Dream a little dream of me

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Dean's POV:
That son of a bitch had the tenacity to think that I would ever hurt Elena. Last nights conversation took a turn for the worst fast as soon as Damon walked in. I don't understand how Elena could ever be with someone like that. They are the complete opposite. Today were burying Sara, everyone is still pretty upset. We don't even know for sure if we've handled the vampire problem. If we leave and someone else dies, that blood would be on my hands. I also hate the idea of leaving Elena, we've gotten close over these past few weeks. She's a tough chick, and there's also the fact that she's possibly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Sara's funeral is at 1:00pm. Everyone is leaving after that for the most part. I don't know what's next for Sam and I. Another hunt in another city. We'll never be able to tell anyone about how Elena is the cure. I have to keep her safe. I haven't really talked to Elena about leaving yet. I'm not ready to have that tall yet.
12:30 rolls around and we all load up and head to the cemetery, again. Elena rides with Sam and I. The service lasted about an hour.

Elena's POV:
The service just ended, Care is leaving with Klaus, I hugged on her for as long as I could. I never imagined that this is where our lives would be. I thought we'd all be getting married and having kids by now. But instead Bonnie's dead, Caroline's a vampire and I'm all alone.
I know it's only a matter of time until Dean leaves too. I've gotten so used to seeing them everyday. Sam and i have bonded quiet a bit to, mainly over making fun of Dean and his love of classic rock. How am I going to live without those two. I know it must also be on Dean's mind, leaving.
I think Jeremy is heading back out tomorrow, Sam and Dean offered him a room at this bunker that they have if he ever finds himself in Kansas. Matt and Alaric are staying, something about cleaning up Mystic Falls after the destruction caused by the vampires. And then there's me. No house, for gods sake I'm living in my ex boyfriends house. I have nothing here. This entire town is just a reminder of all the things I've lost. Maybe it's time for me to start over, pick up medical school, start a family. Get away from the supernatural.
Once we all got back to the boarding house everyone said there good byes to Caroline, apparently everyone is adjusted to Klaus. Last time I remember seeing him he almost killed me but I guess that's changed. I hug Care and I watch her and Klaus drive away. It's around 3pm and we're all sitting around. Alaric decided it was time to get out, so we all loaded up and headed to the grill. It was pretty dead in the grill, only a few people in there and the ones there all stared at me. I guess they all thought I moved away.
Sam, Dean, Jeremy and I all shared a booth. We sat and laughed and shared a basket of fries. This was the stuff I'd remember forever. The laughs. Sam and Jer went to play a game of pool. There was some serious trash talk going on about it too.
They left me and Dean at the table alone.
"How are you?" He asked
"I'm better, adjusting back into society is hard after 5 years." I said
"I can't imagine, I've only ever been gone a few months when I went to hell." he said
"What! You went to hell? How did I not know that!" I said
"It happened a long time ago, Sam got hurt real bad and I made a deal. I died and then I was dragged out of hell." he said very nonchalantly.
"How?" I said curiously
"An angel of the lord pulled my sorry ass out of the pit. Castiel. I'll have to introduce you sometime." he said smiling.
"So at Bonnie's funeral when you said you had connections in heaven you weren't kidding." I said
"Nope." he said
"Wow. I can't imagine." I said
"I'm not going to lie that was the worst time of my life, I've died over and over, but hell wins hands down." he said taking a big swig of beer.
I grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"Thank you Dean, you and Sam make a difference out there. I only wish I was strong enough to do something that matters. The only thing I've ever done is sleep for 5 years." I said
"Yeah but you sacrificed your life for Bonnie, that is strength Elena, I don't have a single doubt in my mind that you aren't strong." he said
I just looked at him. No one had ever told me that I was strong. I've only ever been poor weak Elena Gilbert.
We headed back to the boarding house not long after that. Before I could get in the house Dean pulled me aside.
"Elena, I never got to tell you. Thank you." He said
"Thank you for what?" I asked
"For coming into my life when you did. You've changed everything for me." he said
"Dean." I said
He didn't answer he just pulled me in and kissed me his hands around my waist. This kiss was different from the last one this one was filled with a need that hadn't been there. He needed this. Went went inside the house and I led him up the stairs. We were quiet not to get caught by Sam or Stefan. I opened the door to my room and Dean pushed me up against the wall. He led a trail of kisses up my neck back to my mouth. He took off his shirt while I undid his belt. We moved to the bed and he took of my dress in one swoop. Our bodies moved together in perfect motion. We were one. We were like ivy wrapped around each other and that is how we fell asleep. As one.
The next morning I woke up before Dean. I gazed at him while he slept. What a night. I don't think what happened last night is going to make it any easier on me when he leaves me. We haven't discussed it, but I know it's going to happen. Everyone leaves.
When he started to stir I just watched. His eyes opened slowly and he smiled at me. Before we could say anything someone knocked at my door.
"Elena?" It was Stefan
"Just a minute." I said yelling through the door. I heard his foot steps going down the stairs.
"Duty calls." I said
"Wait a minute." Dean said grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the bed. He pulled me in close and kissed me before letting me go.
I knew in that moment that I was screwed, this man has just changed the entire game for me.
Authors Note:
Sorry it took me a few days, I've been busy.
It might take me a while to update either one of my stories. I'm going out of town but I won't forget about my duty to the Deanlena fandom.😘

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