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Aelia walked off the plane with a duffle bag and on the phone with her brother "Yeah, I just landed"

"Who is picking you up?" Lip asked pacing back and forth in the barber shop, he has 5 minutes until his appointment and he's been on the phone with Elena before his sister called. From what Aelia told Elena who told him, Fiona fucked up and damned her child

Aelia doesn't even know if the baby is a boy or girl, something Fiona didn't leave in the note and just dumped on her younger siblings thinking she would pick up her messes, Aelia talking brought him out of his thoughts

"James is" Aelia said walking outside to see a police car parked outside "He's here. I will call you back later

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" Aelia hanged up and walked to James who was leaning against the car "James, hey"

"Hey Ali"

The two hug Aelia taking in the scent of book and leather "Come on, let's get you to the hospital" James said taking her duffle bag. Aelia opened the passenger side door and got in as James put her bag in the trunk, she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Alex letting him know she got here and is safe

"So" Aelia said looking at James who got in the driver's side "What can you tell me about this baby?" James sighed starting the car making the drive to the hospital "All I know the baby is a boy, Fiona didn't name him, she left as soon as she could and the baby is AB"

"Alright and from what you told me, she started using when she was 5 months, that's one whole month the baby has been under drugs, if he was born this early he could be around 4 maybe 5 pounds with my blood he should make a nice recovery" Aelia thought out loud

James looked at the brunette "You really think this baby will make a recovery?" he asked, he knew Aelia wasn't one for false hope, you can't be in the southside but he also knew she would do anything for her family, no matter the odds

Aelia sighed looking straight ahead "I have too"

— —

The two walked into the hospital straight to the doctor working on her nephew "Dr. Martin" James said, catching the woman's attention "This is Dr. Gallagher, Aunt of the baby you got"

The two women shake hands "Nice to meet you, what can you tell me about my nephew?" Aelia asked while walking with the doctor "He is 5 pounds just a little underweight, he's fighting but we need to get him blood and fast" Dr. Martin explained to Aelia and James

"That's why I'm here. AB, no - or + just AB" Aelia explained to the doctor as they stepped inside a room already prepared for Aelia "Alright let's get started" Aelia nodded and took a seat holding out her arm

— —

At Seattle Grace Hospital Alex was getting ready to leave when he was cornered in the locker room by Meredith, Cristiana and George "What do you three want?" he asked shrugging on his jacket "We need to know about Aelia, she hasn't texted any of us anything" Meredith spoke up

"Yeah, all we heard from others was that she was on a call with a detective, something about a baby being born, drugs, her being AB with no + or -, and that she needed to leave right away" Cristina added

"What is happening?" George asked worried about his cru- friend! His friend. Alex sighed annoyed with them but he knows they cared about Aelia, not as much as he does but they still care "Look, her sister gave birth she was doing drugs from the start of last month, the baby is AB same as Ali, she needed to leave to save his life. I heard from Ali, she got there okay and was picked up by James, now I need to go" Alex grabbed his bag and walked out

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