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As the interns, except for Christina, enter their patient's room with their resident following behind, they find a crowd surrounding the woman. "So we were in the middle of the Belizean jungle and this Jaguar jumped out and bit one of the guys. They all look at me, they're yelling, you're a doctor, help him. This was the time a PhD does no good" The woman told the crowd as everyone laughed

"I'm sorry, did I miss the bell for social hour?" Bailey wonders a hand on her hip. The nurse quickly left the room not wanting to be in Bailey's way. "Tales of a missionary life" The patient explained

"You're a missionary?" Izzie asked excitedly "No, my parents. We traveled a lot, they still do"

"That's great" The most hated intern started, before noticing the look her resident was sending her and cleared her throat "This is Dr. Burke's patient, Kalpana Vera"

"Kull-punnah" She corrected the pronunciation "Named by the villagers in Nepal"

"She presents with multiple syncopal episodes and ventricular arrhythmias"

"Stevens, what are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmia?" The resident question. Before Izzie could answer a voice from behind them did "Valvular disease, mitral valve prolapse, stimulants, drugs and metabolic abnormalities" Everyone looked behind them to see Cristina walking with her IV.


"Out!" Bailey barked

"I'm fine" Chris protested "Out! You better be in your room by the time we round on you" Bailey warned pointing a finger at her sick intern "And when will that be?" The interns smiled at their friend "In 15 seconds. 14....13...12...11" Chris turned to leave

The slit of her hospital gown was open providing a view of her pink underwear. "Nice panties, Yang" Alex teased making the inters laugh expect for Aelia who was holding her laugh and hit her brother

"In your dreams, evil spawn!" Chris teased back

— —

Meredith and Chris were sitting down in the tunnels, Aelia was walking back and forth holding Andrew while he drank his bottle. Since the two interns had a break, they snuck Chris out of her room away from her overbearing mother. Aelia also got Andrew out of the daycare for a few minutes wanting to spend time with her nephew

"Addison gave Derek divorce papers. It's good" Meredith shared, eating a bag of chips "So, is she leaving?" Aelia asked looking away from Andrew "I mean, she's still here, being Addison but it's not like I'm jealous or anything"

Aelia gave her a look making Meredith sigh "Look" Aelia sat next to her shifting Andrew a little making sure he was still drinking his bottle "It's okay if you are. Derek put both of you in a very uncomfortable situation" Meredith nodded a little knowing Aelia was right.

Even if they do get a divorce, does she want to be with him again?

"That's odd" Chris whispered, making the girls look at her "It's odd that I'm not jealous?"

"No, you have every right to be jealous. It's your territory and she's peeing all over it. What's odd is that Burke patient has been to four hospitals this year..."

"You seem awfully interested in Burke's patient" Meredith pointed out

"This has nothing to do with Burke"

The two woman shared looks knowing this had everything to do with Burke "Chris, you lost a Fallopian tube, a baby and a boyfriend all at once, you don't have to be okay" Aelia reassured her, setting the bottle aside and grabbed a rag from her pocket, slinging it over her shoulder

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