Map That Leads To You

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Elena's POV:
We sat around the table picking through Mystic Falls. We found 6 spots that could be potential nests. Alaric suggested we break into groups, to cover more ground. Alaric went with Jeremy, Caroline with Klaus, Matt with Sara, Sam and Dean. There was me. Everyone had basically that they can't take poor Elena out. Too dangerous.

They had all agreed that if they found the nest to not engage, but wait for the others. They all left the house about an hour later. Leaving me all alone in the boarding house. I was walking through the house, not much had changed in the 5 years I had been gone. I wondered into Damon's room. Our picture was on his bed side table. Were are you Damon. I heard the front door open. I grabbed a stake from the table. I walked down the stairs checking every turn. I saw a man with his back turned to me. I crept up behind him and grabbed him and dropped him to the ground using techniques Alaric tought me forever ago. As soon as I had him down I saw his face.
"Stefan?" I said
"Elena, why did you just tackle me?" He said.
I helped him up off the floor an hugged him
"How are you adjusting?"he asked
"I've been better, where's Damon?"i asked
"Elena, after you left Damon checked out. He tried for awhile but he couldn't handle it. Last I heard he was in London." he said
"Oh. Well has anyone gotten ahold of him? Does he know that I'm back? Or about Bonnie?" I asked
"Elena, last I heard he was tearing through Europe. He turned it off." Stefan said
"No he wouldn't, he promised me Stefan. He was supposed to take care of things while I was gone." I said starting to cry.
"I'm so sorry Elena." he said
"Where is everyone?" Stefan asked
"There out looking for the nest."I said

Dean's POV:
Sam and I arrived at this old colonial mansion just outside town. It's secluded and out of the way. Perfect for vamps. We staked out the place for about an hour. We started seeing movement in the house. Gotcha.
We called the others, and agreed that we'd handle this tomorrow. It was getting dark,and the vamps would be out.
We were the first ones back to the boarding house. Elena welcomed us when we walked through the door, she wasn't alone.
"Dean this is Stefan Salvatore. He got here after everyone left."she said
I shook his hand.
Sam and Stefan hit it off pretty quickly, apparently there share a love of books. Nerds.
I went and sat with Elena.
"So how was your day?" I asked her
"Ok, lonely until Stefan got here. I wish I could have gone out with you guys." she said
"It's to dangerous Elena." I said.
"Yeah, yeah I know. I just feel, useless." she said
"You can't help anyone if your dead Elena, you being here is all we need to keep going. You give us a purpose for fighting." I said.
"Damon isn't coming back. Stefan said he's off of the rails. He's gone."she said tearing up.
I went and wrapped my arms around her, and she cried into my shoulder. We sat on the couch for a few minutes longer. Sam and Stefan walked in the room while we were hugging.
"Elena. Are you ok?" Stefan asked
"I'm better now." she said getting up from the couch wiping away her tears.
She turned and smiled at me.
"Thank you Dean, I needed that."she said

Elena's POV:
About 20 minutes later everyone else got back to the house. When Caroline got back she came and sat down with me so we could plan Bonnie's funeral.
"Ok so we need to decide in flowers next." Caroline said
"Bonnie always loved peonies." I said
"Good idea, next we have to select a coffin." she said
In that moment things got serious, Bonnie was gone. We started crying, Matt tried to comfort us but he didn't stand a chance. By the end of the tears we started telling our favorite memories with Bonnie. Everyone gathered around and listened to our good times, and all the times she sacrificed herself for her friends. She really was the best.

It was getting late so we finished up talking about the nest, and headed to bed. They wanted to handle the nest issue before we put Bonnie to rest. I decided to sleep in an actual bed tonight, I headed down the hallway and came to Damon's door, I just couldn't open it. I walked back down the hallway and came to an empty room. This will do for tonight. I laid my head down and fell asleep.
Authors Note:
I know this chapter is shorter, but I wanted to get more into it. I'm working torwards Elena being over Damon. It won't be easy but Dean's there to soften the blow of the relationship 😏

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