No Rest For The Wicked.

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Dean's POV:
After everything that went down in Kansas City I made finding Elena my one and only goal. We pinged her cell phone signal but it was a few days old. Her search for Jeremy was a trap that much was clear from our trip and the conversation I had with that bitch. We ended up in Montana. I found Elena's car on the outskirts with her phone inside. No way to track her anymore, Sam and I split up begin asking the locals if they'd seen her. I went door to door for over 3 hours. Nothing. All I could think was come on baby just give me a sign that your here; alive. My phone began to buzz.
"Sam! Did you find anything!?" I asked
"Maybe, some of the locals say there has been some strange activity in an old cabin on the outskirts of town."
"Good enough for me, I'll meet you there." I said hanging up.
The drive was only 15 minutes, I pulled up on the cabin which was completely desolate. I waited for Sam for a solid 10 minutes before I heard a scream come from the cabin. A sudden rush of anger flew over me. No one would be making it out of there alive. I stormed the cabin kicking down the front door. The cabin was utterly silent.

*2 hours earlier*

Elena's POV:
It's been days since Kai took me hostage. He's been very distant, not nearly as snarky. I'm starving, I haven't eaten in days. Not to mention that I only receive enough water to keep me coherent. I drift in and out of consciousness. I'm terrified about Jeremy, from what I have gathered he's not here and he never was.
Kai walked into the room an hour later.
"Elena, the rumor mill is filled with fun little stories of your favorite hunters being beaten to a pulp in Kansas City. Tell me, how does that make you feel?" He asked
I was holding back the urge to cry, I wouldn't give him that.
So I looked at the wall behind him never making eye contact with him.
"Look here you bitch as soon as I get the go ahead you are going to feel what I felt when your Salvatore's put me in the ground." He said
"Go to hell." I spat
Kai balled his fists and punched me square in the jaw. I let out a quiet wince
He left the room briefly before returning. He pulled up a chair next to me, never taking his eyes off of me.
"You have such pretty skin Elena, barely any scars or cuts."
He flipped open a pocket knife and began approaching the tops of my thighs
He began to slice the top of my thigh slowly. I let out a painful scream. The blood began to pour out of my leg; my vision began to blur.

Deans POV:
I charged through the cabin with my gun at the ready. I made my way to the back of the cabin. I see a light coming from a room at the end of the hallway. I  enter the room and find Elena tied to a chair unconscious; I see blood pooling at her feet.
"Elena baby I need you to wake up." I plead. Her pulse is weak but it's there. I begin to untie her.
"Dean. Go get him." She stumbles out.
I tie off her wound and run out of the cabin. I run into Sam on my way into the tree line.
"Dean!" He yells
"She's in the cabin go get her!!" I shout back.
I'm running through the forest, I stop and listen.
I hear sticks cracking to the east, My pace quickens and I'm now sprinting.
Just as I'm almost out of breath I spot him, leaned up against the tree.
I run up on the other side of the tree I grab him by his neck and begin to strangle Kai.
"You need me!" He chokes out
"Bullshit! The only reason you still have a pulse is I can't have you just go back to purgatory. So I've arranged for something a little more permanent." I say
Before Kai could say anything else we were quickly joined by a familiar face.
"Squirrel! How nice of you to call. Where's moose?" Crowley snickers
"Enough games Crowley just put this son of a Bitch in the hottest box you have down stairs." I demand
"Alright, alright. Just remember that this is a favor I may want repaid someday." He states.
I nod in agreement, then with out further interruption Crowley taps Kai on the shoulder and they both disappear.
I begin to jog back to the cabin. By the time I got back Sam had already loaded Elena into the impala.
"Hey there darlin, you just took 5 years off of my life!" I say jokingly
"Well I couldn't let our lives get too apple pie now could I?" She says smiling.
"I think I could settle for a regular life with you if it meant never having to feel like this ever again." I admit
Before she could respond Sam walked up to the impala.
"Bobby just called, he says that the heritic problem has been solved."
"How?!" I ask
"He called in a bunch of favors from other hunters." Sam says relieved.
"Well how bout that!" I say smiling at him.
We load up the impala and drive out of this small piece of hell. And for the first time in a while, I feel at peace but there is still one thing I have left to do.
Authors note:
Hey guys!!! I'm back, I know it's been over a month. I've had a pretty shit couple of weeks and I'm just now starting to feel up for writing! I've got one more chapter in me for this story! Hopefully it won't be another month before I update again!!!
As always comment how this chapter made you feel!!!❤️

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