All Signs Point Right

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Deans POV:
Everyone got up early this morning. Today we were going after the nest. Hit them hard before they can hurt anyone else.
We know that so far the only effective way of killing them is to cut off there heads and burn the bodies. We looked at a blueprint of the the mansion Sam and I had found them at. We looked for weak spots in the foundation. Apparently they were drawing power from the house. It apparently marked the spot of a bunch of witch deaths from the 1800's. Elena told me that they had seen another house like this before. Apparently her friend Bonnie had channelled the spot for power a few years back.
If the vamps were wanting power, that's the place to do it. This house is feeding power to these son of a bitches, which will make them just that much harder to kill.
We all agreed that the best time to attach them was during the day. They might have witch in them but the sun still affects them.
"Elena and I have more weapons at the lake house. That might come in handy." Jeremy said
"Ok so there are 10 of us, 2 ways in and out of that house. I like our odds." I said
"Yeah, but we don't know how many of them are in there." Elena said
"I don't think we have a choice here Elena. We have to do this." I said

While the rest of us stayed at the boarding house Caroline and Klaus went to go get the weapons from the lake house. We have a pretty solid plan, half of us will go in the back and the other in the front and then meet in the middle. We'd clear the house but by bit.

Caroline and Klaus got back about and hour later. We all loaded up and headed out. It took us 20 minutes to get to the mansion. Sam, Stefan,Elena, Matt and I went in the back Klaus, Caroline,Jeremy, and Sara went in the front.
Sam and I had our machetes at the ready. As we walked through the house we cleared 4 rooms. Nothing. We got through the back end fast, trying to be as quiet as possible. We met with the others, we started to head down stairs. I heard movement to the right. I signaled Sam. As we passed through the door I was thrown into the wall.
"Dean!" Sam yelled.
"I'm fine, just get the son on a bitch, Sammy." I said
Sam followed the vamp into the other room while I picked myself off of the ground.
Elena ran to me when she came into the room.
"Dean! Are you ok?" She asked
"Fine, just fine." I said
She helped me get to my feet. She just looked at me, she had that concerned look in her eyes that she gets. Her big brown eyes followed my every movement.
"We gotta go help Sam" I said.
I left the room, I can't let her look at me like that. I'll only put her in danger.
By the time I found Sam he had killed 2 of the vamps.
"Not bad Sammy." I said
Just as I said that I saw a vamp come up behind him. I pushed him out of the way and swung my machete. I made perfect contact with the vamps neck. It's head fell to the ground. We moved on quickly. Once we met up with the others the house was silent. The body toll was around 8 vampires. But that's the thing out off all killed in the house only 4 of them were the hybrids. Something wasn't right here.
"Let's just head out, there nothing more to do tonight." Sara said.
Before anyone could respond, she fell to the ground. Her heart had been brutally ripped from her chest. Matt rushed to catch her. The vampire who attacked her didn't make it 5 steps. Jeremy took his head clean off.
"Sara, Sara can you hear me? Stay with me."Matt yelled
"Matt, she's gone." Elena said grabbing him.
He pushed her back, I caught her from falling.
"Help her somebody!" Matt pleaded with us
"Matt we can't fix this." Caroline said stepping in.
She bent down and hugged him.
"I'm so sorry." she said
Stefan just stared at her body in shock. She was his last living family, there's Damon but he's not exactly alive. Matt carried her body from the house. No one said a word for the rest of the night.

Elena's POV:
I can't believe this is happening. 2 caskets. I can't handle anymore death. I just want this over. Maybe I just need a change. I glance at Dean on the road home. He looks devastated. I wish I could help him, but I can't even help myself. I'm riding with Sam, Dean,and Jer. No one says a word, I don't think anyone knows what to say. We all knew the risks but, Sara shouldn't have died, we should have checked better. Who's knows how many of them are still out there. We weren't prepared. I don't blame anyone, it's just we failed her, all of us.
We all walked through the doors of the boarding house. I went and poured myself a glass of bourbon. The Salvatore's always had the best booze.
We all piled into the living room, and sat in silence.
"To Sara." Jeremy said raising his glass
"To Sara." We all said.
I left the room shortly after, Dean ran after me.
"Elena" he said
"What Dean." I said snapping at him
"I'm so sorry elena" he said
"I'm so tired of everyone saying that to me, that's all anyone's said to me since high school." I started to cry
"Why does everyone have to die on me?" I said
Dean ran and wrapped his arms around me. I glanced up at him through my tear filled eyes.
He lowered his head and our lips collided, and in that moment I didn't feel alone. He made me feel safe, which is something I hadn't felt in a long time.
He lifted his head separating our lips.
"Goodnight Elena."

Authors note:
Sorry it's been a few days, I suffered from severe writers block.
It was a hard decision to kill Sara because I liked the idea of Matt not being alone, but I felt it was necessary.
Oh and on a better note Dean and Elena finally kissed. No big deal.

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