Beaten and Bruised

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Deans POV:
It's been a few weeks since our wendigo hunt. Things have settled down around the bunker. I walked away with a broken rib and now I'm ready to get back on the road. Except Elena won't let me leave the bunker until she's positive I'm not going to keel over. And Sam agreed with her. I feel completely ganged up on by the wonder twin powers those two have. If I knew Elena wasn't in love with me if think she might have ended with Sam at some point. Sorry baby bro find your own Elena.
I have to admit being on house arrest could be worse, I have Elena to keep me company at all hours of the day. 
I've been having some pretty shit dreams lately, ever since the accident.
I only ever see pieces. I'll see Elena submerged in water and then I see Sam falling to his knees. Then it gets really weird I see myself beaten and bruised. I haven't said anything to Elena yet. She's still getting over our last nightmare. I'm going to tell her.

"Lena can you come here for a minute." I yell from the bunker library.
Elena walked into the room with a beer in hand.
"What's up?" She says kissing my neck
"I wanna bring you up to speed with something." I say cautiously
"Ok.." She answers
"I've been having these dreams ever since the wendigo. I have the same one over and over." I say meeting her eyes.
"What kind of dreams?"
"The kind that happen before shit hits the fan." I say
"Great. What did Sam say about it?" She asks
"He says I need a good nights rest." I say
"What do you think?" She asks
"I think something big is coming." I say
"Alright. Either way we fight this together." She says wrapping her arms around me.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I'll try and update by Sunday. No promises. I just started school back up! Anyways comment any thoughts on what's coming!? Thanks guys!

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