Roads Diverged

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Elena's POV:
It's a normal Sunday morning in the bunker. I wake up around 9 to Dean softly snoring. It's the best part of my day. Watching him sleep peacefully. Peace is a rare thing for him lately, the nightmares are getting worse. I have a routine around here. I wake up before either of the boys and I make breakfast.  Then I go for a run while I wait for the boys to wake up. It's a quiet routine. And it makes me feel helpful.
I get back to the bunker from my run to find both Sam and Dean at the table devouring the food I had left.
"Hey gorgeous." Dean says
I just give him a subtle wink and head into our room. I grab my phone and find 6 missed calls from Jeremy. I quickly dial his number back only to get the recording. I leave a worried message for him and head back out of the room.
"I gotta go." I say immediately wiping tears off of my cheek.
"What's wrong?" Dean says practically jumping from his chair.
"It's Jeremy something's not right."I say
"Ok well slow down we'll come with you." Dean says
"Dean. I just got a call from Bobby. He says its urgent."Sam says walking in from the other room
"Go Dean I'll be fine I just have to find him." I say forcing a smile onto my face.
He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"Keep me updated with where you are. We'll join you when we can." Dean says
I leave the bunker immediately.

Deans POV:
Elena just left and now we are to go help Bobby out with a case. Something doesn't feel right but I can't place it. We hop in baby and begin the drive to Bobby. The drive takes us 4 hours away to this little town just outside of Kansas City. We meet Bobby on the outskirts of the town. I dial Elena before I get out of the car to check and make sure she's alright. No answer. I get out of baby and meet up with Bobby.
"Fell straight into a nest of vamps. I don't think they wanna go to the prom either. I've been dancing around the sons a bitches for almost a week. There closing in on me." He says
"Alright. Where the nest?" Sam asks
"The entire town is the nest. It's a completely run by vamps. I got a call from Rufus about it, I had no idea it would be this bad." Bobby says.
"How the hell do we kill an entire town of vampires Bobby?" I say finally speaking up.
"Well that's what you two idgits are doing here. I need your pretty faces to help me out." He says
We pulled out a map of the town and began marking of places that are the towns weak spots.

Elena's POV:
I follow Jeremy's cellphones gps to a cabin just outside Montana. It's completely isolated from the rest of civilization. This makes no sense last I talked to Jer he was headed back home for a while. What the hell is he doing out here? I park my car at the edge of the property and I head to the cabin. As I get closer I start to get a sense of dread. I can't shake it. I get to the door I slowly twist the knob and enter the dark and cold cabin. I entered slowly as I pulled the 9mm handgun out from my back and I began to clear the rooms. There was no sign of Jeremy anywhere ,and I only had 2 rooms left.
I saw a flicker of light coming from the room at the end of the hallway I slowly moved down the hallway making as little noise as possible. I twisted the knob of the door and pushed the door wide open. What I saw next was horrifying. All I could think was, it's not possible. I can't be seeing this right now. However there was no fooling what was right in front of me. Kai.

"Elena! I'm so glad you could join me! Please come sit down." He says gesturing me to the table.
"I don't understand." I stutter out
"Well you see. This is a table and I just asked you to have a seat." Kai says sarcastically.
"How are you alive? Damon killed you!"
"Well if you'd have a seat maybe I'd tell you all about my recent activities." He says
I walk to the table and I take a seat.
"How is Damon? I know he'd be trilled to here the story of my triumphant return from my unfortunate beheading 5 years ago." He says
I just stare at him.
"Oh don't tell me you two ended things! I was really pulling for you two." He says laughing
"Get to the point Kai. How are you here? What do you want?" I yell
"Alright, alright. Well after your smoldering boyfriend Damon decided to execute me I thought I was a goner for sure. That was until I woke up stuck in some supernatural halfway house for evil misfits. A place they call purgatory." He said very dramatically and bitterly.
"Purgatory?" I question
"it's where everything that goes bump in the night ends up after they are slaughtered." He says
"How'd you get out?" I ask
"Ah good question! Well I met up with a few old friends while there. You were never formally were introduced to them. I believe Lily Salvatore called them her family?!" He says
"The heretics?" I say
"Those are the ones! They are quiet the rowdy bunch. Always raving on about wanting to skin some Winchester boys alive. Not quiet sure why but I almost feel for the sorry bastards. Especially since we all skipped out of that wasteland together." He says grinning.
Oh my god. Dean and Sam are walking straight into a trap.
"You made a deal didn't you? You'd help them out of purgatory so they get Sam and Dean and you get what?" I ask
"Sweet Elena. I get you. I want make Damon and Stefan watch as I rip you to pieces."
"Where's Jeremy?" I ask
"Don't worry about your baby brother I'll deal with him later but for now I'll keep him locked up nice and safe." He says.
"The only question you should be asking is, what's going to happen to you? We're going to have so much fun together. Now that you are all human and weak. This is going to be fun." He says
And the next thing I know I am falling to the ground with a crushing pain in my head. All that's left is darkness.

I had fun writing this chapter! I hope yall like it. Comment any thoughts. Next chapter we're going to dive into the shit storm Sam and Dean drove into!

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