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Elena's POV:
I've been running through all of the pros and cons. If I stay I'll be with Alaric and Matt. If I go I can pursue what ever is going on between Dean and I.
I don't know what to do, I feel so trapped in Mystic Falls. This isn't home anymore. But I don't really know Dean and Sam that well for me to just run off with them. I need to know more about them I can't make a decision until then.
I've been in my room for hours, I've watched 6 episodes of friends, and ate an entire bag of chips. This is what I have to look forward too. I hear a knock on my door. I open it to find Sam.
"Hey Lena, going on a a run. Wanna go?" Sam said
"I'd like that." I responded
Thank god for Sam, he saved me from boring myself to death.

Deans POV:
I haven't seen Elena all day. I wonder if she's avoiding me. What was I thinking there's no way she'd ever want to be with me. I heard her voice in the hallway, she's with Sam.
Once I heard their voices leave the house I left my room.
Maybe I'm avoiding her.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I ran into Alaric.
"Oh hey Ric, I didn't hear you in here." I said apologetically.
"Yeah, I needed a morning pick me up." He said waving a bottle of bourbon in the air.
I let out a small laugh. I like him, he knows how to have a good time.
"Don't blame you." I said
"Elena talked to me, about your um.. proposal." he said
"Um yeah... any advice for me?" I asked
"Treat her good, be kind, be the best thing for her." He said walking out of the room.
I sat there for a minute staring out of the window. Elena and Sam walked in the house. She came into the kitchen, walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck.
"Hey stranger." she said
"Hey." I responded
"Would you maybe wanna go get dinner with me tonight?" I asked.
"I'd like that." she said letting out a small blush
"Great." I said smiling
I decided to take Alaric's advice I want to be the man she deserves. And dinner seems like the best way to learn more about her is to make an effort.
Also this will let us talk about what her traveling with us would mean.

That Night*
Elena's POV:
Dean and I headed to the grill around 7. He was quiet the gentleman, he opened and held doors for me.
"This is nice." I said to him
He didn't say anything to me, he just smiled.
"So tell me, what kind of things do you and Sam do for fun?" I asked
"Honestly, we cause hell for the bad guys." he said
"That sounds about right."
"Have you thought any more on what I asked you?" He said
"Ask me again at the end of the night." I said
We are our dinner and then Dean told me he had a surprise for me.
We hopped in the impala and drove to the outskirts of town.
Dean pulled up outside the shooting range.
"What are we doing here?" I asked laughing
"Well you asked about what Sam and I do. This is it." He said heading to the trunk.
He popped the trunk and handed me a gun from the hidden compartment.
"I don't know about this. Stefan and Damon never let me handle weapons." I said
"Yeah well if you are considering coming with us, you have to be able to defend yourself. The world is a scary place Elena."
I followed Dean to the targets, it was an outdoors range.
Dean stood at the line marking the no cross zone and fired 6 shots at the target each hitting the center of the target.
"Ok hot stuff you can shoot." I said
I stood just like Dean did just before me holding the gun at the target. Dean stopped me before I could shoot.
"Ok before you shoot you need to know the basics. The safety is right there. And you need to place your hands like this." he said wrapping his arms around me to help me with the right form for handling the gun.
How am I supposed to concentrate with his arms around me.
"Now you just have to squeeze the trigger." he said whispering in my ear.
Dean backed off and I pulled the trigger.
I shot 3 rounds into the target, hitting the chest only once.
"Haha, you'll get it. Not bad for a newbie." he said
"Well as a vampire I never needed a gun and even before that Stefan and Damon watched me like a hawk." I said
"I think that you are capable of taking care of yourself Elena. But I also understand their desire to keep you safe." Dean said.
After that we didn't say much more. Dean understood my desire to not be seen as the weakling.
We finished shooting and headed back to the house. Dean was blasting some ACDC song as we cruised spent the road. This is what my life could be life all the time. Being here with him.
Once we got back to the house everyone was either out at the grill or asleep. Dean walked up the stairs.
"Dean." I said
"Yeah?" He responded back
"Yes." I said
"Yes?"he questioned
"Yes, I wanna go with you and Sam." I said
His face lit up and he ran and picked me up and spun me around.
"I could have never imagined that you would actually go with us." he said setting me down.
"Dean after tonight, I can't imagine my life without you. You challenge me and you encourage me to be better. You make me laugh uncontrollably. Sam is like a brother to me and with Jeremy out hunting it's nice to have that connection again." I said
Dean grabbed my face as he pulled me into a kiss. He smiled at me as our lips separated. Wow.

Authors note:
Sorry it took me forever to update I'm on vacation and haven't had time.
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And God bless the world for Jensen and Nina. 😘

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