Somebody Help Me.

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Deans POV:
Elena's been with Sam and I for almost 6 months now. And I can't imagine life without her. I know Sam feels the same, after Charlie died we both just felt disconnected and now it's like he has a sister. And for me well, I can't breathe when i look at her sometimes. She literally takes me breath away. She's uncommonly kind and patient. Which in our line of work you don't come across people like that often. We have been taking cases close to the bunker so we're not 4 states away if something goes wrong back home. And I like going home and seeing her after a shitty hunt. I've been training with herwhen I can, and I'm not going to lie she can hold her own in a fight.
Sam and I have a case that's I little farther  out then we usually go but Bobby needs help with this one so were leaving tonight and hopefully we'll be back in a week tops. Bobby thinks it's a wendigo somewhere in the mountain parts of Washington. So I do what I always do I pack a bag, fill up baby and kiss Elena as Sam and I walk out of the bunker.

*2 weeks later*

Elena's POV:
Sam and Dean haven't been heard from in over a week and Bobby lost contact with them last Friday. They were supposed to be home by now. I'm worried about them. I sit around the bunker listening to music and cleaning like a mad person. Until I can't handle it anymore and I pack a small bag and hit the road. I make a phone call to an old friend along with the coordinates to the part of Washington where Sam and Dean were last heard from.
The drive took me just over a day. I pulled up outside of the park where I find baby completely untouched. I open the trunk and pull out my handgun that Alaric slipped in my bag before I left mystic falls, I also grab some matches and grab a flare gun from the backseat. If there in trouble I to signal for help.
Just as I'm about to start my hike into the woods a car pulls up behind me.
"You called for some back up?"said the voice
"Turn around and see Alaric and Jeremy with their hunter ready hiking bags.
I ran over and hugged them.
"Thanks for coming. I didn't know who else to call." I said
"I'm glad you did, we've missed you." Ric said.
We grabbed our packs and started into the woods.
"I did some reading back at the bunker and all I found on wendigos was some lore about where they usually nest and that they don't do well with fire." I said.
"Ok well there are caves in this area of Washington so let's back track the area for any clues as to where Sam and Dean were." Ric said.
We stared our trek, we must have hiked for almost an hour before we came out on some caves. Just before we walked into the cave I found deans gun buried underneath some fallen leaves. I think my heart dropped a little. But I've to think positive. We turned on our flashlights and began into the cave.
It was wet and damp and it seemed to go on forever.
I turned right at a fork in the cave while Ric went left. I continued down the path so a while when I tripped and fell on something on the ground. I pulled my self up when I looked at what I tripped over. Dean.
He was completely drenched in sweat and unconscious with blood running down the side of his head. I lifted his head off of the ground and placed it I my lap.
"Ric! Jer! Somebody help me!!" I yelled frantically.
I picked up my flashlight and began to shine it around the area where I then found Sam strapped to a post. I ran to him and began to try and wake him up
"Sam. Sammy come on wake up I need you to wake up. Dean needs help its real bad." I said to him as I untied him from the post. He began to stir.
"Elena?" He said confused.
"Thanks god, I need your help deans not waking up." I said heading back over to Dean.
I dumped water on to a rag in an attempt to clean up the blood on his face.
"Dean, I need you to wake up. Okay I can't do this without you. You've changed everything for me. I can't breathe without you." I said to his unconscious body.
Alaric and Jeremy came running down the cave shaft to me.
Sam was finally getting to his feet by the time they got to us.
"Great you found them, now we have to get out of here like now." Jeremy said in a panic.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"I think we found the wendigo." Ric said
We didn't waste much more time after that. Ric and Jeremy lifted Dean up off of the ground and we began to move. I helped support Sam to his feet through the cave. He could barely walk but at least he was awake. Ric and Jeremy we flying through the caves but Sam and I struggled to get any actual speed. Which is when I got knocked into the cave wall.
My body fell to the ground. I winced in pain as I touched my side. I noticed my hand gun was flung down the cave farther.
The beast began to charge me again I reached for the flare gun that was just a few feet in front of me. It was just barely out of reach and I continued to grasp for it.
I finally grabbed it and shot 2 flares at the wendigo. He lit up into a massive firey blaze. I ran back over to Sam and we then made our way out of the cave. The hike didn't seem to take as long this time. By the time we made it back to the vehicles Ric and Jeremy were already back with Dean. He was still unconscious. I helped Sam into the passenger seat. I went over to Dean where he slept. It reminded me of when I was cursed by Kai. I just stared at his face. He looked peaceful now less stressed. I took a wet rag to his forehead and I just held his head In My lap while laying I the back of the impala. Sam drove the impala and Jeremy drove my car back to the bunker. The road back was long and Dean remained unchanged. At least he's breathing. That's the only thing that kept me from losing it. I sit there and run my fingers through his hair.
"Dean, I need you to open those beautiful green eyes for me now. Okay?" I plead with him
"It's going to be okay Lena." Sam tells me from the drivers seat.
We finally get back to the bunker, Sam carries Dean inside and lays him on his bed. The next thing I know Sam is over in the corner praying.
Seconds later a man in a khaki colored trench coat is standing over Dean.
"Cas, thank god" Sam said
"What the hell." I say
"Elena this is Castiel, he's an angel, and a good friend." Sam says
"He's not injured, just asleep. He could wake up at any time." Cas said before disappearing into thin air. The room fell silent once more. Sam left the room leaving just Dean and I. I laid down on the bed next to him and I dozed off.
I awoke the next morning to a still quiet. I looked next to me and Dean was still sleeping.
"I need you Dean, I love you. Please." I said
The next thing I knew he spoke with his groggy voice.
"Hey beautiful."
Holy shit guys I reached 1K thank you all so much for reading this story!!

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