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Aelia was woken up by her phone ringing, "What the hell?" She muttered looking at her alarm clock. It was 1:30 in the morning, "Who the hell is calling me this late?" Aelia reached over grabbing her phone, looking at the caller ID. Aelia raised a brow seeing it was Meredith calling.

"Mer, why are you calling me this early?"

Aelia sat up worried, when she heard soft crying on the other end "Meredith? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Aelia asked, throwing her blanket off and heading to her closet "I'm at the house, can you please come over?" Meredith asked through her cries.

"I'm getting dressed now. Are you with anyone?"

"No, I'm alone now"

That didn't help calm Aelia down now. If anything it makes her more worried "Alright, do you want to stay on the phone?" Aelia asked grabbing her purse, leaving her room "Yes please"

"Alright, just talk to me. About anything."

Aelia popped her head in the living room, looking over her kids. They were all still sleeping, so she quickly wrote a note in case they woke up before she got back, and silently left the house.

"Um, I'm thinking of buying a new house. Maybe letting some people from the hospital rent this one out"

Aelia got into her car, "That's cool. I can help you make some investments. I did that when I was a teen"


"Yeah" Aelia focused on the road, she didn't live that far from Meredith house, so she should be there soon "I took a little bit of money out of my paychecks and invested them. It was risky not going to lie, but it paid off"

"How did you know which ones to invest in and which ones to stay clear of?" Meredith asked interested. Aelia was happy to hear that the crying had stopped to just some occasional sniffles "Mer, I'm a 21 year old genius. I did the math, and figured which companies would be a safe investment. Once I started earning more, I really got into it. I can show you my investment portfolio another time if you want to get into investing"

"Yeah, I think that'll be great"

Aelia turned onto Meredith street "Alright, Mer I'm about to pull up in a minute"

"Okay, I'm in my room"

"Got it" Aelia hung up, just as she pulled into Meredith drive way. Turning off her car, she grabbed her bag, and phone, rushing out her car and to the door. Opening the door, Aelia quickly pulled off her sneakers and made her way up the stairs. "Meredith, I'm here" she knocked on the door.

"Come in"

Aelia opened the door. Meredith was sitting on her bed, back to the headboard, knees drawn up to her chest. She was wearing flare jeans, and a black top. 

"Well, want to tell me why you're crying in a cute outfit?" Aelia asked, shutting the door behind her and locking it

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"Well, want to tell me why you're crying in a cute outfit?" Aelia asked, shutting the door behind her and locking it.

Meredith sighed, shifting to make room for her best friend "Well I'm dressed nice because I got back from a date" Aelia raised a brow smiling at her "And I'm crying because of George" Aelia smile dropped. "What did he do? Do I need to kill him? Because I will. I like the guy but you're my sister."

Meredith laughed a little, "No you don't need to kill him" Aelia nodded, though she still wanted to hurt George. Whatever he said or did to Meredith to make her cry wasn't fair. "Alright, what did George do?"

"Well, I came home from the date and he was waiting for me in the living room. He said he was worried when I wasn't back yet and decided to stay up for me" Aelia nodded a little confused. She gets, staying up to make sure your friend is safe, is okay but he could have just sent Meredith a text. She was 27 years old, she didn't need to be watched like a little kid.

"Then what happened?"

"I told George I was okay. My date ran later than we thought. That's when he lost it. He started yelling, saying he couldn't believe I would go on a date without texting him to let him know I'm safe" Meredith ran a hand through her hair "I told him, he wasn't my father or boyfriend, he didn't get to decide when I was home. Then..." Meredith trailed off tears filling her eyes again.

Aelia grabbed Meredith's hand, letting her know she's her. "He said how could I go on a date with a man that almost got you killed" Meredith rushed out. Aelia looked confused and concerned "What? Meredith, what are you talking about?"

"I went on a date with Dylan"

Aelia nodded slowly, "Okay, what's the problem?" Aelia didn't see the problem. She still kept in contact with Dylan, in the two weeks since the accident, he texted, and called everyday just to make sure she was okay and alive, and when he didn't text or call, she was the one texting and calling him, to make sure he didn't get blown up.

"What's the problem?! I went out with someone-"

"Who made sure I came home." Aelia cut Meredith off. Meredith froze, turning to her friend "What?" She whispered. Aelia smiled sadly "Dylan reminded me why I needed to move that bomb. He reminded me who was waiting for me and he protected me when the bomb went off. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now"

Meredith listened with wide eyes. She never knew that. Aelia didn't talk about that day, and Meredith never brought it up with either her or Dylan "I didn't know" she whispered

"Now you do" Aelia responded causally, looking her sister over. Meredith still seemed hesitant, her shoulders tense, back straight but it looked like she was trying to curl in on herself "What else is going on in that head of yours?" she questioned.

Meredith sighed rubbing her face "I feel like, you getting trapped in the explosion is my fault" Meredith admitted. Aelia sat up looking at her sister alarmed but Meredith kept talking "If I was faster, or stronger to push you out the way, I could have taken the bomb. No one would have really missed me. My mom doesn't even remember me. I had no one waiting but you do. You have your kids, Alex, and Elena. You have so many people waiting for you and I let you take the bomb"

Tears fell down Meredith's face.

Aelia felt her heart break a little.

Meredith felt like she had no one waiting for her if she ever got in danger? She had everyone. She had her, and the kids, Cristina, Alex, hell even Bailey. She has a family waiting for her, if anything ever happens.

"Meredith listen to me" Aelia demanded, Meredith tilted her head up to look at her sister "You do have a family waiting. You have me, and the kids, Alex, Cristina, Bailey, you have Dylan and even if George is an ass right now, he would be waiting for you as well. So your mother doesn't remember you, but you do have a family. I learned a long time ago, family doesn't end in blood.

Family is the people you choose to love. To care for. To risk your life for. You couldn't have stopped me from taking that bomb, because it's what I do. I protect my siblings. My family. Meredith, you have a family. We're your family. You always have us to come back too"

Meredith stopped crying, somewhere in the middle of Aelia's speech. The blond felt speechless. Of course she had seen Aelia and Cristina as her sisters, and Alex as her brother and yes the children are like her nieces and nephews but she never thought they would see her as family as well.

She didn't have a good family. She only had her mom growing up, and she was barely around to be a mother. Her father left her when she was 5 and never looked back, she's not sure if he ever showed up again, if he would want him in her life. "Really?" Meredith felt the need to ask

Aelia nodded, smiling softly "You're my sister. Nothing will ever change that" Aelia promised. Meredith sat up and pulled the brunette into a tight hug. Aelia smiled, hugging her sister back just as tightly.    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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