Saying Goodbye

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Elena's POV:
Today's the day. We can't hold it off any longer, she deserves to be at rest. It's going to be a long day.
Bonnie didn't have a set list of things she wanted done for her funeral. We assumed she'd want to be buried by her fiancé, but apparently his family decided on alternative arrangements. We decided on the plot next to Bonnie's grams. That's what she would have wanted. I keep seeing her face, everywhere I turn. Her memorial service is at noon. I've got about 3 hours to get the final preparations done before I say my last goodbyes. It's going to be a long day.
Since Sara died nobody really talks about it. Sara's burial will happen a few days after Bonnie's. I picked out her outfit to bury her in. Her favorite dress, it's a maroon dress with a floral pattern. Her mom arrived early this morning. She's kept quiet, I don't blame her. But she hasn't really kept contact with anyone since she became a vampire all those years ago.
Caroline and I decided to go to Bonnie's apartment and look for things that we could bring to the funeral. She had pictures everywhere. Of me and Care. She even had a few of her and Jer hanging on the wall. I can't imagine that made her fiancé feel special. We didn't stay long.
Once we got back to the house everyone was waiting on us. They were all dressed in black. Sam and Dean were lurking in the back. I went and approached them.
"Thanks for coming guys." I said
"We wouldn't miss it." Sam said giving me a kind smile.
Dean didn't say much he just watched me intently, he's worried. I know I haven't known them long but I just feel so safe with Sam and Dean.
"You guys ready to go?" Stefan asked approaching me.
I nodded.
We drove out to the cemetery. It had rained that morning so the grass was damp. The pastor said his prayers for her soul and for safe passage into where ever she was going.
Dean whispered in my ear. "I have a hook up in heaven I'll make sure she's taken care of."
I just stared at him not knowing if he was kidding.
They began to lower her body into the ground. This was actually happening Bonnie's dead. And so is Sara. I knew when Kai put the spell on me I knew I'd never see her again, but now that it's happened I don't know what to do.
Once we were back we all dispersed at the house. I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and headed up the stairs when Dean grabbed my hand.
"Hey, are you going to share that?" He said pointing at the bourbon.
"I suppose." I said giving him a small smile.
We haven't talked about the kiss yet, I don't know where he's at with the situation. We sit on the stairs and I hand him the bottle. He takes a swig and hands it back to me.
"So" I said looking at him
"So" he responds.
"What's going on here?" I say boldly.
"What do you mean?" He said
"You know what I mean, you kissed me and now we haven't talked about it and I'm kind of freaking out." i said
"Elena, I like you but I don't think you know what your getting yourself into with me." he said looking down.
"Who do you think you are to make that kind of assumption, I've lost everyone I've ever cared about and Ive lost 5 years of my life, some of those deaths were caused by the supernatural. Hell I used to be a vampire! I'm probably more cut out for this life than anyone you've ever met." I said
"Elena people die around me." he said
"Join the club." I said with a hint of humor in my voice.
"I've never met anyone like you Elena Gilbert." he said smiling
"So, I ask you again. What's happening here between us?" I ask
"I don't know, but I would like to find out if you do." he said
"I'd like that." I said
He reached over and grabbed my face our lips collided. He slowly took control of my mouth. It was euphoric. We started to head up the stairs when Stefan came out of his room.
Talk about mood killer. Nothing like your ex boyfriend seeing you making out with the new guy.
"I better go check on Sam, see you tomorrow elena." Dean said
"Night." I reached over and kissed him quickly. Stefan just glared at me.
Dean headed to his room.
"What are you doing Elena?" Stefan said
"I'm trying to be happy again, and Dean makes me happy Stefan." I said giving him a small smile.
"What about Damon?" He said
"Damon's gone and something tells me he isn't coming back." I said
Just as the words left my mouth the front door opened.

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