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Aelia Gallagher was known to be a strong and kind woman throughout the hospital, everyone knows she takes care of her 5 siblings while working full time, they also know the bad blood between Aelia and Izzie due to the blond girl's actions. While everyone who knew the girl would tell you she is trustworthy, honorable, and just an amazing person to be around, only people who knew her in the southside could tell you just how tough and hard Aelia could really be

Now, sitting at her kitchen table watching as Elena worked around to get breakfast made as she looks through the kids homework "I think my boss hates me" Elena complained plating the food sliding some eggs and toast over to her little sister "He doesn't hate you Lena" Aelia told her taking a bite of her toast "He's your Supervisor just like Bailey is my resident. They're not supposed to like us"

"But Bailey loves you" Elena told her sitting on the opposite side of the table "Actually everyone in that hospital loves you" Lip added walking in the kitchen grabbing a cup. Elena shots her a look making her roll her eyes "Whatever, look he's going to be tough on you, they are always tough on the rookies that way if your not cut out for it, you leave"

Elena sighs but doesn't disagree knowing it's true, two of her fellow rookies had already left the program and it's only the first week though she knows she can handle this, everyone in the apartment grew up on the southside and while the younger ones might not have spent a whole lot of time in that place she knows Aelia would still teach them how to handle themselves like they were still living there

"I have to get to work before I'm late," Aelia said, looking at the time setting her plate and cup in the sink. Lip looks at his sister as he leans against the counter "Remember Liam has his first soccer game today" he reminds her. Aelia nodded, picking up her bag "I know and I will be there. Be safe at work" she kisses Elena head "And be safe driving" she kisses Lip cheek

The two nod, smiling at her as she walks towards the front door "Bye Aelia!" Liam called running by her "No running Liam! Have a good day!" she yells before closing the front door

— —

The brunette joined her fellow interns in the gallery as they watched Meredith's open heart surgery. Cristina passed her little Cato an ice coffee making her send her a smile

"I wish I could hold a heart" George complained

"A monkey could hold a heart" Cristina pointed out

"Chris" Aelia warned, pulling out a paper article from her scrub pocket about a study back in 1987 "Sorry" Cristina muttered with a small pout, George looked between the two with a small smile at how the younger woman controlled Cristina. Before he could say something that would get him smacked by Cristina Izzie sat behind the three

"George, I need more ice chips," Izzie told him. Aelia folded back up her article "And that is my cue to leave. See you two later" she smiled at George and Cristina completely ignoring Izzie. The other interns and some doctors who were also in the gallery to watch the surgery laughed at the fact Aelia left when Izzie walked in

Izzie gave them glares but none of them cared, her reputation has been going down hill since she pulled that stunt in front of half the hospital, now no one really wants to work with her but most are forced since she is still an intern

Aelia relocated to one of the nurses stations on the third floor looking through her patients charts talking to nurse Tyler about what he did over the weekend "So where did you take her?" Aelia asked looking up at him, Sunday was his and his girlfriend 3 year anniversary "I took her to Canlis"

"Oh, fancy," she teased with a smile. Tyler laughed making her join in as she went back to working on charts, the two were interrupted by Bailey walking over to them "Gallagher" Aelia looked up seeing her resident in front of her. Tyler gave her a smile before grabbing his charts and walking away

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