Welcome Wagon

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Elena's POV:
"I'll explain everything later Elena but we have to go now." said Dean
We walked out of the crypt into a battle zone. I spotter Ric, and Matt. I never thought I'd see them again. Dean escorted me to the car. Everyone else hopped in shortly after. 10 minutes later we arrived at the Salvatore boarding house.
I ran to Matt and Ric and wrapped my arms around them.
"I never thought I'd see you guys again." I said
"Come on Elena you know you can't get rid of us that easy." Matt said
"Where's everyone? Damon and Stefan? Caroline?" I asked and that's when the filled me in.
5 years gone. I've missed so much. I was ready to wait longer, for Bonnie. She deserved a long and happy life, a car accident. Stefan and Damon skipped town pretty fast. I doubt they even know about Bonnie. And then to wake up after 5 years to a stranger pulling me out of my coffin. It's surreal.
Dean reintroduces himself to me as well as his brother Sam. They explain who they are and what they do.
About 20 minutes later Caroline comes bursting through the doors. With Klaus not far behind.
"Where is she?" she demands
I walked into the room and Caroline vamp sped to me. She hugged me for a solid 10 minutes.
"This has to be the worst best day ever." letting out a quiet sob.
"I know Care, I thought she'd have more time. Matt said she was happy though." I said
"She was starting her life with this guy she met senior year of college. They were happy." she said
"Good that's all I could have hoped for." I said
"Have you talked to Damon?" She asked
"He hasn't answered anyone's calls." I said
"Yeah he lost it when you were gone." she said
"I'm sure he'll get the news, I haven't been able to get ahold of Stefan either." I said
"Well I just got off the phone with Jeremy, he's on his way now."
"Well at least someone is picking up their phone." Caroline said.
It was quiet the sight to see Caroline with Klaus. She seemed happy, which is all I ever wanted for her. However when I went to sleep her and Stefan were figuring things out. I wonder what happened.
We all gathered in the living room. Everyone in the room had either beer or scotch in their hands, I knew at that point that the time for pleasantries was over.
"So what happened when I went to sleep." I asked
"Lily's family came to town." Caroline said
"Wait the Vampire Witches?" I said
"Yep." she said
"They've been destroying Mystic Falls, and they know about the cure. You are in danger Elena." Alaric pitched in.
It must have been 3am, everyone was still drinking. Oh the perks of being a vampire. Your tolerance is insane. I saw Sam and Dean sitting alone.
"This must be strange for you. Being back." Dean said
"You have no idea. I feel so disconnected from the world. Like I just don't fit in here anymore." I said
"Things will get better Elena." Dean said.
"I feel stuck in time, they've all moved on and I'm still me." I said
About 20 minutes later everyone had cleared out and gone to bed. I couldn't sleep. I've spent 5 years sleeping, I just want to be present and alert. I heard someone coming down the stairs, it was Sara.
"Hey, couldn't sleep?"she said
"Yeah, it's weird being back." is said
"I can't imagine what your going through." she said
"Yeah it's surreal, can I ask you something?" I said
"Shoot." she responded
"When did Stefan and Damon leave?"
"About 3 years ago. They got closer when you were gone." she said
"Good, and Damon? How's Damon?" I asked
"I couldn't tell you, he didn't do much after you left. He kept to himself for a long time." she said
"I just wanted him to be happy. I though he would have stuck around to help solve the vampire problem." I said
"So did we." she said
Dean walked in and headed to the fridge. Sara went back to bed, and left me alone with Dean.
"So Dean tell me, what is a normal day like for the Winchesters." I asked
"Ha well usually bloody, but we save people so at the end of the day it's all worth it." he said
"You and my brother will get along great." I said
My thoughts drifted to Jeremy, he was spending his life saving others. Our parents would be proud of him. Saving people from the things they can't see.
"I don't know if I said this but I'm sorry about your friend Bonnie." Dean said
"Thanks, I don't think anyone has really let it set in yet that the only reason I'm here is because she's not." I said
"We're going to fix this vampire problem Elena and you'll be able to mourn and move on." Dean said
"Thanks Dean." I said
Dean made himself a sandwich and went back upstairs.
Jeremy should be here tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see him. Maybe Damon will call. I need to see him, 5 years is too long.

Next Morning:
Dean's POV:
I went downstairs at around 8am. Elena was curled up on the couch with a bottle of bourbon next to her. I didn't want to wake her so I went to the kitchen and got some food. About 10 minutes later I heard the front door open. I went and was greeted by a guy must have been 22, about 6 foot and a large build.
"You must be Jeremy." I said
Before he could answer he was tackled by Elena. He almost fell to the ground but he quickly. They laughed for 5 minutes straight. It didn't take much longer for the entire house to be awake after that.
It took 20 minutes for everyone to settle down again. Sam came at sat next to me on the couch. Quiet the group of people. 3 hunters, 1 semi retired hunter, a police deputy, 2 vampires, Sara and Elena. And from what I gathered there was going to be more. These people have a family here, it's filled with supernatural beings but they weren't like the stuff me and Sam hunt. They had a sense of morality and humanity.
That afternoon we started strategizing. We had maps and property lines of Mystic Falls. We knew that there had to be at least a dozen. Of the vamp/witch hybrids.
All we needed was to find the nest.

Authors note:
More familiar faces to come, but will Damon be in the mix?
As Always comments are greatly appreciated. Vote if this doesn't suck ass. Or not that's cool to.

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