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Dean's POV:
We're heading out tonight. Elena wanted the day to say goodbye to Alaric and Matt. When she told Damon and Stefan they both tried to talk her out of leaving. They are pretty pissed off at the idea. But Elena seems steady and confident in her decision. I still can't believe she's actually coming with us. I was so sure she'd pick Mystic Falls.
Sam's a little hesitant considering our track record with family and friends. But I've never been so sure, Elena is tuff and I can't do this without her. I don't want to. Sam and Elena are my family now.
Elena's POV:
I've been packing for over an hour now.  Matt and Alaric seemed happy for me I know how badly they've wanted me to be set free from Mystic Falls. Stefan was pissed but he'll come around. Damon on the other hand threatened to lock me in the basement. He doesn't get to worry about me anymore, after 5 years of being away and then coming back angry and disconnected. He did the one thing I never wanted for him, he relapsed into the dark version of himself. 
I finished packing up and I headed downstairs. Alaric and Matt are taking me to lunch. I'm going to miss them.
We drove to the next town over. They want to treat me to something different. Mystic Falls had only one option the grill. We pulled up at this nice diner on the outskirts supposedly they have the best burger in Virginia. We walked into the rustic diner that resembled a 50's hot spot. We sat at a booth in the corner of the diner.
"Elena you know that I'm only a phone call away right?" Alaric said
"Thank you Ric you've always taken such good care of me and Jer. You didn't have to stay But you did." I said
"Elena let's not kid around you and Jeremy saved me, you took in the town drunk." He said
Matt just stared out the window of our booth.
"What are you thinking Matt?" I asked
"I'm thinking that I'm losing you again. I never though that is see you again, Bonnie was supposed to live a long and happy life." Matt said
"Matt I'm here and I finally have a chance to be free of Damon and Stefan. And like Ric said I'm only a phone call away." I said smiling
Matt looked at me with his usual sad blue eyes but he smiled anyways. My phone began to ring. It's Damon.
"I'm going to step out, I'll be back." I said to Matt and Ric.

I made it to the door and clicked answer.
"Damon?"I said
"I can't let you leave with them Elena, you know nothing about these guys." Damon said
"It's not your decision to make Damon." I said sympathetically.
"Elena I let you go and I allowed Bonnie to live her life. For you now please do this for me." He pleaded
"And I love you for it Damon I do. But Dean is the first person to really get me and understand how I feel and what I want in life." I said
"I won't let you." He said hanging up.
I let out a heavy sigh, I never wanted this. I wanted to be human with Damon. We were ready but now we want different things. I just don't want Damon to mess this up for me, not this time.

I went back inside the diner and sat down. Our food was brought to the table shortly after I returned. We laughed a lot and reminisced times when things were easier. We must have sat in that booth for 3 hours. We demolished an entire pie before we got in the car and drove back to Mystic Falls.
We pulled into the drive way where we were greeted by Sam and Dean who were loading the impala.
I let out a sigh. This was actually happening. Dean turned around and smiled at me. I walked up to him.
"Hey you."I said
"Hey babe." He said walking up to me and pulling me into a kiss.
I thought to myself is this what it's always going to be like?
He pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss.
Matt awkwardly coughed to get our attention. Him and Sam were just staring at us.
"Wonderful, I now know what I have to look forward to seeing everyday." Sam said.
"Come on Sammy no chick flick moments." Dean said.
I watched as the brothers interacted with each other. I smiled at them. This is my family now and I couldn't be happier. My boys.

I know I'm a terrible horrible person. It's been forever. I've been at work and I am currently in a cabin at camp but I know I couldn't wait any longer to update. I hope you guys like it and comment what you think about the chapter!

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