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Cristina and Aelia were jogging through the park forced to by Meredith, the first woman stopped to catch her breath "Oh, you're stupid. Oh god" they reused jogging "You're a stupid, evil sadist and I want to kill you"

"I'll help!" Aelia agreed over taking them "I don't like to run unless I'm running for my life" Meredith looked at the younger girl "That happens a lot?"

"More than you think" Aelia told her through heavy breaths "Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better" The blond explained as the three of them feel on the grass

"Oh god, do you feel better?" Cristina moaned in pain

"I'm stupid" Meredith admitted

"Slutty mistress" Chris insulted

"Pregnant whore" Mer returned before they both looked at Aelia who was laying above them "You're both stupid" she said not having the energy to insult them more

The two nodded in agreement though "Sleeping with our bosses was a terrible idea" Chris said "You know what's ruined for me? Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek has a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a freaking ferry boat..." Meredith groaned

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery bypass grafts, and aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms"

"Have you cried yet?" Aelia questioned "Do you think we'd feel better if we cried? Just like, let it out?" Cristina wondered "I can't tell you, I haven't cried since I was 6" The two looked at her in disbelief


Aelia nodded, you couldn't cry on the southside, it made you seem weak and she couldn't be weak, not when she had her family to take care of. Meredith and Cristina frowned and shared looks, they needed to talk to Alex

— —

In the locker room, Aelia was talking with Alex who was telling her how the date with Elena "We have another date this weekend" Alex told his sister who jumped up and down grabbing his arm "Oh My God! Where are you taking her?"

"Well I was wondering if you know what I should do. I'm still learning about Elena but I want to make this date a good one" Aelia thought for a moment, Elena was an easy person but she loved romance "There's a nice restaurant near the boardwalk, not too fancy but just enough that Elena would love it. I can book you a reservation for this weekend"

"Really?" Aelia nodded "That would be great" He sighed in relief, he really wanted this date to go well, he can see a future with Elena and wanted to make it real. The two followed the others out of the locker room still talking about the plans for this weekend not seeing the looks George and Izzie threw their way

— —

"I know, I just think you tell him about the baby" Meredith told Cristina, as they followed behind Dr. Bailey "He'd at least have the responsibility of having to pay..."

"No! You know what, he'll never know. It's over"

"I agree with Chris, Mer" Aelia shrugged making them look at her "If she's terminating the pregnancy what good would it do?" Cristina pointed to Aelia in agreement "Exactly, Little Cato. After the pregnancy is taken care of, Burke won't be a blip on my radar, he'll be a smudge"

"Right" Meredith answered, sarcastically. Cristina grabbed her by the shoulders "You know, Meredith, leave the sarcasm up to me. Really it doesn't suit you" Aelia smirked at the two walking into the patient room "I get it, we don't know where he stands on abortion. It might to more harm than good" She told them

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