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Aelia was woken up at 4 in the morning to crying "Ugh, Andrew" she groaned getting out of bed walking to the nursery which was across from her room

Turning on the light Aelia rubs her eyes looking down at her nephew "Come on baby" she gently picks Andrew up rocking side to side "Shh, it's okay. Auntie's here. What's wrong bub? Hungry?"

Andrew made noises "Alright come on. Let make you a bottle" she walked down stairs to the kitchen pulling out a baby bottle, a gallon of baby water, and baby formula "Shh it's okay" Aelia shushed him once he started to cry

Shaking the bottle she looks down at Andrew "You're lucky you're cute" she muttered looking at the time, hopefully she could get him back to sleep "Here we go. Eat up" Andrew quickly starts drinking the bottle

"Aelia?" A sleepy voice asked, turning around she saw Debbie standing in the kitchen doorway rubbing her eyes "Deb's what are you doing up? It's..." she quickly looks at the time "4:20 in the morning. You should be sleeping you got school in a couple of hours"

Debbie shrugged, walking towards her sister and nephew "Heard you talking, wanted to make sure you're okay" Debbie told her sister looking down at Andrew who was looking around the kitchen with his big blue eyes "I'm okay. You're nephew decided he was hungry"

Debbie smiled at Andrew as he finished his bottle "Are you sure you're okay to go to work today?" Debbie asked worried, Aelia hasn't been getting a lot of sleep "I'll be fine Deb's. I've been out for a week, luckily Richard has been understanding on what happened but I need to go back"

Debbie sighed but knew not to ask anymore, when her sister sets her mind on something she pushes through it no matter how tired she is or how hurt she is "Go back to sleep Deb's. I'm okay" Aelia kissed her sister head making Debbie smile before she went back upstairs

— —

"Wake up! Come on kids" Aelia knocked on each of her siblings doors as she walked downstairs already dressed and holding Andrew. Since today was her first day back after getting Andrew she wanted to make a nice breakfast for everyone

Andrew was wearing a green shirt with black sweats and his white shoes, his hair was messy and his blue eyes droopy since he just woke up

"Honey I'm home!" Elena yelled as Aelia walked down the stairs "Morning Elena. Mind making Andrew his bottle?"

"No problem"

Elena took Andrew from her as they both walked into the kitchen. Aelia made quick work getting the eggs and veggies out "Omelet's for breakfast!" Aelia yelled so the kids upstairs would hear

"So, how are you doing?" Elena asked feeding Andrew "I'm okay, a little tired. The little guy over there woke up at 4 in the morning" Elena looked at Andrew "Did you wake auntie up? Did you wake auntie up?" She asked in a baby voice making Aelia laugh

"Morning" the two turned to see the kids walking in dressed for school "Morning guys. Your bags are by the door, homework is checked and lunch is packed in the fridge" Aelia told them platting the last Omelet

"When did you do all that?" Carl asked, taking a bite of his food. "Last night before I went to sleep" Aelia sat down "So who's going to be home and who's going to be out?"

"I have work after school until 8" Lip told her. He got the job two days after his interview and Aelia couldn't be prouder

"I have basketball practice until 6" Carl told her

"I have football practice until 6 as well" Ian said grabbing a cup of coffee

"I have soccer practice until 6 too" Liam said stuffing his mouth with food making Debbie scrunch her nose in disgust before turning to her sister "I have debate practice until 5"

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