2.09 (Part one)

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Every time Aelia got the feeling of stone in her gut, she knew something was going to happen that day. Something bad. The first time it happened was when she was 3 and found her mother on the ground with a pill bottle next to her, she would have died if young Aelia didn't call the police

The second time it happened was when Fiona was hit by a drunk driver when they were 5 and 6

The third time was when she was walking home and was attacked, which led to her gaining her scars

The more it happened, the more Aelia was able to prepare for it. So waking up this morning with the feeling of stone on her stomach was not how Aelia wanted her day to start

Looking at her door, she heard everybody already downstairs, most likely dressed and ready for school

Throwing her covers off her, Aelia rolled out of bed and made her way to her bathroom, even if something was going to happen, doesn't mean she could stay home, not when she has lives to save. Splashing water in her face, Aelia stared in the mirror trying to figure out what could go wrong today when her phone started ringing

Looking down, she see's George calling her. Answering it, she puts it on speaker

"Yes George?"

"I need your help. Something's wrong with Meredith"

Aelia sighed, grabbing a washcloth and drying her face "Alright. I'll be in 15" she hung up before George could say anything "This is going to be a long day"

— —

Opening the car door, Aelia smiled at Andrew "Alright, little man let's go see what's wrong with Auntie Meredith" Andrew gave Aelia a gummy smile making her smile back "Alright" Using her foot, she shut the door

Opening the front door with the key Meredith gave her, Aelia called up the stairs "George! I'm here" George rushed down the stairs "Good, come on" He grabbed her arm and dragged her upstairs stopping in front of Meredith door, where Izzie was waiting

Ignoring the blond she turned to George "Alright, what's wrong?" She asked shifting Andrew in her arms. George sighed "She won't get out of bed. And we need to leave soon"

Aelia sighed before handing over her nephew "I'll handle it" she looked down at Andrew "Be good for Uncle George" Andrew looked at George for a moment before grabbing his nose, making him and Aelia smile as Izzie rolled her eyes and went back to her room to get changed

"Meredith, what's wrong?" Aelia asked crawling into bed next to her best friend "Nothing. I'm just not going to work" The owner of the bed told her friend, blanket covering her head

"Mer you have to go to work. You're an intern, saving lives is not optional" The brunette told her, grabbing the blanket and ripping it down. Meredith glared at her friend "Yes it is, I'm staying home" Meredith grabbed her blanket and pulled it back over her head

George, who was leaning against the door, spoke up, as he rocked Andrew back and forth "Mer, maybe there'll be a horrible accident nearby the hospital and you can cut a bunch of people open. Sternotomies, craniotomies... that'd be fun, right?" The boy encouraged

"George! No blood talk in front of the baby"

George smiled sheepishly at his friend, making her sigh and look back at the blond covered in a blanket "Ok, Mer, what is it?" At the lack of response from the girl, Aelia sighed leaning against the headboard "Honestly, I woke up feeling like stone was in my stomach. I've learned that always means something is going to happen. Something bad. Is that the problem?"

Meredith peeked her head from under the blanket to study her friend before slowly nodding "That's it. I have a feeling" Meredith managed to put her emotions into words. Aelia nodded looking down at her friend "Want to know what I do when I get this feeling?"

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