Moving Forward

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Elena's POV:
Months have passed since the incident with Kai. I've settled into a routine with the Winchesters. Ever since I was kidnapped Dean doesn't hunt as often neither does Sam. They'll get a call about a case and they pass unless is close to home. I don't want them to drop everything for me. I'm fine. I need them to be themselves. I need the Dean who saved me almost a year ago. The passionate stubborn man that I love. I think it's time for an intervention.

Deans POV:
It's been months since Elena was kidnapped, and I can't bring myself to leave her. Sam is the same way we just don't have the drive anymore. It's like our lives were put in perspective. I never wanted this life for Sam and I. I would never admit that to Sam or Elena. But I could see myself growing old and having a family with her. I think it's time to redefine my life.
Obviously we can't completely stop hunting, there are to many unknowns  out in the world. But I can't keep going like I used to. She's my home.
I need to talk to Sam about the future, which is a little strange because the future has never been a real thing for us. But it's time. I begin to walk down the quiet halls of the bunker until I'm at Sam's door.
I knock on the door and I here Sam shuffling from the other side.
He opens the door and I see his tired eyes and messy hair.
"Sorry sleeping beauty didn't mean you wake you from your beauty sleep." I chuckle.
Sam frowns at me and begins to close his door again.
"Sam! Wait I need to talk to you." I stutter out
"Dean it's 4am what could you possibly want to talk about at 4am?" He asks
"I've been thinking and I want to stop hunting." I state
Sam's eyes enlarge he looks at me in complete disbelief.
"Quit? Dean are you ok? You sound like a crazy person right now." He says intently
"Maybe not quit but I don't want to travel all over the states picking fights with demons and angels anymore. I want more for us. I've always wanted more for us." I say sincerely
"Where is this coming from Dean?" He asks
"Elena. Sam she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and you. She makes things clear for me." I say
"Does she know about your plan to leave the life?" Sam asks
"No. And I don't wanna tell just yet Sammy. I've got something else I need to talk to her about." I say
"Dean you know that I'm with you either way, you want us out then I'm out." Sam says pulling me in for a hug.

Now that Sam is on board I can make plans for Elena and I.

Elena's POV:
I've decided to confront Sam and Dean about the lack of hunting these past few months. I search all over the bunker for Dean and I finally find him, in the garage cleaning baby. He doesn't see me right away so I get a rare minute to just gaze at him. How did I get so lucky? His face is fixed on the impala, I watch his facial expressions shift as he moves around the impala into a smile.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." He says finally meeting my eyes.
"Maybe I will!" I tease.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his torso. I rest my head on his back, just taking in the moment.
"What's up babe?" He says concerned.
"Am I reason you guys aren't hunting anymore?" I say breaking my silence
"No. Elena I've been talking with Sam and our entire lives have been consumed with hunting things and saving people. That we forgot that we are aloud  to be happy and fall in love."
I'm in complete awe of this beautiful man standing in front of me, confessing that he's ready to settle down.
"Elena you and Sam are my family you are all I have in this entire world and I'm tired of fighting for my life. You deserve more." He says focused on me.
"I don't know what to say." I confess to him.
"Say you'll go out with me tonight." He says smiling.
"Yes. I'd love to." I say smiling at him
"Great." He says picking up the hose to rinse off the impala.
I begin to walk out of the garage when I feel cold water hit my ass.
I turn around and face Dean who looks very proud of himself.
"You think that you are real funny don't you Winchester?" I say glaring at him.
"Darling I'm hilarious." He says
I walk over to him and I get up on my toes to kiss him. Our lips are just about to touch when I grab the hose out of his hands and spray him.
Deans face is priceless, I don't think I've ever seen him that shocked.
"Didn't know you were that brave Gilbert." He says beginning to chase me around the impala.
"Dean! No no no no." I giggle at him.
He catches up to me despite my best efforts to get away. He sprays me with the hose before he pulls my chin up to meet his lips with mine.
I love this man with every fiber of my being.

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