Stefan?" I asked
"I asked you this the other night and then Damon came in so I'll ask you again. What are you doing Elena?" Stefan asked
"I'm living Stefan! Don't you see this my heart is beating. I'm happy for the first time in a long time I'm happy." I said.
He just looked at me with his big green eyes, like he did when I first became a vampire like he wanted to fix me.
Before he could say anything to me Sam walked in room.
"Hey Lena, I'm going on a run. Wanna go?" He asked
"That sounds perfect." I said giving him a smile.
I changed and headed out with Sam.
The Salvatore property was massive, there are tons of trails. It was so refreshing to just be outside and not worried about anything.
"So, you and my brother." he said laughing at me
"Me and your brother." I said responding.
"This is good for him, you. Your good for him. You challenge him and you make him laugh. Thank you." he said sincerely.
"He's completely changed everything for me. When I went to sleep I though that when I woke up my entire life would be worked around into Damon and our future. I wanted to be a doctor." I confessed
"What's changed?" Sam asked
"Me. Every time I think I have a clue on who I'm supposed to be I die or become a vampire, or I become human again and then I get cursed and sleep for 5 years." I say
Sam and I stopped running for a second and he looked at me.
"I get that, my life hasn't been pie either Elena, same with Dean. We've lost everyone we've ever cared for. Our parents, friends. Nobody lasts around us. And I think that's why Dean is so cautious around you. He's falling for you and it would destroy him if something happened to you Elena." he said
"I can't imagine life with out him Sam." I said looking down.
"I understand that. We should head back before Dean thinks I abducted you." Sam said
We ran back to the house and when we walked in we were greeted by Stefan, Damon, and Dean.
"Where have you two been?" Dean asked
"We went for a run." I said smiling
Dean returned my smile and pulled Sam aside. I wonder what's going on.

Deans POV:
The time is here, I got a call from Bobby right after Elena left this morning. He's got a case for us in Iowa, he thinks it's a demon killing innocent people. We have to leave Mystic falls, leave Elena.
After what happened last night between us, I don't know how I can leave her.
"Bobby called Sammy, he's got a case for us in Iowa." I told Sam quietly
"Ok, what about Elena?" He asked
"What about her? I can't put her in danger Sam." I said
"Dean her entire life revolves around vampires, she's not safe here. The cure has made her a target." Sam said
"What should I do?" I asked
"Take her with us. She's an asset Dean, she's not helpless you know." he said
" She's a waking target Sam, the cure. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her." I said
"How many times has someone or something been after us Dean?" He asked
"That's not the point Sammy. We have been raised to fight this stuff she hasn't." I said
"Whether we like it or not she's apart of this life." he said
I looked down at my hands, he had a point.
"She probably wouldn't even want to go with us." I said
"I bet that you are wrong." Sam said
I walked away after that, I would be crushed if she rejected me.
Last night was perfect, we were on the same page. Now I don't know where we are. I need to talk to her.
She was standing over by Alaric, they were laughing. God she has a beautiful laugh. I walk over to Alaric and whisper something sweet in her ear. She smiles, and I walk with her outside.
"So, what's so important that you had to take me away from Alaric?" she asked
"Us." I said
"What about us?" She asked
"Elena I have to leave in a few days, and I want you to come with us." I said
She looked at me like her jaw was going to hit the floor.
"Dean, I don't know what to say." she said
"Say you'll think about it. Elena I'm crazy about you and I can't imagine a day not seeing you." I said.
She just looked up at me and smiled.
"Okay Dean, I'll think about it." she said reaching for my neck and pulling my lips to hers.
Our fingers were locked together as we walked around the boarding house.
This is what life if about, being with her right now.
Once we got back to the house Sam and Stefan were drinking in the parlor. They were laughing talking about something.
"What's so funny?" Elena asked
"I was just telling stories about you Elena." Stefan said.
"Oh god." she said
"Yeah Dean apparently our favorite girl used to be a cheerleader." Sam said
"No." Dean said laughing
"It's not that funny, I was really terrible." Elena said smiling.
Alaric, Matt, Stefan, Sam, Elena and I all sat around telling stories. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. After all the dust has settled and no more people are dying life is good.
The only thing that could make this better would be Elena joining us. Now I can only wait and hope I don't have to say good bye to her. She's the best thing I've ever had. I'm not ready to walk away.
Authors note:
Will she stay will she go? Dun dun dun.
Is it love is it the end?

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