When Hell Breaks Loose

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Deans POV:
I haven't heard from Elena since she left yesterday. I'm terrified something's wrong. I can feel it. Bobby brought Sam and I in on a massive vampire operation just outside of Kansas City. Something feels very familiar about these attacks and how the nest is moving. It's a systematic attack, they move swiftly and quietly. From what Bobby has said the town is mainly vamps. However he's seen around 50 humans. I'm assuming the only reason their alive is to be a walking blood bag.
We're going out today to find the weak spots in town. The spots we can slip in and out from with out getting the shit beaten out of us. I can't focus long enough to really process anything, Elena being off of the radar is killing me.
"Dean focus. We're all going to die if you aren't here with us. I'm sure she's fine." Sam says
"I'm fine Sam just shut up and keep moving." I say snapping at him.
He gives me a scowl and just keeps walking.

We're a quarter of the way through mapping the town when my phone rings.
I grab it quickly praying that it's Elena
"Hello." I say
"Dean its Bobby I need you two idgits to head to the water tower in town. Y'all are gonna wanna see this." Bobby says
"On our way." I say hanging up

"Let's go." I say to Sam 
*It took us 10 minutes  to get to the water tower and I couldn't believe what was in front of us. Half of the town was completely torched. Someone lit the place a blaze.
"I don't understand. If this was a nest why would they burn their home?" Sam asks
"I don't think this is a normal nest." I respond.
We start walking through the rubble that's left from the towns main square.
I don't understand. I'm walking through the streets when I hear chanting coming from behind me. That all I remember  before falling to the warm cement.
I woke up tied to a chair in what looks like a warehouse. I'm completely surrounded by strangers.
"Dean Winchester. It's been a while but I doubt you remember us. After all you were awfully busy chopping off our heads back in mystic falls." A female figure says from the shadows.
"Sorry sweetheart you'll have to jog my memory I tend to kill a lot of bitches so for you to assume your special is a little dramatic." I say giving my best smirk.
"Cocky one isn't he?"she says gesturing to the other shadows.
"You slaughtered my entire kind. Without even blinking. You and your moose of a brother are the monsters." She says finally stepping into the light.
"I remember you now. Your one of those heretics we took off the map back in mystic falls. My only question is how did you crawl your sorry asses out of the pit?" I say
"Dean sugar, you know better than anyone where monsters like us go when we die. And you know that there is a door back." She says
"Purgatory."I say bitterly
"Yeah we met an old friend while there. Your pretty little girlfriend had already been acquainted with him. You may have heard of him. Kai?" She says smiling.
Suddenly I felt like I had been gutted. Kai put Elena to sleep for all those years. And now she was completely off of the grid.
"We're going to have so much fun together!" She says.
She backs into the darkness and the next thing I know I'm being beaten by the other heretics who had been waiting silently in the darkness. It was just punch after punch. I lasted only a few minutes of the beating before I was knocked unconscious.
By the time I gained my consciousness I was left completely alone I began to feel the warm blood run down my face. All I could think about was Elena and Sam. They are both in danger and I'm completely useless. I have yet to see Sam and I'm beyond pissed off by this entire situation.
I begin running through my options.
Then I begin to pray to my favorite winged ass hat.
Seconds later I'm joined by Cas.
"Cas! Thank god you had your listening ears on today." I say laughing.
"Dean I always have my ears on. My ears are attached to my head." Cas says looking confused.
"It's a figure of speech Cas just get me out of here." I say
He unties me and we begin looking for Sam and Bobby.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter as always comment what's on your mind.
On a different note if you guys ever need someone to talk to hit me up. I'm always ready to listen.

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