Adjustments Made.

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Elena's POV:
I've been on the road with Sam and Dean for over a week now, and all I can say is wow. They live such a fast life they never stay anywhere long. I met a family friend of theirs. Bobby. He's pretty great, he always finds a way to make the boys smile.
Things with Dean are progressing as well. I think it makes Sam uncomfortable being in the same hotel room with us. Not that anything ever happens with Sam in the room but it's an adjustment. We've been following cases in the Midwest. I think the guys were happy to get back to work and out of Mystic Falls. I can't blame them. However I usually just do research while there out on cases. Dean said he'll work with me but he wants me to see more of their world first.
The guys have been out on a hunt for almost 3 days now and it's been quiet.
I lay around and watch bad cable TV while curled up on the hotel bed. I get a call around 2 am from Dean checking up on me. He says that they just finished up and that they would be back in the morning. I let out a deep sigh of relief. I dozed off into a blissful rest.
I woke up the next morning to complete silence I guess the guys aren't back yet. I get up and walk to the bathroom still rubbing my tired eyes. I open the door and find Sam. With only a towel wrapped around his waist. I quickly cover my eyes and back out of the bathroom.
"Woah there Sammy. I'm sorry I had no idea you guys were back." I said through the door.
I heard Sam giggling from the other side of the door.
"Its fine just don't tell Dean, he'd kill me." Sam said through the door.
I smiled and laid down on my bed. Sam came out of the bathroom a few minutes later fully clothed. I went in the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Well at least now I've already had my awkward moment of the day.
Once I finished my shower I got dressed and went back into the room. Where I was then joined by Sam and Dean. I was wearing my favorite jeans, the ones that fit just right. I glanced over at Sam who just laughed. I think him and I will laugh about our encounter for a while. Dean grabbed me as I walked past him, and he pulled me onto the bed with him.
"Dean!"I screeched.
"What Elena you don't like to be tickled?" Dean said smirking at me,
"You two should get a room." Sam said from the bathroom arch way.
"We have a room Sammy, your just here too." Dean said going back to kissing my neck.
Sam then walked over and shoved Dean off of the bed.
"Why thank you good sir." I said as Sam gave me his hand helping me escape Dean and his playful mood.
"Taking Lena to breakfast Dean, if you hurry we might even wait for you." Sam said to Dean who was picking himself off the floor.
"Come on." Dean groaned.
We went to breakfast and we shared stories and even had a few laughs. This was my life on the road and it's been nothing but amazing.
It's hard for me to even remember a time where I wasn't here with them. I miss Stefan sometimes and Ric. But I'm happy here. And that's all that matters now. I've spent so much time sacrificing my self for others. 5 years was taken from me and now I just want to enjoy my life.
Things with the Winchesters are just different. Stefan and Damon were always fighting each other. Sam and Dean are family. They work together they fight together.
Dean makes me laugh more than anything in the world. Back in mystic falls we were all so serious and we had to be but now it's like I can breathe again. For the first time in 5 years I can just breathe. We've been busy with cases since we left mystic falls but Dean said that he had something to show me.
We pulled up into this small town in Kansas. We got out of the impala and began to walk until we came the side of what looked like an old bomb shelter.
"Elena, this is the place we call home when we're not out destroying the world." Sam said
"What is this place?" I asked
"This is the men of letters bunker." Dean said opening the door.
"I remember you telling Jeremy about this place." I said
"It's a safe place. And I figured that maybe we could get settled in here and then maybe I'd teach you a few things." Dean said smiling at me.
"I'd like that."
We began to walk through the halls of the bunker. So much history was here. It was a library filled with all things supernatural.
It took us an hour to get settled in. I was hesitant to share a room with Dean. I hadn't shared a room with anyone since before I was cursed for those 5 years and it was Damon. It's crazy how much things changed in just 5 years. Damon was supposed to be the one I was with right now. I unpacked my clothes into the dresser and I continued to run through all of the moments I had in mystic falls. Going all the way back to when I met Stefan. Being a sacrifice, losing Jenna, and Alaric, becoming a vampire, losing Jeremy, then losing Bonnie and Damon, getting them back, Kai coming and destroying everything, becoming human again, and then sleeping for 5 years. Only to come back and not recognize my life anymore.
It makes me almost furious to think about how much time Kai stole from me. He made it so I wouldn't get to grow old with Bonnie.
I finished unpacking when Dean walked in.
"Hey you." He says wrapping his arms around me.
"What's on your mind?" He asked
"Just reminiscing all of the crap that's happened in my life." I said
"Tell me about it." Dean said looking at me sincerely.
So we sat on his bed and I told him about losing my parents and losing Jenna. I told him about dying and coming back. He never judged me he just sat there and took in every word I said. And when I was finished he looked at me and said.
"I'm so happy that you are here with me Elena, and I'm falling completely and insanely in love with you."
Authors note: Not sure how many more chapters this stories got. I know the ending just not sure how I want to get there just yet.
As always comment your feelings.

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